Ironsides Family/Armstrong/Prayer to Sacred Battle

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Prayer to Sacred Battle

During the Battle of Oligarch, the glorious end of Fane, Armstrong prayed to the gods of Sacred Battle.

Roleplay from Armstrong Ironsides
Message sent to everyone in the region Oligarch (50 recipients)

Stealing away from the front for a moment, Armstrong finds the small shrine built into the corner tower wall of the Castle. It is a shrine to his gods. Kneeling before the sword stabbed into the stones, he prays.

"In all things I serve thee, Great Above. In all actions and in all thoughts I submit my will to yours. I am shielded by faith in you. Much like the armour I don to protect my flesh, I don faith in you to protect my soul. You are the lights of the divine and I am the reflection of your radiance. This war brightens your presence on this land. My sword cleaves for your supremacy. My sword slays for your delight. I give thanks to the enemies you have provided for me, for without them there is little need for me. I am a Templar in your name. I am a Paladin in your name. The battle I fight today I dedicate to you. This battlefield I anoint with blood as my temple to you. Combat is my worship of you. The life I have I resign to your hands and in the fate you have woven for me long before my existence. If I should lose it I do so in your glory. If I should retain it, I continue my chosen mission to bleed my enemies and defend my sacred Church. In all things I praise you. Glory be to you, the Highest on High."

He squeezed a bit of the wrap around his hand to drip some blood onto the ceremonial sword. It was a gesture of affirmation to his gods that he in fact did fight in combat this day and bled in their name.