Ornate Cloak

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This beautiful cloak was discovered by Brighid Rahl in a monster lair December 8, 2009. It adds +1 to one's prestige.

It was discovered in Watersdown, under the rule of Celeborn Rahl.

Brighid had recently joined the faith of Na Diaga, shared by Lord Celeborn and nearly every peasant in Watersdown. The region nearly throbbed with Celtic energy and Brighid was praying for good fortune throughout the day. When she was nearly cut down by the monster it seemed her prayers had not been heard, but the surprise victory and the discovery of the Ornate Cloak made it clear beyond a doubt to Brighid that Na Diaga was the real thing, something with power that she could be confident in.

Who knows where the Ornate Cloak will end up, though first it will be repaired