Outer Tilog (Realm)/Brittiany Torture
This is the chronicle of Brittiany and her experiences with Outer Tilogian hospitality.
'Twas not long ago that one of OT's most memorable tourists found herself in the expert hands of the Ignoble Judge Despyria for carrying out some rather troublesome "mischief". Outer Tilogians are naturally a forgiving lot, and a lot of the Outer Tilogian nobles met Brittiany and forgave her personally.
Despyria's Visit
"I saw your message to your leaders. I am glad that you are enjoying our amenities... when you get out be sure to tell all of your friends what an enjoyable place OT is and that we love to have visitors." Despyria cooed the vistors.
The small ageless woman drives her spiked heel into Brittany's hand, that is held dopwn by a burly guard. It puntures all the way through but missing all vital areas. If it doesn't get infected Brittiany will escape with only a scar.
The Supreme Justice squats lightly examining the hand impaled between her feet. She smiles with a bit of mirth as she notices that end of the blood encrusted pinky finger.
Taking the pliers offered her by her waiting assistant she slowly starts to peel back the nail on the thumb, paying careful attention to be sure that she gets all the pain she can from the proceedure.
As she finishs she hears Brittiany babble something incoherently.
"Now, now, dear." She entones almost motherly, "I don't want information from you... I just want you to know what you can expect from your visits to fair Outer Tilog."
As she leaves, heels clicking on the flag stone floor, her right heel leaves a small mark of Brittiany's blood in it's wake.
While the door is closing she chirps, "I will be back tomorrow and you can expect more visitors than just me"
Zane's Visit
Brittiany is shocked out of a fitful, nightmare-wracked slumber when the slops bucket from her cell is dumped on her head. Sputtering and wiping the foul liquid out of her eyes, Brittiany sees a dapper young lord standing in the door of the cell.
Good evening - or should I say good morning? I never can tell in the wee hours of the morning. Ah well, regardless. I am Zane, from the Ministry of Entertainment and Tourism. I'm surveying the visitors currently enjoying the hospitality of our facilities. How are you enjoying your stay here so far?
(Zane looks at Brittiany's still-bleeding fingers) Ah, yes. I see you've had the honor of a visit form our dread judge, Despyria. So early in your visit, too! You are truly fortunate to merit such exalted attention. Although ... I would recommend washing those slops off the raw wounds before they get too infected.
What's that? Water? Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry, but clean water is simply not available to guests and I'm afraid you've already used up your weekly quota of moat dregs. I do hope you have that looked at as soon as you return home, though. Gangrene is quite uncomfortable, I'm told.
(Zane guestures to someone outside the cell. A particularly large, low-browed, brutish trooper who appears to have several gorillas in his recent ancestry enters the cell and pulls on a pair of spiked steel gauntlets) As a special service to our guests this evening, we're providing complimentary body cavity searches. Bruno here is one of my very best assistants. He will very thoroughly make sure that you haven't accidentally brought any dangerous or illegal substances into our fair realm. It's for your own saftey, you know.
What's that? Oh, I say. Why does everyone respond to our services with such revulsion? We go the extra mile to provide our guests with a visit they'll remember for the rest of their lives. And what do we get in return? Scorn, anger, weeping, whining. Ah, well, that's entertainment.
I'm off to visit the next cell. Do enjoy your stay. And tell all your friends! We have lots of vacancies. No reservations required. Ta ta!
(Zane waves jauntily and steps out of the cell. Bruno grunts wordlessly, licks his lips in anticipation and steps forward, eclipsing the light from the open cell door ... )
Cue screaming.
Pharmakeus' Visit
Brittiany is yet again woken from a fitful pain-wracked attempt at slumber, feeling a warming sensation on her midriff. She awakes to find a dark cloaked figure sitting next to her.
"Greetings, Brittiany, I am Pharmakeus, the Poisoner of Outer Tilog. No, no now don't try struggling it will only tighten the bonds. Oh that feeling, well if you look down you will see one of my pets has begun to burrow into your gullet. He won't do much harm. I have nullified his reproductive organs so he and his kind will not totally infest your body and eat it from the inside out. This particular fellow should only cause you the most interesting of stomach ailments for a few days. You will vomit blood occassionally and most surely you will lose the control of your bowels and bladder for the next few weeks but that should all be o.k. I just wanted you to remember your visit here for a while after you leave."
Pharmakeus stands and walks over to his little black bag and begins to rummage though it.
"Ah, here this one should be just right."
Pharmakeus removes a small brown stoppered vial in the shape of a skull. He gently applies two drops to each eye and replaces the stopper carefully and puts the vial back.
"Now that is just a slight concentration of Belladonna so that we might enlarge the pupil of your eyes a bit. you do know that "Belladona" means "Beautful Lady" for it makes your eyes appear so attracive, although a side effect is of course the paralysis of the eye and concurrent blurring of the vision."
Pharmakeus waits patiently for the effects of the viscous liquid to take over.
"There, now you see how I can insert this thin rod straight into the fully opened iris and you truly feel no pain? See I sometimes find it better to do my work without the subject screaming all the time. I hate screaming. don't worry though if you do feel the need to scream you can, for I can paralyze those muscles also and though you will feel as if you are screaming, therefore satisfying your needs, I will not hear anything therefore satisfying my needs for peace and quiet."
Pharmakeus removes the rod and a small drop of the vitrous humour from Brittiany's left eye drips off. He kindly and gently removes the ooze from his subject's cheek.
"There, well I will leave your other eye whole, but unfortunatley while you will still have somewhat decent vision, you will no longer have any depth perception and it will be most uncomfortable for you to use this eye for long periods of time. I would also not recommend moving very quickly for you will most certainly fall over your own feet especially when attempting to ascend or descend up stairs or a hill or such." Pharmakeus places a gentle hand on Brittiany and brushes back her stringy sweat soaked hair. "There now that's better isn't it? You really should expose that lovely face a bit more often. Oh, now don't cry this will all be over soon enough and you shall be set free and allowed to return to your own demense. Farewell Brittiany it was very nice to meet you. I may come back later just to see how things are going."
Pharmakeus packs his utensils back up and quietly exits the dank cell and lets Brittiany fade back into unconsciousness.
Angus' Visit
Angus approaches the honored guest, Brittany's cell, honey pot in hand. Nodding to Zane as he enters Brittany's cell he approaches the "guest." With a smile he notices the look of extreme concern on Brittany's face. With a malicious grin he approaches.
Well now Brittany I hope you like honey covered ants!
Angus dips a finger in the honey pot and dabs a dot on Brittany's nose and places one red fire ant on it. Next he drips a drop of honey in his ear and adds an ant there. The last ant he puts in Brittany's pants.
Now we shall just wait and listen for the screams.
Angus laughs as he sits back to watch.
Triodoccio's Visit
Triodoccio walks slowly over to Brittany, who notices that Triodoccio seems to have an odd expression on his face.
He cleans Brittany's cheek of some vitreous humour, and smiles a glazed smile, and says, "Do you know of the miraculous effects of cockroach curried in a python's digestive fluids? In moderate quatities (no more than a drop for any but the suicidal), it can stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain. I will give you a drop of this wondrous potion."
Triodoccio feeds her a sip of the concoction. Brittany's foot suddenly painfully gets cut by her bonds to the bone as her leg rises to jam it quite painfully into her already destroyed eye socket. The other leg bends in a way that even the cruelest of the Gods, Trullzigotta - may his spleen be the source of infinite pain and suffering - would not have but felt sympathy for.
But wait, why are Brittany's hands suddenly turning a particular shade of blackish-purple, wilting, and becoming akin to the roots of a sapling that had a close encounter of the unfortunate kind with some pretty mean insects?
"Oh wait!" says Triodoccio, in a distant voice, "Did I forget to mention the secret ingredient I added to your potion? Just a couple of tapeworm I had fattened by feeding them live earthworms. It is said that this wreaks havoc on what my gardener called the Central Nervous System. I don't really know what system it is, and why it's nervous. Oh well, I'm sure the effects will wear off in a few years."
Triodoccio walks off to drink another bottle of the magic spirit.