Kingsley Family/Alyssa/King's Summons

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The King stood on the balcony of the castle's tallest tower, overlooking the harbour. Warm breeze caressed his emaciated face and played with his unkempt gray hair, bright noon sun brought some rose to his pale cheeks. He seemed happy. As happy as a ghoul who crawled into the sun after a hundred years spent in a sealed crypt.

The city below was bustling with life. There were no official celebrations announced but ever since the long peace started the people of Perdan entered this festive mood that usually goes with the arrival of long coveted peace. Who won the war? Kay'd be damned if he knew. But the smallfolk could not care less. What mattered was that for the first time in many many years they were not burying their husbands and sons, and wives and daughters for the entire week. And there was hope that this could last for a few more weeks. Who knows?

"Your Majesty. Urgent corresondence from the Chamber of War." Kay's valet stood in the doorway with a heap of letters and notes.

Kay regarded the letters ponderously and shuffled his feet back into the room, taking a sit on the bed. He stayed silent for a short while, thinking. Then spoke under his breath.

"It all makes sense now, Detlef."

"What does, My Liege?" Detlef was confused.

"The riddle.. that is my life." Kay noted, still lost in thought and aloof. But then quickly waved his valet's confusion away. "No matter. I am too tired. I need to sleep. But I will pen replies in the evening when I wake up, leave them on the table." he gestured toward a massive table, already buried under a pile of letters, both sealed and opened. "And Detlef... Send the messengers." ______________________

King Kay lied in his bed, eyes closed, his breath deep and steady. As he slipped further into his dream, three riders in royal liveries left the castle and galloped east down the old cobblestone road, their capes flapping in the wind. Somewhere along the castle walls a guard sounded his horn, announcing the departure of royal emissaries. And then all was silent again. Not a sound in the sunlit courtyard, as Kay dreamt of ancient battles and long dead brothers and sisters in arms.



King's messenger found Imperatrix as she was sitting by her wounded lover's side or out in the field training her troops (your choice). A young man in royal livery made his way through her own personal retinue and took a knee.

"Lady Imperatrix, His Majesty summons you to his chambers."

He then handed her a small note, bearing Kay's personal seal.


I need to see you in person. In two days at noon come to the castle."



King's messenger found Nemean as he was out in the field, dispatching scouts and processing their reports. A young man in royal livery bowed politely and produced a small letter, bearing Kay's personal seal.

"Ser Nemean, His Majesty summons you to his chambers." ~Kay Peregrine's messenger

Morning had already surrendered to the ever rising sun. Fog that had crept around the trees, hugging the fields in a jealous embrace had since dissipated. The only reminder of its existence, the odd droplet that yet clung in the shade. The warmth of day hunting them relentlessly. Standing in the shade of an old oak Nemean was discussing reports with several of his scouts. The two men and three women had ridden before dawn. Having put in a full day's work well before the great orb in the sky heralded midday. Dressed in light leathers, knee high boots and a comfortable linnen shirt of creme beige he didn't look so distant. His bearing however lending the greatest part to his regal demeanor. Nemean listened keenly. His eyes bright at every snipped of new information. Questions at the ready and fired as surely as a seasoned marksman would hit a pheasant at a hundred paces.

The man in royal livery approached, made his introduction wordlessly but after clearing his throat. Curious green eyes studied for more signs but received none as Nemean accepted the letter. The royal seal felt familiar under his fingers yet he treated it reverently. A Royal seal. The mountain bird the thought came to mind as he looked at the image of the avian of House Peregrine pressed into the wax.

The gathered scouts instinctively tensed up at the mention of the summons. Something that didn't pass Nemean's notice. You can go. The tone as dismissive as the words themselves. He gestured at the messenger. Inform the King that I shall be there presently. Looking back at the scouts he felt a tinge of challenge. It shouldn't take more than a day's ride, thank the King for his generous time-frame. One of the scouts grinned.

Fluidly both the messenger and Nemean turned away. Each going their own way. One to deliver the response and the other making ready to depart in much the same direction. Captain, keep the men stationed and ready. Ulli saluted, knowing that simply nodding would draw ire. You know the drill, keep these people here busy riding in circles until they spot something worth sharing. Indicating the scouts he softened his words with half a smile. Turning the left corner of his mouth upwards. He turned his head just in time to see the messenger ride beyond view.

It didn't take that long at all to put his other affairs in order. Good staff and good people had that effect. Ultimately he stood by his horse with more than a little surprise. All he could really do was shrug at their smug expression as they send him off to meet the King. He couldn't help himself glancing back over his shoulder as he set out for the Capital of Perdan City. All he could see was how his people resumed their duties without fault or flaw and it filled him with pride.

Villagers ceased their work and looked up. A dog mimicked its owner. Pricking up its triangular ears while its black, stubby nose scented the air. Riding on the high bank, that in a forgotten time would have delineated the river's edge, Nemean turned his head taking in the vista. The river had over the years or perhaps generations slid further and further away. Ever cutting a deeper gully while at the same time sweeping the other bank with its gentle current. The farmstead had a tall wall, solid and carefully constructed. It faced the riverside but it had been a very long time indeed since it braced the dwelling from the river's swells. Or indeed provided easy access to the waters, below its now high windows. Instead it presently towered over a small vegetable patch. Nemean imagined he could see bumblebees but he was much too far away to actually spot any.

He had ridden long enough to have left the rocky forests of Nascot behind him. Following the Bescan river was an easy and sure way to reach Perdan. Humble streams joined and joined until the main river grew fat. It had been a wonderful time. Riding, nature and not having to worry about anyone. A joy shared by his mount. The dark brown coated creature had stamina to last for days. Or so she made it seem. Nemean was careful to let her rest and drink at regular intervals. It gave him time to eat as well after all. Simple fare had to do. Bread, smoked cold meats and watered down wine. Somewhere along the way an old woman collecting firewood had offered to share a handful a gathered nuts with him which he gratefully accepted. Afterwards he had pressed a gold coin in her palm. To which she reacted with equal measures of shock and refusal. In the end he simply rode away with a big smile on his face and offering a multitude of apologies as to why he couldn't take it back. It were the small things that mattered.

Arriving at the main road, connecting the largest town in Bescanon to the capital, the easy and almost careless part of the journey was definitely over. Sitting in the saddle he peered off into the direction of Riverwatch Castle. A smudge at best on the horizon. The seat of the Imperatrix. Putting a hand to his steeds neck he brought the creature to a full standstill. There there. His eyes never leaving the smudge. He wondered where the warcamp would be. Thought about Delphine. She would be down there somewhere. Waiting on consequences. He swallowed, just as much his thoughts. Taking the reins again he guided rider and beast onward onto the cobbled road. He looked one last time and made promises only he was witness to.

The day was mostly done. Done with the light that had graced the land. The people with their labors, giving up on worries and rather occupying themselves with food and well deserved rest. Done was the leisure of riding as well. The freedom of the road once more conceded to the realities of life. The imposing of responsibility as one reentered society. Unspoken, unheralded yet there. The gates of Perdan were not yet closed but soon they would be. Riding through them they always inspired him with a measure of awe. It was more than a symbolic crossing. That they were made by human hands. The sheer cost alone. His eyes drank in the craftsmanship, before they were called to the captain of the guard that was on duty. After a brief exchange Nemean was permitted through.

The glow of warm fires spilled lazily through simple windows. Even the shuttered ones offered slits of light and noticeable heat as one passed. The streets gradually emptied, in turn the tables that stood in homes found hungry guests. The smells of a hundred hundred meals intermingled as Nemean rode past. Probably more when he thought about it. A lonesome child greeted him with a wave. The dirt yet clung to its face. the ragged cloak a very visible sign she must've been a beggar or worse, a lost orphan. He frowned, the two probably were one and the same. What he did then surprised even him. Slowing his mount he reached down and picked the girl up. She weighed so little he had to adjust his seating halfway through. Placing her in front of him on the saddle. She must've been several summers at best. Five maybe? Her cowl stank. The horse shifted underneath them. Nemean looked down at the girl's face. She looked back at him. Her eyes uncertain and her small body tense. It touched him somewhere deep. A rising indignation was what he could identify but there was far more to the ocean he tapped into. He inclined his head at her and nodded twice, slowly. Making a clicking noise with his mouth and bracing the girl with his arms while holding the reins and they were off.

The palace lay ahead. The grand fortress that over time lost more and more of its defensive features and with the slow passing of time grew ever so slightly into a grander and greater palace. The guards frightened the little girl. Her tiny hands grasping the loose fabric of Nemean's shirt. Wiggling deep behind his arms and using the scant cover of the horse's manes and head. For a moment he thought she would jump off entirely. Her attempts at hiding failed utterly. Not that she realized it though. Few of the guards dared mention the discrepancy in the Noble's attire. That's probably how they viewed the stowaway. None of them uttered an actual word about it directly of course. Nemean's gaze made sure of that. Probably much the same look men like them had given her, during her short life on the streets. Even the horse snorted in her defense. Possibly the most terrifying of all the gestures and postures.

Riding into the Royal stables came with a unique situation. Dismounting went fine but then she just sat there. On the saddle and clutching the horn. Knowing a moment of uncertainty himself Nemean frowned heavily. Scaring the little thing and she held her breath. Instantly he mellowed, scowling at himself. Reaching out his arms he picking her up. She dodged his eyes with her own. Rigid in his hands. One of the stable hands, a man well advanced into his twenties stood nearby. His eyes equally surprised as Nemean placed her carefully on the floor. She initially didn't put her feet down even. Retracting them above the ground as if it was lava. It's alright, but you have to stand now. His voice wasn't quite paternal but with the finality of the outcome heavy in his words she complied. Unbidden she grabbed hold of his pants. He started slightly until it flowed into a more resigned sigh that saw his mouth close. The stable hand smartly kept his likewise shut. Brows well arched and a tiny smirk gracing the corners of his lips as he took the horse away to receive all the care it deserved.

The way to the main hall of the palace was a slow journey. The girl's legs were short and she gaped at practically everything. At some point Nemean resorted to lightly ushering her along. A hand between her shoulder-blades. Just before arriving at the huge hall an aged maid, perhaps forty but still looking as if she hardly passed her early thirties stepped up. Her concern plain as day. In her eyes Nemean was probably awfully clumsy, a kind description she didn't even have to utter. Her entire body language spoke book-volumes. After a brief exchange where she offered to feed and wash the poor thing she left very little to decide as she practically spirited the girl away from his care. Nemean looked after her as she took the girl away. Taking in the features of the maid, he had to remember her. He resumed his way though. Passing through the great hall. From there he allowed himself to be appointed and subsequently led to a private room. Once there he spend some time refreshing himself. Sorely needed after the day's ride. Once he was done he discovered a small plate of dried foods had been left for him. While he couldn't deny he was hungry he spend very little time on it. In fact, he practically spend two breaths in front of the dish. One to look it over and the second to grab a few things as he resolved to see the King right away.

Dried figs, a small, hard bread which he broke in half and stuffed with old and silty cheese. The last thing that he took with him to eat along the way was a cured sausage. It oozes slightly but it didn't bother him too much. Cleaning his fingers on the dry bread as he went. The Kings chambers were a ways away and he had to ask for directions. Eventually after climbing stairs, straight and spiraling ones of which he probably could've avoided at least some and marching down several hallways he was there. The King's chambers. Royal Guards flanked the door. The wing was entirely empty except for those that belonged. That didn't include Nemean and he was watched. A Royal steward took note of his presence, inquired as to his business and promised to presently inform the King of his arrival. Immediately also offering a well practiced apology that pretty much encapsulated the fact that the King was probably fast asleep and that it might be a while. Easy grace as the steward pin pointed a rather comfortable looking bench for Nemean to wait. For however long it would take for the King to wake and to be ready to receive him. All of this was of course accompanied with a multitude of pensive looks and well formed, polite smiles.

There was no point in arguing. Nor did he want to. The King would be ready when the King would be ready. As such Nemean nodded his assent. The bench was even more comfortable than it looked. Perky. The thought made him smirk. While seated he looked up at the painted ceiling. Glanced down the hallways and did all the things people do when they're waiting. Filling their time with whatever they could.



After they arrived in the city, he and Dustiria had arranged their usual room at the Stump and gone down their own paths. He was still not certain that what Alyssa needed was a sworn sword, right now, but that would wait until she or Isana left the tower. There were deep matters to be resolved there, and how that went would determine his own next steps.

But, as they were still closeted together, he would turn his attention to the other matter that brought him to the city. And his preparations for that were thorough and careful. Thorough washing and grooming, hair carefully braided, and his sword attended to in case called on for some ceremonial purpose. His clothing from the Duke, though recently warn at the Gala, were still the best he had. Paired with his circlet as Earl, his new Ambassadorial chain completed the look, the heavy gold links and the Lionshead pendant adding gravity to his scant years. These all took time, but he had arrived with plenty, and as his troops patrolled on the route from the Stump to the palace to make sure all was clear, he settled his three signet rings and breathed deeply.

He knew not what was coming, but he was as ready as he could be for any matter of the court. If it were something else...Well, he would cross that bridge if he came to it.

He timed his arrival for an hour before noon. That was likely far too early, but it would give him room to navigate his way if needed, as he was unfamiliar with the King's chambers. And after introducing himself to a passing scribe (hardly necessary with his chain, there were only two Ambassadors and a blind drunk could not mistake him for the Duke), he was led up many stairs, and down many hallways, before being deposited in front of what he guessed was the King's personal steward. After an exchange of niceties which took a fair amount of time, but could be summed up as "The King is not yet ready to receive you, take a seat", he was directed around a corner to a convenient bench, no doubt installed for those petitioners who awaited the King.

He was somewhat surprised to see Nemean there, though not terribly so as he still had no idea why he himself was here, and gave a polite bow as he would to an equal, acknowledging that House Renodin had a far more illustrious name and history than House MacArbin despite their current difference in title.

"May I join you, my lord?"



He was somewhat surprised to see Nemean there, though not terribly so as he still had no idea why he himself was here, and gave a polite bow as he would to an equal, acknowledging that House Renodin had a far more illustrious name and history than House MacArbin despite their current difference in title.

"May I join you, my lord?" ~Kenneth MacArbin

Looking up from his perch upon the bench Nemean gave the newcomer a look over. Not so much an unfamiliar face at that but he took the time to let Kenneth stand there with the question hanging in the air between them. The gold of the ambassador's chain glittered in the light. His nails were manicured. Polished to a shine. Even the younger man's hair had received copious amounts of care. Nemean slowly nodded. Returning his eyes to meet those of Kenneth.

With his hand he gestured towards the other side of the bench. Please, see yourself seated. Soon after he delivered the words he shifted his weight and made some additional room as to give Kenneth a respectable share of the bench. Waiting a while for the man to take his place before continuing. Noting whatever the man's body-language might reveal. I see you had as much luck with the doorman. A conspiratorial glance indicated the Royal steward. He leaned slightly closer for his next few words. Bastards, all of them. Trained to be polite and snide at the same time. Extending his thumb from his fist Nemean shared a throat cutting gesture with his bench partner. Followup up with a nearly imperceptible nod as to affirm that -that- was the thing to do. The exchange was rounded out with an easy and lazy smile before Nemean leaned back into the bench.

And so time continued to stretch as the King presumably remained in the land of dreams.



Kenneth kept his polite smile up as Nemean gave him a once-over, and at the other man's gesture went to seat himself. He was slightly stiff from the nervous curiosity at what all this was about, and his fingers beat a quick rhythm on his knee.

He leaned slightly closer for his next few words. Bastards, all of them. Trained to be polite and snide at the same time. Extending his thumb from his fist Nemean shared a throat cutting gesture with his bench partner. Followup up with a nearly imperceptible nod as to affirm that -that- was the thing to do. The exchange was rounded out with an easy and lazy smile before Nemean leaned back into the bench.

Kenneth's face betrayed nothing. Now was not the time, and he had learned much better control of such things with all the intensive diplomatic work.

"Not a fan of waiting either, I see. I suppose we could carve our way through to the King, but it seems unlikely that would make the resulting conversation enjoyable."

His eyes moved away from Nemean, watching the movements of the messengers and scribes and other officials.

"It is strange, in a way, that they all have more contact with the King than any of the high nobles of the realm do, day in and day out. Have to imagine it changes their perspective on their place in things."



The scrape of the door against the wall as it opened jolted Alyssa awake. Her head turned immediately to the sound, her eyes alert and sharp as she instinctively reached for her sword she kept near the bed. But she was not in her bed, and there was no sword there. In any case the person who opened the door was Dustiria, and there was no reason to reach for a sword. Alyssa took a deep breath and a quick glance at Isana who still lay next to her. Alyssa leaned back against the headboard and motioned for Dustiria to come in. In her hand she held a letter, bearing a letter with the royal seal. She bit her lip and gave Dustiria a look as she accepted the letter.

"Lady Imperatrix, His Majesty summons you to his chambers."

He then handed her a small note, bearing Kay's personal seal. "Alyssa,

I need to see you in person. In two days at noon come to the castle."

Two days then. She wondered what the meeting would be about. Clearly it was something vital for him to request her in person.

"The King wishes to see me." She announced, setting the letter on the bed, her thoughts immediately trying to work out the why.

Alyssa inspected herself in the looking glass, a simple white dress with a gold sash around her waist, in it tucked the ceremonial Blade of the Imperator, a badge of her office, ornamented and dulled. Her hair was up in a tightly braided bun held together with the simple hairpin, a minuscule chain with a little wolf's head charm hung from the pin. Satisfied, she set her hand idly on the sword at her hip and gave herself a nod.

She stepped gracefully down the stairs pulling the hem of her dress up an inch as she descended, stopping at the guest room where Dustiria and other guards had been stationed. She gave a nod to Dustiria as she returned from changing and opened the door to see her love laying there greeting her with a smile. Two days of recovery had seemed to do her well, she seemed almost fully mobile and her wound had healed nicely considering. The healers still gave her an extra day of rest, but her recovery had been fortunately quick.

"How do I look?" Alyssa asked as she gave a little spin. A smile and a nod from the woman on the bed made her own lips turn up into a little smile as well.

"Then I'm off." Alyssa said as she took a step forward and kissed her. "I'll come right back I promise." She gave a confident nod and marched off towards the King's keep.

The King's private wing was exactly as Alyssa remembered it. She had been here only once before but the memory stuck with her vividly. She had met with the King just after his death. The empty sound of his voice rang out in her mind as clouds of dark smoke hung around his pale and pained figure. "I saw you. And Smiddich. And Banetal, and Ulric. And my father. My enemies. Many people who are now dead or alive. Everyone I knew. Everyone who knew me. And they all looked at me. Sympathetic, but also judgemental. You, they, the entire universe judged me forever for the way I lived my life. I did not feel shame, I believe I have done well. But now I also see that I can do better. So that when I am back to the ghastly shores, I will know my extra time here was not a waste." ~~ Kay Peregrine

I can do better, have I? Or have I failed again. She knew there would be only one path to finding out. Alyssa approached the guardsman at the door the King's solar.

"My Lady Imperatrix," The royal steward said as she approached. "I presume you are here for the meeting as well?" She nodded and he opened the door for her, as she entered the King's private room. His personal quarters she remembered were down the hallway, where they had met before for the first time since his death. Idly, she wondered if they were always messy like they were that day or if it was the circumstances. Did the steward say as well?

As she entered the room to wait for leave to speak to the King she immediately became concerned at the two other occupants who sat upon a bench near the hallway leading to the King's personal quarters. She stood straight as ever as she eyed the two men, one of who was whispering something to the other as she entered.

"Lord Kenneth. Sir Nemean." She said flatly, her cool blue eyes passing between the two of them. If she had any idea of the purpose of this meeting, she did not anymore as she took the steps forward, stopping at a comfortable distance.



Alyssa's approach right at the end of his words caused Kenneth to immediately switch his attention. He searched her face, intently...And found that he could tell little. Possibly a little more harrowed, a little more tired than usual, but it was hard to tell. That told some tale, likely good, but he would have to see.

He stood smoothly, bowing.

"Imperatrix. Now, I know, is not the time, but my words stand. In the court, or in the city square, or before the King himself if I have to."

He looked up at her from his bow, not straightening himself yet, eyes utterly serious.

"Need I do so?"



Alyssa gave a curtsy in response to Lord Kenneth's bow, giving him her attention as he spoke.

"Imperatrix. Now, I know, is not the time, but my words stand. In the court, or in the city square, or before the King himself if I have to."

He looked up at her from his bow, not straightening himself yet, eyes utterly serious.

"Need I do so?"

She was somewhat surprised at the mention of their private correspondence, stealing a slight glance at the Sir still sitting on the bench before returning her attention to back to the Lord in front of her. She gave an uneasy glare towards him as he finished

"No, Lord Kenneth. It is not the time, and no, you do not."

She held her hands behind her back, standing at ease as she watched the two men carefully. "You have matters to speak to the King about as well, I assume?"



"Not a fan of waiting either, I see. I suppose we could carve our way through to the King, but it seems unlikely that would make the resulting conversation enjoyable." His eyes moved away from Nemean, watching the movements of the messengers and scribes and other officials. "It is strange, in a way, that they all have more contact with the King than any of the high nobles of the realm do, day in and day out. Have to imagine it changes their perspective on their place in things." ~Kenneth MacArbin

He couldn't disagree with the young Ambassador so he nodded. Still there was something off about the description in his mind. A moment later it came to him and he spoke. Does the hammer or the saw seem elevated or share higher status when in the hands of a craftsman? I'd posit they are still tools. Good for a role but nothing beyond that. He gave Kenneth a pensive look before continuing. I doubt the King's cat will ever speak politics to the man, just as an example. That last addition was accompanied with a small shrug.

"Lord Kenneth. Sir Nemean." She said flatly, her cool blue eyes passing between the two of them. If she had any idea of the purpose of this meeting, she did not anymore as she took the steps forward, stopping at a comfortable distance. ~Alyssa Kingsley

That voice was familiar to him. The tone even more so. It caused him to turn his head slowly in the direction of the Imperatrix. Deliberate enough for Kenneth to ascent to his feet and do an entire bow. As the man uttered his words Nemean simply looked at Alyssa. Studying her face and drawing his own conclusions. As he did so his expression adopted a faint shade of kindness. When she deigned to finally look him in the eyes he simply inclined his head. His lips soundlessly offering a greeting. As she and Kenneth exchanged words there was little else to do but wait. An excellent time for his arm to snake along the back of the bench. Quietly deciphering the words on offer. Clearly the young Ambassador had hidden meaning and he offered it blatantly to the Imperatrix.

"No, Lord Kenneth. It is not the time, and no, you do not."

She held her hands behind her back, standing at ease as she watched the two men carefully. "You have matters to speak to the King about as well, I assume?" ~Alyssa Kingsley

The tinge of anger that lurked in her gaze spoke volumes and all Nemean could do to hide a small current of mirth was to keep his lips in a straight line. His eyes rolling from the Lady until they found the Lord. Resolving to intercede on Kenneth's behalf he cleared his throat. Intercede was perhaps too strong a term he realized as he looked down at the floor for a split second before speaking. You look distant as ever, Imperatrix. I hope you are well. Would you care to sit? I could remove myself entirely if that offered some scant comfort. The offer hung in the air for a moment. As to your question. He gave her a weighted look. I, in fact have nothing at present to discuss with His Majesty. Should I, my words never fail to find him. A blink half veiled a glance thrown at Kenneth. The King saw fit to summon me. As such I came. The message seemed somber and was terse. That last was only barely a statement as he allowed his eyes to linger on Alyssa.

With that he had given her enough to think about he reckoned. While at the same time having continued his fine game of word fencing with the young Ambassador. Unspoken however he felt a degree of worry for Alyssa. Her expression didn't look right. She rested her weight awkwardly to him and just something else, he couldn't put his finger on it. There was a great loss. It made him venture another question. How is Shadow? His brow laden with concern he didn't intend to show.



The royal's wing of the castle was eerily quite. Kay did not even leave his chamber to witness Duke's return and welcome him home. Servants and guards talked in hushed voices, as if Kay was indeed still asleep.

It was way past noon when the steward accompanied by several King’s personal guards finally appeared before the trio to usher them into the royal chamber. As they entered, the guards immediately locked the door from without and stood beside it vigilantly. No one was to find out what was said inside that room today. Not yet at least.



As they passed through the doorway, they found themselves in a small well-lit solar. It seemed quite empty. The king was still in his luxurious bed. By the bed they could notice a night table, where the crown was carelessly dropped. By the crown they could see a glass of water with a milky precious gem on the bottom. The gem Kay liked to put in his empty eye socket.

The king himself was covered with blankets up to his chest. He wore only a silken white shirt and several precious rings on his fingers. He looked all skin and bones and his skin was more gray than pale. Kay turned his head toward his young guests and they saw the sinister cavity of his left eye, with scar tissue where a misericorde entered his flesh. On his bare neck another terrifying scar could be seen. This scar could only be left by a wound that is incompatible with any hopes for survival.

“Come, my children,” the king croaked. A faint smile touched his thin bloodless lips. “Come. I do not feel well today, but I still need to talk to you. This can not wait.”

He would pat the side of his bed as if inviting them all to sit by his side, like good children at their sire’s deathbed. As they came closer and/or sat by him, he continued in a somewhat apologetic tone.

“My time is growing near.” And before they could say anything, he raised his hand sternly, beseeching them to stay silent. “No, listen to me. I am going out like an old candle. And this can not be helped.”

He looked between them with a sentimental glint in his eye. His gaze lingered on Alyssa longer and he held out his hand, expecting her to take it. Alyssa, could he ever hide that she was his favourite?

“There is a reason why I wanted to tell the news to the three of you before everyone else. I see you as my successors. Not my heirs, as the new monarch will be decided by the popular vote. But my successors in spirit, true lions of Perdan. I was close with each of you. Except for young Kenneth.” a glance to young Earl. “I wish we had more time, for I see much potential in you.”

He then addressed them all together once more.

“But three of you, I believe, will be the ones carrying my labours on. I want the three of you to keep the realm together during the interregnum period. According to our ancient law, once I am gone Imperatrix will temporarily be in charge. Support her, ensure the order is upheld until the election. I know that some of you are not particularly fond of each other. That does not matter. You will do what must be done for the sake of Perdan. Remember - Perdan first.”

Kay’s grip on Alyssa’s hand tightened. “Perdan first, my children.” his coarse voice repeated once more.

He suddenly fell silent and his body slumped on the pillows. He looked at them intently but benevolently, now allowing them to speak. It was clear, that even more than to give them parting advice and instructions, he wanted to look at them and say good bye in his own way before it is over.



You did this

Whispered her father in her ear as she gently held the King's hand. It was cold and clammy and like little more than skin and bone. The sight was a harrowing one for Alyssa. She knew the King's affliction caused him great pain and illness but she did not expect it to progress to this. He was dying, he looked nearly dead already. Based on the man she saw in front of her she knew he was likely right, that he would not be much longer. Her heart raced as she thought what would happen then. The man she looked up to more than any, the one who had taught her so much, had given her trust and faith and opportunity to grow. Who in some ways was more of a father to her than her own was. She wanted to lunge forward and hug him, tearfully beg him not to go. But she could not. He would want her to be strong, the realm needed strength. And it would do no good anyway. Soon he'll be gone, and I will be alone. No. My morning star. My knights. These two, as complicated as that may be. I have the realm. We will stand together.

Still, that did not make the knowledge any easier to bear. She had nearly lost Isana and now she would lose the king. No healer in the world could undo death, the death that she delivered him to. Magick had given him some extra time, but from the man in the bed before her, it was clear that the hourglass was nearly empty.

I failed you and turned you into this. But I will not fail you again.

"Perdan first." She said, his hand in hers, looking determinedly into his cold eye with her fierce blue ones, a single tear coming down her cheek. "I will not fail this realm." She looked to her compatriots. "We will not." She added with a confident nod.

She turned back to the king, solemnly, placing her other hand on his as well. "Your majesty... thank you. For everything. For your wisdom and your guidance, even when I would not listen. And for believing in me, despite everything. It's hard for me to do that some times, but I will never forget it." Her eyes looked down at their hands, hers warm with life, his cold with the pallor of certainty. "You taught me more than my father ever did. More than my uncle for all his lectures. Everything I am came first from what you taught me. Honour, virtue, knighthood, the duty to the realm. I will carry that wisdom with me, and be proud to have been given it. Thank you." she finished as she met his eye once again.

She exhaled.

I will not fail you again.



“There is a reason why I wanted to tell the news to the three of you before everyone else. I see you as my successors. Not my heirs, as the new monarch will be decided by the popular vote. But my successors in spirit, true lions of Perdan. I was close with each of you. Except for young Kenneth.” a glance to young Earl. “I wish we had more time, for I see much potential in you.” ~Kay Peregrine

Gray, beyond what life should permit. The terrible scar upon the King's face a monstrosity that had robbed him of an eye. It alone stood with color upon his flesh. The pillows took the monarchs weight as energy was expended to the point of empty. The remaining eye struggled to look out of its socket. Kay looked at them. Each of them. Remember - Perdan first. Sighed rather than spoken. Words that had managed to escape from the dungeon of his throat with the greatest of difficulty.

It was Alyssa that moved first. Her hand taken by the Kings. A wash of emotions flowed through her. Nemean looked at them both. Giving them their moment. For a moment he thought she trembled. She shuffled for sure. Eyes left and eyes to the right. "Perdan first." She said. Her head turned to behold Kenneth and Nemean. A glistering streak upon her cheek. She offered a few more words. They knew them before ever they exited her mouth.

As Alyssa turned back to the King and offer him very private words Nemean turned to look at Kenneth. Both as a way to provide some privacy. Not that all of them couldn't hear their words but more a display of decorum rather than anything else. The King had said he'd wished he would've had more time with Kenneth. That made Nemean think. Trying to find the other man's eye with his own he gestured with his head. Nodding almost in the direction of the King. You should go to him. The words offered in a hushed tone. As if trying to ward off any disagreement he moved his hand as to reinforce his words.

From behind the foot-board of the King's bed Nemean looked at Kay. He studied the man's face. His own was neutral bordering on passive. Lined with a frame of graveness. Breath came steadily. If there were thoughts in his mind they didn't show themselves. Save for the silence that he offered. He watched Kay, Alyssa and also Kenneth. At the last he reached down and touched Kay's foot. Tucked snugly under the blanket. Blanket and all in his hand he held on for a moment before letting go again. It'll be alright Kay. He exchanged a long look with the Monarch.



Kenneth had attempted to keep his face impassive, but it was hard. He had rarely met the King in person, and certainly never in such a state. It was not hard to see why he had called them together. And he waited for Alyssa's response, clearly first in order of precedence, and not from her title. He then looked to Nemean, just as clearly second, and caught the nod and quiet words. He did not know why Nemean had spoken, but he nodded gravely back and moved to the King's side, sliding smoothly to one knee. It felt...Inappropriate to have his head higher than Alyssa's in this moment.

"Sire. When I arrived in Perdan, I had little but my name, and that name said little good. You trusted me, gave me a chance, and rewarded me with greater trust when I took it. That...Is no small matter, to one such as me. If this is what you would have of me, then it shall be done."

He tapped his personal signet ring against his Ambassadorial chain, the gold chiming for a moment as if to underscore his next words.

"Perdan first."



The young ones surrounded him. They watched him intently, touched him and otherwise showed deference, uttered the words that he wanted to hear. They looked sad, but not too sad. They were polite and their demeanor corresponded to the occasion. It was just as he imagined.

No questions were asked, no advice sought. They knew what to do. They watched his life force trickle away silently, carving this solemn scene in their memories. Kay also paused, reveling in the moment. It was perhaps one of his last, as far as the meaningful ones went. But finally he nodded and exhaled exhaustedly.

"You have done good. I am proud of you, proud of this realm. Now go. Inform the realm as you see fit. I will not be addressing the court. But they need to know. Make preparations. And heavens bless you."

As the trio departed, Kay would lay for a while silently. Later he picked up a quill. He still had time and energy for a few letters.

And then he would go to sleep.