Latlan Herald/Issue 3

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Issue 03 The Voice of Latlan 3 Silver

Capital Referendum
8th June 2007 (Heen) by Dimon
In light of overwhelming evidence that an invasion of the walking dead and scary beasties is once again upon us, Queen Martana has called a referendum on whether to move the capital to Tahgalez, to keep it in Heen or even to move it to Latlan. Although the Queen appears to favour Tahgalez as our new capital, the ensuing realm debate appears to show a majority in favour of maintaining the status quo or moving the seat of government to Latlan. Her majesty has stressed that the poll is advisory only.

Update - 11th June - The poll has been held and Latlan has come out the victor with many nobles being swayed by it's defensive location. However, in light of the results it looks like the capital shall remain in Heen for the time being. Here are the results in full:

  • 9 votes for Latlan
  • 7 votes for Heen
  • 6 votes for Tahgalez
  • 1 votes for Ling
  • 1 abstentions
  • 3 votes were not cast
Government Rumours
26th June 2007 (Latlan) by Dimon
Whispers that Arch Priest Medium shall step down by the end of the week have spread through the Kingdom like wildfire over the last days. It is unknown who exactly will step forward to take the Arch Priests place. However it is fully expected that Attila, former Duke of Latlan, will run for the position.

Attila recently re-emerged to the world again making a full recovery from his ailments.

Granary Report
14th June 2007 (Latlan) by Dimon
With all rumours pointing towards Beluaterra once again being overwhelmed with hordes of monsters and undead, prices at the markets seem to have risen drastically. Thankfully both Heen and indeed the Duchy of Latlan are entirely self sufficient and are largely sheltered from this effect.

Despite the favourable situation, the possibility of starvation has become very real across the Kingdom in recent days in the aftermath of a revolt by warehouse workers. Without a quick resolution to the crisis, Latlan may soon find herself suffering under official rationing.

Duke Attila Steps Down
22nd May 2007 (Latlan) by Dimon
Earlier today Duke Attila announced that he would step away from public office for the benefit of his health. Although the exact nature of the Duke's ailment is unknown, it is well known around Latlan that the Duke had become increasingly frail over the past weeks. That being said, none expected the illness to be so severe that he had to retire from public life completely.

The Office of the Arch Priest has informed us that Duke Attila has taken an extended leave of absence from his Bureaucracy duties. However in a poignant (and rare) show of solidarity between the people of Latlan, the warring religious factions within the city called a general cease fire in order to hold vigils for the health of their former Duke.

At this time, it remains unknown who shall emerge as Duke Attila's successor, though the Latlan Herald has learned that Attila himself favours Count Fror of Sotrebar as his designated successor.

New Duke Announced
31st May 2007 (Latlan) by Dimon
In a lavish ceremony, Count Fror of Sotrebar was invested as the new Duke of Latlan today. With his usual zest and energy, Duke Fror announced immediately that a festival would be held in celebration and his plans to continue Attila's expansion of Latlan infrastructure. The ascendancy of Fror has been greeted with widespread enthusiasm throughout the Duchy and this reporter wishes Duke Fror all the best for the future.