Halls of Luria/News

From BattleMaster Wiki

THIS IS ALL OOC. I mostly put up all this stuff so that people who weren't in the Halls of Luria at the time could still read through all the crap, as well as so that an IC record could be made when all was said and done, without the unfortunate circumstance of everything having been faded out of the messages page. Also, forum whoring.

Warning: this is excessively long and a bit stupid.

If anyone doesn't want quotes on the wiki from their characters, or otherwise thinks that some of this is sensitive information... Delete it. It's a wiki.

A tl;dr will be found at the bottom.

I might update this with future events if anyone actually finds this useful.

The unnecessary censorship was done because the wiki won't let me post swear words.

Everything written here was copy-pasted from a reference point of 7:08 server time, January 18.

Letter from Malus Solari (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) I don't suppose anyone will begrudge me for assuming that the assassin which tried—and failed spectacularly—to end my life was sent by someone in Pian en Luries? Good, I didn't think so.

Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) King Malus, good job evading the dagger.

May we have a name of said assassin to he or she can be banned the moment he or she sets food in Luria Nova? Same story for those who supported the action, please let me know when you have confirmation and I will send my own assassins or army to deal with them.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) I would. Where is the proof? The Evidence? You have a substantial sum on your head, perhaps the assassin that failed was simply after that money? I find it ironic that after placing a bounty on another Lurian, your first instinct when facing the same is to blame other Lurians. We are not all like you.

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Duke Fulco,

Stop encouraging him.

Can we try to have a Civil Discussion without one of you threatening violence or placing bounties?

By the Gods, why are you so eager to shed Lurian blood? we have other potential threats to face!


Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Letter from Balint Tranquilli (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Sir Ramiel,

Do you always have to sprout your opinionated twaddle whenever something happens? I'm surprised your messengers haven't died from exhaustion.

Balint Tranquilli Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria and Justice of Solaria

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Lord Ramiel,

It seems you change opinions as often as I change my clothes. I seem to remember you and yours calling for the swift and ruthless persecution of 'heretics' among the Lurians, and now you are to be the voice of temperance and understanding? I find that a bit hard to believe...


Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Arbiter Malus, Duke Fulco, Sir Balint, and Sir Luis,

The Marquis is right, civility should be maintained, and talks mediated.

Arbiter Malus, the bounty on your head is very substantial, posing as an enticing treasure to any scoundrel from across the continent. As such, the matter should be investigated before fingers are pointed in blame.

Sir Luis, religion and secular politics are very different, and should be treated as such.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Knight Luis,

Oh? Please do remind me of these conversations. I recall not once saying about persecuting heretics, or invading Luria Nova for that matter. Oh yes the rumours being spread about me that came from within Solaria has reached my ears.

Please do tell me what I said since it seems everyone BUT me knows.

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Roleplay from Hrok Stefanovic (2 days, 7 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) "...we have other potential threats to face. Peeved, Ramiel Avis." The scribe was understandably uneasy after delivering the letter. The Duke's countenance did not ease that feeling. The ending of the letter had been like the opening wind of a storm.

For a moment all was quiet. With the Duke's face set hard and his court giving nervous-yet-meaningful glances to one another, all present waited with baited breath.

The moment passed. Inhaling deeply, Hrok began to speak with a whisper. "He would dare talk to me of other threats?" Rising from his throne, the Solarian duke grasped the weathered axe at his side and began to finger the edge. "He would preach to me of his worthless gods, of honor and nobility?"

In quiet rage the duke continued. "He would dare speak of these things to me?! Well then, messenger," shouting now as he stepped from his throne towards the messenger, "this is a most unfortunate day for you." The scribe fell on the first swing, his hamstring severed by the axe. On the second, he lost the leg.

As the southern messenger screamed in pain, the duke took hold of the severed leg with his free hand before pointing the blade of his axe in the messenger's face. "Now, stop your blathering. You are going to deliver one more message for me. You are going to return to that southern cur and tell him that I name him liar, betrayer, and seditionist. Then, you will find his duke, Brom, and you will tell his duke that I name him liar, betrayer, and scum among nobility. Then, you will find his king, and you will tell his king that I name him less than the scum that will gather on this leg as it rots. They have aided those that stole from and betrayed me, and in doing so have themselves stolen and betrayed me. They have made thinly veiled threats against me and mine and those I protect. They are unfit to name themselves nobles, and I challenge them to find the men willing to defend them against these claims. Let them come."

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Meanwhile in Askileon, Ramiel stifled a yawn. He was hardly shocked that someone had finally tried to kill Solaria's ruler, after all a 1200 gold bounty would entice anyone, what he was shocked at was yet again he was happy to blame other Lurians. No surprises to see the Duke of Giask rushing to try and ingratiate himself with Malus Solari either, the man turned coat more times than the taxes were collected in any given season.

However what he was surprised at was this blood lust that seemed to be coming from the same people in Solaria. The new Duke, Justice and Ruler and one Knight. Constantly and consistantly trying to think of new ways to shed more Lurian blood.

You would think the Fall of Giask would have sated them for centuries... not a mere few years. Ramiel told his Captain. I mean, doesnt the culling of abominations year in and year out give them enough battle that they now dream up ways to shed more Lurian Blood and further weaken our defences... Its Madness... Its Barbaric His Captain just nodded whilst mentally wondering if he could somehow get his Lord to do something other than trying to stop wars, the men were becoming lazy.

My L- He started before Ramiel interrupted with Fetch a messenger would you? Its time King Koli either woke up and stopped this madness or.. or... I don't know... i'll ask him to stop it! Make that two messengers... need to invite Her Grace to dinner.

Yes My lord."

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Roleplay from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Meanwhile in Askileon, Ramiel stifled a yawn. He was hardly shocked that someone had finally tried to kill Solaria's ruler, after all a 1200 gold bounty would entice anyone, what he was shocked at was yet again he was happy to blame other Lurians. No surprises to see the Duke of Giask rushing to try and ingratiate himself with Malus Solari either, the man turned coat more times than the taxes were collected in any given season.

However what he was surprised at was this blood lust that seemed to be coming from the same people in Solaria. The new Duke, Justice and Ruler and one Knight. Constantly and consistantly trying to think of new ways to shed more Lurian blood.

You would think the Fall of Giask would have sated them for centuries... not a mere few years. Ramiel told his Captain. I mean, doesnt the culling of abominations year in and year out give them enough battle that they now dream up ways to shed more Lurian Blood and further weaken our defences... Its Madness... Its Barbaric His Captain just nodded whilst mentally wondering if he could somehow get his Lord to do something other than trying to stop wars, the men were becoming lazy.

My L- He started before Ramiel interrupted with Fetch a messenger would you? Its time King Koli either woke up and stopped this madness or.. or... I don't know... i'll ask him to stop it! Make that two messengers... need to invite Her Grace to dinner.

Yes My lord."

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Roleplay from Brom Silverfire (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Brom was lounging in the palace of Askileon when the one-legged messenger arrived to deliver his message. Brom was having dinner with Lord Ramiel and other dignitaries of Pian en Luries at the time and silence swept through the room when the man hobbled forward and falling to his one knee gave forth the response from Duke Hrok and the story of his severed leg. As the messenger passed on the grave denouncement of Lord Ramiel and Brom from Duke Hrok, the silence in the room cracked, but before things could get out of hand Brom quickly rose, while motioning to Ramiel to wait one second. As he stood, the man croaked out the denouncement against the King as well even though he was not present.

"Lord Ramiel, this is your messenger and you are free to do with him as you will of course or respond as you like but if you don't mind I would like the first word here, then you are free to respond as you wish."

Without waiting for his answer, Brom then turned to address the messenger, and the room at large.

"Here you all you witnesses what has been said here and what I will now say. Remember it and tell all who ask the truth of these happenings on your honor as nobility.

First, messenger you have been wronged and attacked by a leader of a foreign realm in your peaceful messenger duties. Depending upon your Lord Ramiel's decisions, and his acceptance, I ask that you remain here in Askileon for the time being and answer truthfully what happened to you, to any who ask. If you do this I will see that you are provided for and not required to continue with your messenger days any longer, if your Lord does not.

Second, All here have heard witness to these slanders and insults by the Solarian Duke. All here have heard him say that both I, and your King are scum. All here have heard him call a lord of our realm betrayer and seditionist. These insults are grave and uncalled for. We have done NOTHING to instigate this hate and our King has done everything he can to attempt to give back the region that was lost from Solaria while their ruler is seemingly stalling for time and refusing to meet with him in Lupa Lapu to take back the region in trade.

I will NOT stand for such dishonor to be spouted against noble Lurians and our King. Remember as well that Solaria claims still to lean loyalty to King Koli of Pian en Luries and so the Solaria Duke has thus stated these slanders against his own King. Therefore, I name him a rebel, and mark him for treason against a rightful Lurian King. I promise you all here today, I will do everything in what small power I may have to see that our honor as Lurians is restored.

Finally, someone send word immediately to King Koli in Lupa Lapu of these happenings so that he may be aware of them as soon as possible. These are threats against him and if this Duke acts on them our King could be under threat. I only hope they arrive in time to see him safe."

With that Brom sat down wearily and would let Ramiel respond as he wished now.

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Letter from Malus Solari (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Duke Fulco—

The coward's name is Tela Vasata, soon to be late of Morek. They were seeking to collect the bounty on another coward, Etna, when they took a detour in Lupa Lapu and came for me instead. No doubt the sudden increase in my own bounty tempted them. I do not begrudge simple people for their slavish love of money any more than I begrudge a dog for rooting through the garbage. It's simply in their nature. If Tela should survive long enough to avoid Justice Balint's axe, do me a favor and give him (or her—I couldn't tell in the dark) my sharp regards?


Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Ramiel was not a happy bunny at all. Not only had sacred laws passed down from the dawn of time, surviving every religion and every realm, been violated in a most horrific way, but attacking a messenger from the guild a noble was part of made it that much worse than normal.

He had received the invitation from Duke Brom mere moments before his messenger to Magistrate Katerina was about to leave.

"Tell His Grace that I thank him for the invitation and shall of course attend, I thank his generosity. I shall bring Magistrate Katerina if that would be fine, I have much to discuss with her and was going to invite her to dinner anyway, but the discussion can always wait until afterwards." As the Herald from Duke Brom nodded and left, Ramiel told his herald to invite Katerina to dinner with the Duke and his court instead of just with him.

In the middle of dinner, Ramiel was horrified to see the Guild Messenger that he had paid to deliver a message to the Solarians come back missing a foot and part of his leg. He was about to speak when a motion from Duke Brom silenced him.

...I only hope they arrive in time to see him safe

Your Grace, I share these same feelings. Though in this case the offence is all the worse since this is not my messenger, but a messenger of the Halls of Luria itself. However, though this will undoubtadly surprise many people, we must be cautious. The man who did this is a bloodthirsty lunatic who seeks only to shed Lurian Blood. We must not allow another Lurian Civil War to take place. He and his master are threats, that is granted, but I still believe even that manipulative blood thirsty maniac who calls himself Duke is loyal to the Arbiter, and Malus Solari would not dare betray his friend King Koli, if would be a confirmation of all we have said about him and would convince a great many people that he is a threat to peace in Luria.

This man has suffered a wrongship of the most grievous, an attack that is a very violation of the most sacred laws that transcends religion and politics. Arbiter Solari must take action against the violator or be known to share the same name and violations as the one who did this. Let my men's healers attend him Ramiel stops and points to one of the servants,

Go find Captain Wolfhart and tell him to assemble the Marquis Own and send them to the King at once. They are to protect him at all costs. Also tell the Captain to assemble the Ciarin Tut Guardians and have them go to my household, as well as the remnants of the Crusade Marksmen. And get him to send word to Marshal Saul and Vice Marshal Jeffrey, just in case that violator decides to move on his own and betrays Solaria and Luria.

Magistrate Katerina, Duke Brom do you have any orders?

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Roleplay from Ramiel Avis (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Ramiel was not a happy bunny at all. Not only had sacred laws passed down from the dawn of time, surviving every religion and every realm, been violated in a most horrific way, but attacking a messenger from the guild a noble was part of made it that much worse than normal.

He had received the invitation from Duke Brom mere moments before his messenger to Magistrate Katerina was about to leave.

"Tell His Grace that I thank him for the invitation and shall of course attend, I thank his generosity. I shall bring Magistrate Katerina if that would be fine, I have much to discuss with her and was going to invite her to dinner anyway, but the discussion can always wait until afterwards." As the Herald from Duke Brom nodded and left, Ramiel told his herald to invite Katerina to dinner with the Duke and his court instead of just with him.

In the middle of dinner, Ramiel was horrified to see the Guild Messenger that he had paid to deliver a message to the Solarians come back missing a foot and part of his leg. He was about to speak when a motion from Duke Brom silenced him.

...I only hope they arrive in time to see him safe

Your Grace, I share these same feelings. Though in this case the offence is all the worse since this is not my messenger, but a messenger of the Halls of Luria itself. However, though this will undoubtadly surprise many people, we must be cautious. The man who did this is a bloodthirsty lunatic who seeks only to shed Lurian Blood. We must not allow another Lurian Civil War to take place. He and his master are threats, that is granted, but I still believe even that manipulative blood thirsty maniac who calls himself Duke is loyal to the Arbiter, and Malus Solari would not dare betray his friend King Koli, if would be a confirmation of all we have said about him and would convince a great many people that he is a threat to peace in Luria.

This man has suffered a wrongship of the most grievous, an attack that is a very violation of the most sacred laws that transcends religion and politics. Arbiter Solari must take action against the violator or be known to share the same name and violations as the one who did this. Let my men's healers attend him Ramiel stops and points to one of the servants,

Go find Captain Wolfhart and tell him to assemble the Marquis Own and send them to the King at once. They are to protect him at all costs. Also tell the Captain to assemble the Ciarin Tut Guardians and have them go to my household, as well as the remnants of the Crusade Marksmen. And get him to send word to Marshal Saul and Vice Marshal Jeffrey, just in case that violator decides to move on his own and betrays Solaria and Luria.

Magistrate Katerina, Duke Brom do you have any orders?

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Roleplay from Katerina Arundel (2 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) As the question darted her way, Katerina took a bite of the turducken before her. Immediately, the rush of flavors invaded her mouth as the fifth invasion invaded Beluaterra, creating a mixture of different opinions from her taste-buds. Several of them believed the turducken to be a threat, as the spice sizzled and seared the surface of her tongue, while other taste-buds reveled in the taste of bacon, and nothing beats the taste of bacon. But as her teeth pierced the crisp barrier around the stuffed duck, she was surprised to be met with the taste of chicken, chewing it thoroughly in an attempt to allocate the duck within. Ultimately, she could not, leading her to believe that everything tasted like chicken, and there was nothing she could do about it.

In defeat, she raised her head, and quirked an eyebrow.

"Orders?" she questioned, smiling professionally in spite of the ever-lingering taste of chicken in her mouth.

"I ask that all of you to be civil and respectful in your letters, regardless of this recent provocation." she stated, pausing only to eye each attendee and the one legged messenger.

"Any damage to relations may prove consequential to the already dwindling situation, proving also to be a breach of our laws. Unless ordered by the the King, any who breach them will be punished by my hand personally!" she threatened in conclusion, returning solemnly to her turducken.

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Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) A solemn, cloaked figure stood, towards the end of the table.

"My lady, you speak of letters. Well, I am sure we can speak to this erstwhile messenger of ours for hours about letters."

At this, he let his gaze drift around the room, at the collection of nobles, minor bureaucrats and serving men, some of whom he undoubtedly thought were Solarian spies, and smiled, drawing a dagger, before sheathing it in the table with a thud. "We can send a message another way. With the tip of a blade, perhaps."

Roleplay from Katerina Arundel (2 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Katerina raised in return, almost outraged, as she drew her own dagger and pointed it in the figure's direction.

"Count Jeffrey, if you wish to point the tip of your little dagger, then by all means, point it in duel. But I warn you, should you point it with separate intentions, I will make you suffer myself!"

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Roleplay from Brom Silverfire (2 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) "Orders?"

"Well, the only order I would deem to make at a time like this is to be cautious and not heated as Magistrate Katerina has suggested. While I admire your sentiment Count Jeffrey, the Solarians are still our brother and sister Lurians and to be the one to spill first blood would be a grevious thing on our part. We are Lurians, and as the nobles of Pian en Luries, I would have us represent ourselves honorably even if other Lurian realms choose not to.

"Thus, I have no orders except to say that we should wait to hear form the King as we all ultimately serve him and as he has been insulted as well it is his decision as to how best handle this situation. I would say finally that we should do everything possible to avoid another Lurian Civil War and hope that wisdom prevails in Solaria and Arbiter Malus punishes this wayward Duke for his impudence."

With that, Brom proceeded to sit down once again and within a span of minutes had downed two wine glasses in what seemed the hope of forgetting the terrible things that were possible to come.

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Roleplay from Jeffrey Norrel Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Jeffrey stared back at Katerina throughout that last speech, seething, before plucking his dagger out of the table and returning it under his cloak.

"As you say, My Lady." He flourished a bow, smiled at her with mock cordiality, and took his seat again, turning to the untouched monstrosity on his plate.

Roleplay from Koli Bedwyr (2 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Koli ached. The illness he had acquired in Fissoa was erratic, but whenever another episode hit he hurt for days afterwards. His hand trembled slightly as he accepted a mug of whatever the latest concoction the healers had mixed up was, lips twisting at the bitter taste. What in the name of all the ancestors was going on with the Solarians? Especially his old friend Malus...He sighed, as the messengers arrived with the usual stack of correspondence...And his eyes sharpened as one grim man in Ramiel's colours approached, with a number of armsmen behind him. Since when were men like that used as messengers? Doubtless, the..Captain? would tell him, and doubtless, it meant another escalation in this idiotic conflict.

But first, the medicine. If he didn't get a handle on this disease, it would not matter at all what the messengers had for him. He finished draining the mug, handing it back to the scullery boy who had brought it, and waved for Ramiel's man. The man began his report...

Koli stood, knocking the chair over backwards, all colour drained from his face. But, no, cautiously. There might be more information in the correspondence...And so there was, none of it good. He did not begrudge the half hour, though. He could not afford to act without full knowledge.

"That is enough. Send word back to your lord, and ask him to make ready for what he has wanted for some time, but not to move until Malus responds to one last warning. I wish it to be very clear just who is responsible for what follows. Make sure the rest of the Commander's Tent knows as well."

Koli turned, pointing to one of the waiting scribes.

"Letter for Malus. Full formal addresses, followed by a summary of what the captain here reported, and then 'Bring your Duke to heel.' and dispatch it at once."

The man nodded and began scribbling.

Koli paused, closing his eyes and holding his head. Damnable time for headaches to begin developing, but he needed to move quickly.

"All of you: You know that I have thought this was less serious than it initially appeared. It may still be so, but I think not. Not anymore. So, we will begin conducting the household in wartime preparations, which includes all the usual precautions against assassination. I hate to think it possible...But I never thought the day would come again when Lurians were killing messengers, either."

Damn it, he was sweating again. Another attack? So soon?

"Next, write up summaries of all the captain's report, and make sure that the Manifest Path and Halls of Luria are all fully aware, as well as everyone we can contact in Luria who is not in either the Path or Halls. We have to...Make sure everyone knows. Have to know. Blast it all someone...summon...healer. Another episode..."

He sat, shivering despite the sweat pouring out of his skin, head starting to truly ache.

"I...have to...Katerina...tell..."

He began swaying, and when the healer arrived at a run, Koli's eyes were darting, as if in confusion. He was examined...And the healer's frown kept growing.

"This isn't...How could he-"

He turned suddenly, and Koli slumped onto the table without the impetus to stay upright for the examination, and the healer looked around.

"Where is his medicine? He should have had a bowl full of various herbs to eat."

The servants started, looking around anxiously.

"Bowl, sir? There was jus' a mug, steaming-like."

The healer stared.

"Mug? I never-"

He broke off, swearing viciously, even calling on a few gods which made the Walkers in the room wince. Koli himself had allowed it as the man was the best, but most felt that a non-believer serving the Pathfinder was wrong. He stopped, watching as his King slumped, sweat starting to stain the wood he lay on while the shivers set the various jewelry he wore to a light chinking.

"Someone has poisoned the King."

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Roleplay from Hendrick Madigan (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients)

A servingman silently detached himself from the meeting room of Askileon and slipped down to the kitchens, out through a back door, and made his way to the stables. He passed a scribbled note to a man dressed in green-silver livery, with the sigil of a stag on his tunic, who, in turn, handed the servingman a small, but heavy bag that jingled with gold. The liveried man mounted a waiting horse and rode off. At each inn along the road he would find a fresh mount waiting for him and when he reached his destination he would find a trained carrier falcon.

As King Koli was being ministered in his sickbed, mere minutes after his convulsions began, a scribe to the King ducked out in the confusion and made his way to his private quarters. He hastily penned a note, left no signature, and tied it to the leg of a rather distinctive looking falcon. The bird would take off and the scribe would slip back to the King's chamber, the rest of the retainers none the wiser.

Peasant would later remark how odd it was that they had seen two falcons, both flying in the same directions, but it would be lost among the flurry of rumors and activity as some news trickled out.

Hendrick Madigan was aware of the lengthy process it took for the letters he now read to reach him, but it was worth it. Always, his father had said, make it your business to know what others do not want you to. The youth's fingers drummed on his desk, before calling to a servant. "I think that you had best copy these. One to his Majesty Tybalt, one to his Grace Bipel, and one for the strongbox. Burn the originals if you would". As the servant left, Hendrick Madigan turned his gaze to the map of Lurian lands spread out over his desk. Again, he heard his father's words: There is nothing more dangerous than living in 'interesting times'. He carefully adjusted several small statues on the map. Interesting times, eh? The perfect place for a Madigan.

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to all full members of "Halls of Luria" (22 recipients) With King Koli incapacitated for a undetermined period it is essential that Pian En Luries continue to function. Nobles of Pian En Luries are there any candidates to act as Regent for the throne in this dark time?

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (1 day, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) With first an attack on Arbiter Malus, and now this craven attempt upon King Koli it is evident that Luria in general is under attack. I can not credit that two heads of state are targets within day be mere coincidence. We must establish the source of these attacks, are they from a disgruntled element within, or an enemy outside of the Lurian Sphere. I call on any who may have information, even if they are only hints and rumors to share them within this esteemed body.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Roleplay from Koli Bedwyr (1 day, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Much was afoot in Koli's household...

Steward Gwaidon corresponding with the Commanders publicly, and very quietly, to the Magistrate...

Page Cullen is trying to keep out of Gwaidon's sight, aided by many who share his sentiments, and is scribbling with a Count who uses no seal...

The scullery boy is interrogated, but all he knows is that a man in healer garb gave him the mug and a gold...Except that he said "we" not "I"...

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) ((just going to reply to letters as I read through them....))

Lord Ramiel,

Did I say I'm eager to shed Lurian Blood? No, I said that I would hunt those responsible for the action as soon as those behind it would become known. Apparently you know more then me as you are sure it are Lurians behind it. Furthermore, I have seen the letters of your hand, trying to find support for actions against the realm of Luria Nova. So don't come to me with your saint story.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) King Malus,

As soon as Tela Vasata enters my duchy he or she will be dealt with.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Roleplay from Zena Jadewarrior (1 day, 20 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Testing the weight of her sword in her left hand Zena adjusted her stance before parring forward towards her combatant. Each blow the sword felt lighter as the adrenaline of the fight numbed the dull pain in her strained muscles. The fight continued on level ground as they parried each others blows. Each move quickly weighed and countered in each others mind before being executed. As signs of exhaustion from the length of the fight began to show Zena saw an opening. She stepped backwards to parry a blow then quickly pivoted her footing as she pushed her attackers sword away swinging her sword under to strike at an opening in his armor. She stopped the blade inches from penetration and looked up into the eyes of her mentor. He smiled at her. "Well done Zena." She laughed. "Thank you for sparring with me." She bowed respectfully before switching her sword back to her right hand. She flexed her left arm feeling the dull ache that told her she was working new muscles. It had only been a couple of weeks since she had started training with her left hand hoping that the added skill could give her an advantage over an enemy in battle.

She turned to reach her flask and was surprised to see a messenger hurrying towards her across the training grounds. She greeted him kindly. "What news?" The messenger looked around uncertain. She nodded in encouragement. "Lady Jadewarrior...its the king. He's been poisoned." She was scanning the letter he gave her as the words hit. She felt like she was suddenly caught in an avalanche of giant boulders. The weight of the news crashing against her body pulling her to the ground.

"Not King Koli." She shook her head in dismay. "What has this world come to, if not even the king was safe in his own lands," she thought grievously.

"This was an act of war," she whispered. "Someone has been stirring up a beehive and now it has finally come crashing." She found her resolve as she looked from the messenger to her mentor. "The thing about bees thou, once they sting they die." With that she gathered her things and left the training grounds. She would not rest until she had done everything in her power to help uncover the truth behind this attack and justice was served.

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Roleplay from Balint Tranquilli (1 day, 19 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Balint sat slowly and reread the letter that had just arrived. According to reports Koli had been poisoned and a Solarian gold piece was found on the suspect.


It had to be, there was no way a Solarian had orchestrated this...and even if he had, using Solarian gold to pay the boy was just plain idiotic, the connection would obviously be made. It seamed someone was hellbent on a war with PeL and was more than willing to use Solaria to achieve that.

But where had the gold come from? That was the main question...where would there be a stockpile of Solarian gold that could go missing without himself or the treasurer noticing...

He called for his squire

"Boy, fetch me the local representative form the bounty office. Inform him I require his presence"

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) ((Doing the same as Fulco since there are 52 when I just woke up))

Duke Fulco,

Either show me these letters of mine, you know the Evidence, or quit trying to lie.

I say again, you have NEVER seen anything in MY hand about invading Luria Nova or finding support for actions against Luria Nova.


Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Lord Ramiel,

A part of a letter you send around 8-9 days ago. I heard also about other letters, but as my scribe is silly enough to not save letters for more then 30 days....

This I quote:

"I do not think the idea of an Empire can be achieved. Not without certain people being removed from power, Malus Solari being one and Duke Fulco D`Este another. In the end though we do not know what the future holds. "


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Duke Fulco

You think that constitutes me planning to invade Luria Nova and Solaria? You are sadly then, not as well informed about me as I was led to believe. If I was going to invade either, you would undoubtedly already know about it since the plans would have been made in the Commanders Tent where Arbiter Solari undoubtedly has a spy. Now in that private message to the Grand Duke of Fissoa, whom only two others know the contents of, I also said directly afterwards that:

Instead I see us becoming a Coalition of Lurian Kingdoms who can respect each other differences and at least nominally support each other militarily. If the rulers can agree to a Coalition or a Confederation instead of an Empire then the goal is still achieved - albeit with some differences.

Its called a compromise, something I am sure you are very familiar with Duke Fulco given who you are. Can all of us agree to a would be Emperor? Doubtful. Can we agree to work together for the betterment of Luria? I would hope so.

I say again, I have never mentioned - let alone written - anything about invading Luria Nova or Solaria.


Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Roleplay from Ramiel Avis (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients)

Ramiel was silent as he heard the message. Silent but his face was now showing exactly how angry he was. As the Scout attached to the Marquis Own finished his report he was worried by what his lord might say.

So this spy poisoned the King. Right then. You will go to Captain Wolfhart, you will tell him that no one apart from the Marquis' Own healers may see the King. His own healers will be allowed after being verified by his household. And they will only see him with a full escort. The same applies to his Steward. No one else is allowed into the room. If they try after being told they are not, Kill them. Subdue if possible but do not try to. Now you will go and break every horse between here and the King if need be. GO

Yes My Lord the Scout bowed before running out the building and going to the stables.

 Ramiel looked over at two of his messengers Both of you will go now as well. That message must reach Captain Wolfhart. Take different paths. Ramiel watched as they both bowed and ran off. 
Scribe, bring your ink and paper. We have some letters to write.
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Letter from Tybalt Crusader (1 day, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Nobles of the Halls Of Luria,

Some of you here seem to think that you can say what you want without repercussions. That is not true. Some of you in other forums have called people I know and call my brother, a Heretic. That same person has also delcared a friend of mine a rebel.

I have sat back long enough on this matter. Lord Ramiel has spoken too much in these halls for my liking. I would not mind it if it was a young noble, full of fresh young eargerness, but it is not. It is from the mouth of an old and experienced noble. And as the members of his council have not reined in his threats, his slander, his accustations, I shall take it that they agree with him, and I shall act accordingly.

Nobles of Pien en Luries, take charge of those who speak on your behalf.

Yours aye,

Tybalt Crusader Lurian King of Halls of Luria and King of Luria Nova

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Roleplay from Saul Tarvitz (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Saul was awoken in the middle of the night by his personal attendant, "My Lord", he gently shook him, "My Lord, you must wake up". Saul opened his eyes and sat bolt upright lunging for his attendant, a dagger appearing from underneath the sheets of his bed. Pushing his supposed assailant backwards against the wall of his chamber, Saul took a moment to look and then relaxed.

Removing the dagger from his attendants throat and backing away slowly, "Alexander," there was a hint of irritation in his voice, "there had better be a damned good reason for waking me at this hour of the morning".

"My Lord, a messenger has arrived from the King's Steward, he says it carries news that is of uptmost importance and none but you may open it. Not to mention that letters have been flooding in throughout the night. Most are addressed for your eyes only, there must be fifty of them at least!"

"Fifty letters in one night is not unheard of, yet it is troubling; however the message that interests me the most is from King Bedwyr's Steward. Have him meet me in the hall, I shall be there momentarily."

"Yes My Lord", Alexander bowed, stepping backwards slightly before turning and dissappearing quietly from the room.

Saul took a moment to gather his thoughts, 'A personal messenger from the Steward of the King? He has always written to me personally, fifty letters for my eyes only to top that, something foul must be afoot. The last time this happened was when Etna brought Lupa Lapu over to Pain en Luries and there was uproar. These are grave times, and this news will most likely bring me no more comfort'

Entering the hall, Saul strode towards the messenger, who immediately dropped on to one knee. "Get up, I am not your King. Where is this news from the Steward?" The messenger stood up and retrieved a rolled parchment, handing it to Saul. Studying the seal, it had indeed come from the steward and not the King, he broke it open and unfurled the parchment. He took his time, and read the message three to four times before making any sort of movement. When he did, he rolled the parchment back up and moved to stand in front of the fireplace, except for the crackle of the flames it was silent. "Thank you, you may go now". His voice was different, mellow, but confident; the messenger stood up, bowed and left. Once the doors were closed Saul began to pace infront of the fireplace, not excessive, but enough to help him think. The King has been poisoned, yet there is no evidence of who, or how. This will most likely lead to civil war if nothing can be done to stop it. The attempt on Arbiter Solari's life first, and now our King. It would seem that someone is trying their damned hardest to bring civil war to Luria once again. Either they are frightened to see what a united Luria will be capable of, or they want to see Pian en Luries removed from this continent. A lack of leadership, coupled with an attempt on the Arbiters life, this has been thought through thoroughly. Civil war must never happen, perhaps the letters of late will shed some more light on the current matter.

Stopping now, he stared into the fire, "Alexander.", he summoned, "I have a few things for you to do. Firstly, find Captain Warmund and tell him to meet me in the strategic planning room. Secondly, have my mails sorted into seperate piles, I would like to address each forum seperately. And finally...", movement outside the window caught his eye, and Saul turned to look at the perpetrator, but before he could the man was gone, "double the guards, no one enters or exits my estate without my say so; we have an unwelcome visitor".

"My Lord?", Alexander question, and then thought better and retreated quickly from the room.

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Roleplay from Saul Tarvitz (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Saul opened the doors to the strategic planning room; his Captain stood at the table, looking at the current pieces, his helmet was placed on a side table, though he still wore his armour. "Captain, I will put this bluntly, the King has been poisoned, his household presumably amok. An assassination attempt on the Arbiters life just before this does not bode well for a greater lurian empire. Civil war may be coming to Luria once more, however I will to do all that I can to stop this. On top of this, there was an unwelcome visitor snooping around the great hall earlier; have you found any more out about him?"

Warmund looked from the table to his Lord, "Lord Saul, we haven't been able to discover anymore information about the perpetrator; however there was this,", he handed a piece of dark grey cloth over to Saul, "it was caught amongst the thorns just outside the wall. It seems the perpetrator scaled the wall and made his way inside, we presume he used the same way out. As you requested, the guards have been doubled and I have taken the liberty to station two of the Guardians outside your own quarters, and two more to escort you inside the estate."

"Thank you Captain, however that will not be necessary, I can do without an escort in my own estate. I am looking over my back enough with this soundrel lurking in the shadows, I do not need more reason to fear my own home."

"My Lord I insist, you must be kept safe until the perpetrator has been apprehended."

Saul looked at the piece of cloth he held in his hands, something foul is most certainly afoot, "Very well Captain, I will heed your precautions for now".

"Thank you My Lord, I will ensure that the household guard continue searching the estate for other clues that may lead to the aprehention of the perpetrator. I will also dispatch two scouts to search the region, and that of Mattan Dews and Lupa Lapu; if he escaped towards them he will be found."

"Very good. That is all for now, I would like up to date information as recieve it."

Saul sat down at his desk and stared at the parchment, so much to address, so much to do. At least his scribes had been able to provide him with at least two stacks of letters to begin with. He started at the top of the pile, since they were personal ones he had had them arranged in the order of whom had send them, making his life slightly easier. He paused, the problem of the unwelcome visitor was still a mystery to his guard, and it troubled him. Nonetheless, the guard had been doubled and the perpetrator had never been seen since, perhaps it was a trick of his mind, however he was not about to take chances.

Taking the quill from it's inkwell he put it to the parchment and began writing, this is going to be a long night he thought.

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (1 day, 12 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) King Tybalt,

We in Pian en Luries are doing everything we can to remain calm and take charge of the current situation. I understand the situation as you see it and will do my best to see that the issues that you are put forth are solved in a timely manner, but would ask that you wait on any sort of action regarding your letter until Pian en Luries has had time for either our King to recover or for us to find a new leader to lead us.

We are as I would hope is understood, in somewhat of a disarray with the recent assassination attempt on our King and so many of our nobility our not always considering the consequences of what is said and done.

In the meantime though, I invite you to discuss any particular issues you may have privately with myself and the other members of the Pian en Luries council during this time of turmoil so that we may best handle them in a timely manner. Unless there is a particular reason for public discourse during a troubled time, we can accomplish much more through private communication and with less uproar.


Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Pierre von Genf (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to all full members of "Halls of Luria" (23 recipients)

The Morek Empire did not order, condone or permit any assassination attempt by Tela Vasata. Any such actions are crimes and will be dealt with according to Morek law. The Judges of of the southern realms can communicate with Judge Menelaus if they wish to keep abreast of the developments.

Pierre von Genf Aspirant of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Caiyun, Ambassador of Morek Empire

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Roleplay from Koli Bedwyr (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Koli's eyes snapped open and he lurched upright, staring wildly about. Gwaidon gave a wordless cry, and the healers slumped in no little relief...

"Where are the parsnips? The catapults were hurling so many, have to be more around here."

Relief turned to sick fear.

"My...My King...What are you?"

A finger pointed to the trembling steward.

"You. Find the parsnips, and have the gnomes who grew them sent back to the mines. I will have no more of this foolishness."

The chief healer groaned.

"Damn. Mushrooms, got to be, nothing else does all the rest an hallucinations..."

"I am not hallucinating! Let me up this instant, I have to stop the catapults!"

Koli began struggling violently as everyone, terrified at what might happen if he were allowed free movement in his current state, frantically kept him pinned.

"Get the sleeping draught!"

"Agh! Bit me!"

"Blast that, get it down his throat anyway!"

"He's trying to spit it out, hold his jaw closed, get his nose!"

"Ancestors he fights dirty..."

"Least he might get some real sleep, not whatever that half-unconscious business was."

As the sheer terror and adrenaline wore off, some of those present began fighting off tears, and Gwaidon took a deep shuddering breath to go make the announcements...

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Roleplay from Juan De-Legro (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Juan reviewed the letter sent to him by his man in the Bedwyr household. So it would seem a certain Marquis had established himself as the guardian of the stricten King. Interesting it was a pity his agent had no information currently regarding under what authority the Marquis was operating, under normal circumstances one would expect the Judge of the realm to take such measures. With plots within plots seemingly being revealed, Juan spent a moment considering the implications of this development, could the Marquis be trying to conceal something, or was the man simply trying to take advantage of the situation. It was remotely possible that he was simply concerned about more attempts on the King, but Juan doubted this. Isolating the King from his loyal supporters within the realm, establishing himself as the gate keeper with regards to access to the king, no these were unlikely to be the actions of a simple faithful vassal, something more was afoot.

Well more information would be forth comming, Juan's agent was well placed within the household, using the close relationship between the house of Bedwyr and the House of De-Legro he had managed to secure the man a position of some power. It was necessary of course, Juan had long doubted that Koli had the morale fortitude and determination of his father. His continued inability to bring harmful factions with Pian En Luries under control had highlighted this. Juan had placed the man in order to get to the heart of the matter, had he pledged service to Koli prematurely solely on his parentage, had he put too much faith in the blood in Koli's veins? He had made such a mistake once, following the Dragon Queen into exile for a dream that she lacked the ability to make reality. He had travelled from one end of Dwilight to the other in her service, always chasing something that was just out of reach.

His man was ideally placed to observe all the little details of Koli's day to day life, to separate the public image from the reality of the man. To determine the underlying truth of the decisions, to dissect the publicly proclaimed excuses. Juan sought to know Koli the man, not Koli the King or Koli the prophet, these were just masks that he wore, responsibilities he bore.

Turning to the pile of further correspondence Juan made a decision that it could wait. He had not received any scout reports from the north in days and the border had been quiet. No doubt another incursion of abominations would soon strike, and Juan planned for his army to be in the north ready to instruct them in the hard realities of the path.

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Roleplay from Ramiel Avis (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Ramiel shouted at his retinue. Marching towards the place where the King had fallen to poison, an attack that had shook Ramiel to the very core. He did not know who to trust anymore, could he trust his friends of old? could he trust the realm council? could he even trust the priests?

Oh he knew how others would see it, what others would say, how they would take it. They could all go back to their rumours, to their falsehoods, to their outright fantasies. He would not let the King fall to something as petty as poison.

Even the attack on himself would not stop him. He had one last duty, one last part to play. It was Ordained!

The King would live. Even if the price was a life.

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Roleplay from Malus Solari (11 hours, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (31 recipients) Malus awoke to the urgent nudging of one from his personal guard. He brought word from the Justice, he said. The assassin had given a confession, obtained freely. Whatever cobwebs remained in his head were swept away as the Arbiter arose, dressing himself and devouring the account provided by Balint. He read the letter twice—just to be sure—before summoning a full detail to accompany him to Poryatown. Behind a face that depicted a kind of serene fury, he muttered under his breath: "...dead. They're all dead."

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Letter from Malus Solari (11 hours, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (32 recipients) The following nobles are hereby named enemies of House Solari, the nobility of Solaria, and aggressors against free peoples everywhere. Each of them owes Solaria a debt of honor to be repaid in blood. There will be no negotiating the price, no adjustment of the terms. Failure to repay the debt will only result in my having to collect it. They have one day.

Brom of House Silverfire, Ostensible Duke of Askileon Ramiel of House Avis, Lord of Askileon Purlieus Jeffrey of House Norrel, Lord of Santoo Dame Etna of House Altir, Traitor to Solaria


Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Letter from Malus Solari (11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) A copy of the assassin's confession, offered freely and obtained without coercion. Perhaps it's time that Lord Brom, he-of-many-failed-plots, answered the charge laid at his feet. We can address the other conspirators in turn:

"I was originally attracted to the south by the bounty your king set on a certain noble. The trip south is a long one and things developed. Messages were passed to me telling of another great bounty in the south: your ruler. These messages were most notably from further south than your own realm. If I have to name the most prominent one, then that would have to be Duke Brom. When I reached Poryatu word reached me that he had increased the bounty on your ruler to 1200 gold. That was simply too much to pass a try on."

Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (10 hours, 33 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Arbiter Malus of Solaria, Noble witnesses of Luria and Morek and Fissoa,

I will answer your charge, and will see that my arguments are heard by this respected body but first I will ask you a few things.

First, since when did you begin to take the word of an assassin who is self-admittedly interested only in gold and not loyalty over the word of the most honorable noble in all of Luria and the third most honorable noble in all of Dwilight. Not only an assassin, but an assassin who sought to take your very own life. I would figure that you would at least think that they can't be trusted when they are the ones who attacked you instead of seeking to trust them to name your enemies.

Secondly, I find it curiously odd that you have named 4 nobles of which I can only assume that you believe to charge these other three with the same crime as you charge me: That of placing a bounty on your head. These four nobles are all curiously from Pian en Luries, your brother realm in Luria who allowed you to secede and to create the Solaria you now know and love. The fact that you target nobles within our realm to pay a blood price soon after your Duke freely insulted three members of our realm including myself, and the King of Pian en Luries must only seem to me that you seek conflict with us. Not to mention, it could be judged that perhaps King Koli would also be included on this list but that you may have in fact already exacted your blood price from him, so it is no longer necessary.

I make no accusations, but am just thinking out loud about the curiousness of your seeming support for attacks on honorable Pianese nobility.

Now, as to your charge against me:

1. All bounties placed are absolutely anonymous and excepting in the case where someone publicly states their bounty on someone (such as you and Duke Hrok have done on Lady Etna) any of the assassins seeking to pick up the bounty wouldn't know who placed it.

2. I have no where near enough gold to place a bounty of 1200 gold on your head, or anywhere close to that in fact. While, I am assuming you are not charging me for placing the entire sum, and I have no idea what in fact you are charging me of, as I was named to be the "most prominent one" I can only assume that you are saying I have provided the majority of that sum. This simply is not possible for me to do. My oath share is provided for by Duke Franz, the lord of the city of Askileon and he knows exactly how much gold I receive each week. He can verify my gold income, but out of respect for him, and for security reasons over the amount of gold that Askileon produces, I will only say it is approximately 150 gold per week. Now, I support a 50+man cavalry unit, which you can verify as I am currently in Lupa Lapu having cleared out the monsters in the region, and anyone can attest that such a unit, its repairs, and regular troop replacements easily cost 150 gold each week to maintain such a unit size for any reasonable length of time.

Thus, I simply do not have the funds available to have placed such a bounty on your head.

3. Aside from your having insulted, and attacked a vassal of mine, I have absolutely no reason to want to place a bounty on your head. I have consistently thought that you are an experienced leader who commands the respect of his vassals while leading in a good and proper manner. If there is one thing I respect it is leaders who are willing to take action and maintain the respect of their peers.

4. This is less of a defense of myself and more just a general argument over this situation: If placing a bounty constitutes a crime against all free peoples, and the need for a blood price to be paid, then I would say that this also applies to both you Arbiter Malus and your Duke, Duke Hrok of Poryatown, as both of you have placed an enormous bounty on the head of one of my vassals at the time, Lady Etna. So, the argument of point 4 is quite simply this: Drop the charges against myself, and these 3 other nobles of Pian en Luries (assuming it is for the same "crime") OR add your name and that of your Duke to those who owe a blood price to Pian en Luries and its nobles. You have no defense against having placed such a bounty as you stated it here in these very chambers with over 30 witnesses.

We are all Lurians here, and we should seek peace. I have repeatedly sought to foster positive relations between all nobles and realms of Luria and will continue to do so. The fact that such charges are brought against nobles of Pian en Luries, including myself, while my King is lying incapacitated due to an assassination attempt to be simply wrong. Our King is quite possibly dying and you would seek to harm relations with Pian en Luries who has supported your creation and your defense since then. I am sickened by this development and hope that you simply put this matte

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Duke Brom,

I had told myself not to waste any more ink on these arguments, but when common sense is insulted like in your latest missive, I am compelled to respond.

1. A rather flimsy defense. We tracked the assassin from Tranquil to Lupa Lapu. Only after entering Lupa Lapu, encountering several Pianese there, did she turn around and attack Arbiter Malus, conspicuously around the same time the bounty on the Arbiter almost doubled overnight.

2. Another flimsy defense. Who knows the riches you have acquired over the years? The gold you collected during your spell as Duke of Poryatown certainly did not go towards feeding your people, so we are left to wonder where it did go. Your current position as banker surely gives you access to all the gold you would need to place such bounties, and more.

3. Given the fact that you host lavish banquets visited by the Arbiter's self-declared enemies, I will take your praising of the Arbiter with more than one grain of salt. Elaborating on this point, your guests include a Marquis and a Lord... surely between the three of you, you can scrape together 600 coins.

4. You seem to forget that King Koli himself declared Etna's actions to be unjustified, and that he would personally return Lupa Lapu to Solaria. Not even your King recognizes your claim to the region. So, the region is not yours to command, nor are any of its nobles your vassals. The region was - and still is - sovereign Solarian lands, fiendishly stolen by a serpent from its rightful owners with your approval. That makes you an enemy of Solaria. Perhaps you conduct yourself with more public decorum than the likes of Ramiel and Jeffrey, but your transgressions are no less grave than theirs.

And finally, how ironic that you speak of fostering peace between the Lurias, when you were one of the main instigators of the Civil War that claimed the lives of more than a hundred thousand Lurians and devastated the duchy of Giask. It is even more ironic than a Duke directly responsible for the starvation of almost thirty thousand of his people now hosting lavish feasts in his ill-deserved estate in another city...


Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Bipel Coldchest (10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lurians,

I guess at this moment, and seeing how things are developing, this news wil seem a little out of place.

But at the west a group of Lurians has decided to get back to the path that leads to the Lurian Empire. In a Few Hours Luria Vesperi will born in the lands of the Duchy of Shinnen, As I told in the royal court we are not leaving as friends, But as brothers. This is an strategic decition, that I guess most of you will share.

I hope that you all share our vision, next message will be sent from the new Lurian realm,

May the gods watch over us.

Vincit ut chaos,

Bipel Coldchest Aspirant of Halls of Luria, Duke of Shinnen

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (9 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) 1. This is not a flimsy defense. And your own statements would give credence to my argument. There is no possible way that an assassin can know who made a post to the bounty board. Now, if I had given the assassin a personal bounty on Arbiter Malus, he would be aware of it, but that would also mean that I had nothing to do with the bounty board. Your arguments cancel each other out. In addition, it is impossible to place a bounty outside of the city, so either I was in Lupa Lapu to give him the order to attack Arbiter Malus and thus couldn't place a bounty, or I had to have been in a city to place a bounty, by which he would never know anything about it.

Simply your arguments against me contradict each other.

2. If you expect me to still have gold from my being Duke of Poryatown, and since having been a member of Giask, Caerwyn, and now Pian en Luries without dedicating any of it towards funding a unit or helping out my fellow nobles, you are making a drastic statement of my ability to save money. Not only that, but I would save it through multiple times of dire need only to spend it on placing a bounty? How does that make sense?

3. I would be surprised if myself, a marquis, and another lord of Pian en Luries aside from Lord Askileon could scrape together 600 gold coins when combining our funds, because simply we dedicate all we have to fighting the abominations every week.

4. King Koli did declare this, and I make no statement otherwise. However, he also stated that Lady Etna was deemed a free member of Pian en Luries even if she had to give up her lands. That makes a bounty being placed upon her head the very same as it being placed upon any other noble of Luria. Now, I did not approve her taking the land, and never said such. What I said, was that until a decision was made by the King she would be considered a rightful member of my duchy and for its duration my vassal.

If you last statement is one speaking in favor of the Ice Queen of Pian en Luries, then I think you should consider that every leader of the Lurian realms today stood against the Ice Queen for her unjustices just as I did. Thus, I make no apology for standing against dishonorable action and leadership. The deaths of the Lurians during the civil war, are on her head not mine, as she began the war by forcing the secession of Giask. As far as your arguments against my leadership of Poryatown, that is a very old argument which I do not wish to bring up once again. It has been done into the ground time and time again. The only correction I have to make is that 30,000 people is a false number, as the city held only 5,000 peasants upon my taking up its Ducal seat.

Now, I will await the response of Arbiter Malus, as he was the one that charged me.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Gundark Battleglug (9 hours, 30 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I am not one to usually bandy words. The rumors and accusations flying freely recently have given me grave concern for the safety of both Solaria and Pian-en-Luries. Of whoever started all this or their general aim I have no knowledge. I do question tho who would benefit from a war between our realms. It would certainly weaken both our countries. There are things happening in both countries and hotheaded Nobles reactions to these deeds. It makes me question if an outside force may be the instigators planning our 2 realms to weaken ourselves against each other so they may sweep through afterwards to claim a greater prize.

So again I ask to what gain do either of us have from a war?

Our honor certainly, defense of our lands.

But a weakened Luria would be ripe for the picking.

So I beg of you all use our heads, stop and think, investigate, scout, but above all do no other actions to further the war until our leaders deem it is necessary.

Any act provoking war I feel should be held as treason.


Gundark Battleglug Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (9 hours, 20 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Duke Brom,

1. How does that excuse you? Did I say you yourself were in Lupa Lapu? No, I did not. I merely stated that I find it highly probable that you are behind the assassination attempt of Arbiter Malus. You certainly have the motive, the resources and the lowly friends to pull it off.

2. Gold does not spoil. It can be kept for centuries and it will still be as good as it was. And since your departure from Pian en Luries first and later the whole southeast was reportedly a rather hasty one - the term 'tail between his legs' was uttered by more than one voice - it would be highly likely that you had been forced to leave some of your ill-gained fortune behind, hidden until the day you would need it, as you made your way to Caerwyn, where I was told you served as Lord for quite a while.

3. Please do not insult my intelligence. I have 162 gold coins in my pocket as i write this, and I am but a mere knight. What possible reason do I have to believe that a Duke who conspires with Marquises and Counts could not have gathered 600 coins? Not to mention your family, which is arguably one of the richest of all the noble houses of the world. Your attempts to pass yourself off as a pauper are about as subtle as throwing a brick at someone and claiming it was the wind.

4. Etna may be a free noble in Pian en Luries, but she is a traitor in Solaria. Coincidentally, Arbiter Malus is a free noble in Solaria, but not a traitor in Pian en Luries, despite Lord Ramiel's best efforts to have us believe otherwise. To compare her bounty with his is like comparing apples and bed sheets: the two could not possibly be more different.

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Roleplay from Koli Bedwyr (9 hours, 19 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Gwaidon was quietly frantic. The Marquis' troops had taken over, and there was nothing he could do about it. For all he knew, the blasted assassins had come with them, and they were keeping him away from his King and-


The quiet voice broke into his thoughts, and he turned. One of the household staff...Well...Several of them, actually, a couple dozen, and...Gwaidon's eyes widened. All with weapons, that they clearly knew how to use.

"Some of the lads...We were soldiers back during the Giaskan war and the Fissoan campaign. Followed the General then, followed him when he became Duke, and then again as King. It's been a while, but we still know our blades...And we'll be damned before we let those pissants keep us from him."

The last words had been growled.

Gwaidon turned back, face set. His King needed him.

"Then let us go and find him."

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (9 hours, 6 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Luis,

1. I never said it excused me. I said that your arguments are contradictory. There is a difference between my having motive to do something and your having proof that I did it. I am saying that it is impossible for the assassin you have in prison to have known who set that bounty let alone that it was me. It is not hard to forge letters or to lie. Since, I will give Arbiter Solaria the benefit of the doubt as he is a ruler, I won't say that he himself lied or forged the statement of the assassin, but I have no qualms about saying that an assassin would lie or tell his prosecutors whatever he thought would most likely help his position. He could have easily just named a powerful noble of Pian en Luries trusting that your distrust for my realm would cause you to believe him. So, thus as my first statement said, it is the word of a dishonorable assassin vs the word of the most honorable noble in all of Luria. How do you choose?

2. True, but as I said I use gold whenever it is needed, and thus I would have no funds from then because I use them whenever possible to aid my realm mates.

3. I am not insulting your intelligence, or at least not intending to. You must understand one thing: I am not currently a Duke of Pian en Luries, but a knight of the Duke of the duchy of Askileon, Duke Franz. I myself am just a knight at this time and my income solely comes from my lord of the city. We all know that council positions offer no funding at this time. I still hold the "title" of Duke as I was appointed as such by the King, but some mistakes by the bureacrats of the city handed the title to Franz in recent days. (OOC: There was a bug that caused Brom to lose the title after holding it and it was given to Franz instead as he was lord of the city). Thus, as a knight, I wouldn't be expected to hold more funds than even you yourself. My family is another story, but I don't associate with my brother much in Atamara, as he is a bit too devious for my tastes, so I'm not sure how my family plays into things here.

4. That's an interesting argument because apparently Arbiter Malus is also considered a traitor in Pian en Luries, at least by the listing of bans that are kept officially.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Malus Solari (9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I see a lot of words from a man who questions why I would accept the word of a straight-dealing and honest assassin over his own. Apparently, Lord Brom has never been properly introduced to Lord Brom. Pay your blood debt, Lord Craven, or I will extract it from you. The stars have one more circuit to make before the deadline. Spend the time in transit or prayer. It doesn't really matter.

Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Roleplay from Koli Bedwyr (8 hours, 54 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Cullen had never heard such sounds. He was too young to remember the wars between Lurians, only knowing conflicts between man and beast or foul undead. And so it was only today that he learned the full horror behind civil strife.

It had started simply. Gwaidon had marched up at the head of the household members with experience in arms. Lord Brom's detachment, on orders to obey the Steward, joined the posse. Lord Ramiel's troops, under similarly strict orders not to allow anyone into the King's presence and certainly not to cede control of it, refused to stand aside. The results were as predictable as they were awful.

It was considerably worse now. Troops from others in Pian en Luries had been arriving all day, some rushing straight to the estate where the King had taken residence, others coming in fresh from the battle to cleanse a group of monsters, but all terrified at what might happen in the chaos of battle, with none to guard the King.

With good reason.

Cullen had taken the opportunity to slip in to the King's bedchamber in one of the swirls of the melee. Few paid attention to a half-grown boy, and none after he scattered pilfered caltrops behind him. He knew his duty, even if the rest of the world had gone mad.

The caltrops did two things. First, they prevented anyone distracted by, say, frantic efforts by another faction to kill one from taking the time to clear them and get in. Second, they ensured that any who did were determined and capable, to fight off the melee out front long enough to clear them and get through. Cullen, being a smart lad, knew he had not the slightest chance in the world of fighting the group of assassins off because of this. And assassins they surely were, as in the chaos of the fight they no longer kept up the pretense of being household retainers.

Many would have broken then, faced with the certainty of death. But Cullen was not page to the King and Pathfinder because he was ordinary. And his quick wit once again proved itself...And possibly saved his master. For when they came with their knives, they found Cullen wrapped tightly over Koli, covering his head, neck, and torso with his own body, roaring in that alternately high and deep voice peculiar to adolescents simply "Assassins with the King! Assassins with the King!" over and over...Until they devolved into wordless cries of pain, but he kept the cry as loud as he could, even as his lifeblood poured out, bathing his lord in gore.

In the chaos outside, it took a few moments for everyone to realize that they had been tricked, but once they had, the assassins could not stand against all the troops present. Gwaidon and a few others even had the sense to restrain the murderous rage of their men to ensure that some of the assassins were left alive to talk. And, thanks to Cullen, they even managed to stop the attackers before they killed Koli. Koli was badly wounded, arms and legs torn to shreds and with lighter damage to his sides, and a broken shoulder where Cullen had frantically rolled him off the bed onto the stone floor and wedged him into a corner, to protect as much of him as possible.

Whether Koli would continue to live was an open question. None had any idea how the poison would alter the normal treatments or impair his ability to heal. But the fact remained that he would have been dead for certain without Cullen's sharp intellect.

So in the midst of those blood spattered rooms, as the healers did everything they could to stabilize the grievously wounded King, all of the soldiers knelt to honour one brave boy. There were already discussions of making him the first martyred Saint of the Manifest Path, possibly with a window in the grand temple in Askileon. The main difficulty was in something resembling an accurate likeness. They knew it was him, because of a few remnants of the uniform and a few had recognized his voice, which was just as well, as determining who he had been from the body would have been difficult.

There was not enough left of him to be fully sure the corpse was human.

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Roleplay from Ramiel Avis (8 hours, 52 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients)

Captain Wolfhart was with the king when one the men he had sent to bring the steward to start questioning the Household had come running in.

Captain, the Steward is gone, as are some of the servants.

The Steward is in league with the assassin? By the Gods... You two, barricade the doors. You there, go and fetch the men at rest. Ensure the healers are ready to prepared to to defend the King. The rest of you, form a Shield-Wall around the King. If these traitors want to finish him off, then they will DIE!. For the Pathfinder, and For Luria!

Where the blazes are you Ramiel Avis... the whole world goes to sh*t and you are late...

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (8 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Arbiter Malus,

You called me to speak for the charges you have placed against my good name, and yet after doing so don't even see fit to honorably discuss the defense I have for myself? Has all justice been abandoned by Solaria, or perhaps only you have abandoned justice?

Fine, I had expected better from a Lurian Ruler, but apparently thought too much of the makings of what is needed to lead in Luria anymore.

Before we discuss blood debts then, I must ask two very simple questions of you, Arbiter Malus, of house Solari:

1. Do you agree with your Duke's statement that King Koli of Pian en Luries is, "less than the scum that will gather on this leg as it rots." when referring to the leg of the messenger he sliced off?

2. Do you as Ruler of Solaria endorse, allow, and support such statements by your Duke against Rulers of foreign realms, but not just any foreign realm, a fellow Lurian realm that supported your realm's founding?

Answer me these questions for all here to witness then we will discuss my blood debt if you deny me my just say in defense of my honor.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (8 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Brom,

1. The most honorable Lord in Luria? Don't make me laugh. Your name is synonymous with failure. The earliest memory I have is of watching the fires in Poryatown as a child, after the starvation caused by your inept rule drove the few remaining survivors to madness. I even recall the smell of the burning dead, which on rare occasions was carried by the wind to my family's estate on the outskirts of Poryatu. If that is your claim to honor, then you are an even bigger fool than I thought. You fought in a lot of battles, that much is true. Then again, more than one of those battles happened because of you in the first place. I find Tela's version of the story, that you offered her a vast sum of gold for the Arbiter's head, more credible than your suggestion that an assassin with no history anywhere near the Lurias would come down and instigate a war between Pian en Luries and Solaria for no discernible reason.

2. You've say a lot of things, that does not mean they are true.

3. If not a Duke at this exact moment, then certainly you are among the more privileged nobles in the Lurias, with equally or more privileged friends. Besides, you were Duke for the better part of your spell in Askileon, given your claims that Etna was your vassal and Lupa Lapu belonged to your duchy. My statement stands: You have had every opportunity to raise a considerable sum of gold, no matter what titles you may or may not own.

4. Your officials can claim whatever they like. So long as King Koli does not consider the Arbiter a traitor, no one should.


Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (8 hours, 34 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Luis,

I am done speaking with you. Your Ruler will not honor my right to defend my honor from these charges, so I will cease doing so.

I await his response.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Malus Solari (8 hours, 30 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Craven—

I don't know why you can think that the quantity of words you write somehow offsets the quality, but I will indulge your attempts to distract by saying this: King Koli was apparently unable to keep a lying, thieving, plotting whelp of a man like you from becoming Duke. Apparently, divine forces intervened to rectify that serious lapse in judgment. Duke Hrok's actions, while uncouth, are not surprising for one raised from Makarian stock. That's why he makes such a good duke—under normal conditions. Your behavior has no easy explanation.

Again, you have one day. Words and gold will not buy you time, just as they could not buy you my head.


Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Roleplay from Brom Silverfire (8 hours, 24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Brom had just finished his last charge against the monsters in Lupa Lapu and turned to regather his troops, that he saw the smoke.

The location was unmistakable. It was coming from the direction which The King was temporarily staying in recovery.

Brom was visibly shaken. Something had gone seriously wrong and even though Brom and Saul had been able to stop the monsters from swarming the defenseless King, it may still all be for naught.

Brom dismounted, and sunk into the mud of the field, tears streaming down his face. A wordless shriek rose up from his throat as he stared as if blinded at the sight of the smoke. His captain, realizing now what must be wrong, cautiously approached his lord. Although his dispair was apparent, he was able to hear the following words:

"...Execute them...whoever is responsible for this, they must be stopped. Take...Saul...make safe...King"

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (8 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Arbiter Malus,

Your words betray your agreement with this opinion of King Koli.

My behavior has and always will be one of a loyal servant of Pian en Luries.

My words perhaps may be ignored time and time again. However, it is now seen by all that your Word, the word of your Duke, your honor, and the honor of your Duke are worthless.

You want a blood price? You will have it. I'm done talking. If my words are worthless, then let my actions not be. My messenger will be delivering my left gauntlet with this letter.

You have insulted my King, my vassals, my friends, and my honor for too long. I don't need gold to take your head, although it seems you did to take the life of mine King. I will take it with mine own hand in a duel of honor and end this once and for all. That is if you are not craven yourself. I will not have you destroy the peace that my King has worked for so long by your insults, attacks, and all the such while he lays potentially dying.


Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Jeffrey Norrel Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Heretic, traitor, self-serving swine of an excuse for a ruler,

You issue me an ultimatum? I will respond in turn. I will see your nation burned to the ground, and all that trusted you begging for the sweet mercy of death. I will wipe Solaria from history, so that none will know of this monument to vanity that has scarred our Empire. I will see your house scorned and dishonored, so that men will not deign to piss on the name of House Solari. I will unman and parade you, broken, before your loyal subjects, so that history may know how Malus the Great met his end. Only then will I slay you, but then I will turn you over to the undead hordes, so that not even your very soul will know respite from my vengeance.

I will do everything in my power and with the power of the Crusaders to ensure that my vision of your future becomes reality, and I offer you no terms, no forgiveness. No man insults me or names my liege-lord craven, and no man orders my King assassinated. You want a debt paid in blood? I will pay it with the blood of the soldiers who die for you, of the villages I sack, of the heads that will adorn the Anger's banners as I march on Poryatown.

Invictus Maneo,

Jeffrey Norrel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Count of Santoo

Letter from Fulco D`Este (8 hours, 8 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Halls,

Some time ago I declared that if evidence was found of who was behind the attack on Arbiter Malus, that the armies of Giask would march. Today, the evidence was shared with us all and we now know who was behind it. In a last attempt to let this action of Brom Silverfire lead to a civil war, I demand his immediate surrender to Luria Nova, so justice can be done. If he refuses, Giask will march.

Also, the same story goes for Lord Ramiel, for conspiring against Luria Nova and trying to create hostilities between the Manifest Path and Aetheris Pyrism.

The Lord Jeffrey Norrel is also summoned to answer for his threats against Arbiter Malus and the realm of Solaria. I recertainly hope I don't need to add more nobles to my list.

Furthermore, rumours has reached me that Lord Ramiel's guards have allowed another attack on King Koli, this even after King Koli was taken prisoner by Lord Ramiel's men. As the full truth is yet unknown to me I will leave this out of the charges for now. Perhaps it's best that I will send a part of my army to secure King Koli's location to prevent any more assaults.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Jeffrey Norrel Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Duke Fulco,

I answer to my liege, my King, and my Magistrate. You are not included on that list.

You march on the evidence of an attempt on Malus' life. What of the attempt on the life of my King? The evidence against Solaria on that matter is damning and incontrovertible, but you simply use that tragedy as an excuse to accuse Lord Ramiel. Why do your armies not also march on Solaria?

Jeffrey Norrel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Count of Santoo

Letter from Juan De-Legro (8 hours, 7 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Some calm would be most helpful at this time. Royal Overseer Brom, perhaps we should recall that you once again grace Pian En Luries with your presence only because Arbiter Malus, then Warden of Pian En Luires spoke on your behalf. It was his word along that convinced the realm to allow you to return.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) The infiltrators words while damning, still come from the mouth of a noble that prefers to live in the shadows, and who has been disowned by Morek. Magistrate Katerina, High Justice Mattias, perhaps you would both travel to Poryatown in order to lend your own assessment with regards to the confession. I am sure Justice Balint will be happy to hold the cur until you arrive.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (7 hours, 58 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) And where is this evidence of my 'trying to create hostilities between the Manifest Path and Aetheris Pyrism' hmm? Or conspiring against Luria Nova? How about, Duke Fulco, instead of bleeting to your new master's tune, your master who still refuses to give us the antidote for the King's Poison even in exchange for my blood and body, you try working for peace hmm? That would be a miracle in itself.

And what is this rubbish of more rumours? I have heard nothing from my men, so unless it is you who is sending additional assassins to kill our beloved King I suggest you stop trying to incite things.

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Letter from Torpius d'Arricarrère (7 hours, 54 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Halls of Luria,

Insults and threats of war aside, there is something that greatly worries me as a man of faith. Count Jeffrey has stated his intention of slaying a prisoner of war should he capture him, namely Arbiter Malus, to give him to the undead hordes, hurting not only his body, but also his soul.

As a Pyrist I believe the flamma is the spark of the divine in us, lowly men, and attempting to damage it is a serious offense to the Holy Ones, which cannot be condoned. Doing so would be working for the plan of the Underlords.

I request to the authorities of the Manifest Path to see Count Jeffrey retracts from his intentions of strengthening the undead hordes, and from Pian en Luries to see he behaves in a noble manner during war.

Dei sub numine Luria viget,

Torpius d'Arricarrère Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (7 hours, 52 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I must have missed something in all this correspondence. What undeniable evidence has been presented against Arbiter Malus. How may Justice Balint and I take action against any who conspire to do harm upon a Royal of Luria if we are not presented with the charges and evidence?

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (7 hours, 51 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Commander Juan - You speak from wisdom, and I would naturally accept. But with a foreign Duke and Ruler both threatening imminent and extreme actions, I cannot. Were they to have patience, and perhaps exercise control over their emotions, I would be more willing.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (7 hours, 49 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Councilor Torpius

  While I respect your beliefs, we the elders of The Manifest Path will not instruct our members to follow the doctrine of another faith. Prophet Koli alone would have the power to compel someone in this regard, and he is as we all know currently indisposed.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Balint Tranquilli (7 hours, 49 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Jeffrey,

What evidence is there of the attack on King Koli being caused by a Solarian? I must tell you, there isn't any. Why would a Solarian attack the one person who is able to hand us Lupa Lapu back and have the power to shut not only you but Ramiel and Brom up?

What I wouldn't give for Koli to be up on his feet...

Balint Tranquilli Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria and Justice of Solaria

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Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (8 hours, 9 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) What evidence?

What of the fact that Malus has previously employed assassins? What of the fact that when Malus' dog of a Duke came barking, he did not leash him? What of the fact that a Solarian coin was found on the person of an assassin? What of the fact that King Koli's steward, who urged peace with Solaria, was found to be in collusion with the assassins? What of the fact that Malus has declared several major players of Pian En Luries his enemies? What of the fact that Malus has renounced my King, both in his political and religious capacity? What of the fact that Malus has repeatedly insulted my King, both in private and in public? What of the fact that Malus is a wolf leading a realm of sheep? What of the fact that Malus has repeatedly brought negotiations to a standstill so that he might manufacture casus belli?

You base your accusations against Overseer Brom on hearsay from the mouth of a renounced infiltrator, and then you do not heed this?

Jeffrey Norrel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Count of Santoo

Letter from Brom Silverfire (7 hours, 49 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Commander Juan,

What "undeniable evidence" was presented against my person?

Yes, you presented evidence, but it is certainly far from undeniable.

If you claim to do justice, please grant me the justice as well as you would grant it to others.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Torpius d'Arricarrère (7 hours, 47 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Councilor Juan,

Should I assume necromancy does not fall into the categories of heresies by the Manifest Path?

Dei sub numine Luria viget,

Torpius d'Arricarrère Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (7 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Ramiel,

You keep accusing everyone from sending assassins to take the life of King Koli and what do you have to base your accusations on? You don't even know it yourself, although the only one to win from the king's death would be nobles in Pian en Luries itself. Solaria has nothing to gain, their region would be returned to them, but before it could happen the King was poisoned. And now, your men allow another attack on the king? How hard can it be to defend one men, unless you are truly incapable of doing anything right.

As for the rest, it will lead to an endless discussion of you claiming to be innocent and me knowing the truth about you. My statement has been made.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (7 hours, 43 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) What action have I taken against you Royal Overseer? Have I not spoken in your defence, have I not agreed that the evidence comes from a tainted source and thus must be further tested? Have I not offered to the judiciary of Luria Nova and Pian En Luries to ensure they have access to both the confession and the man whom made it? Have I not asked for calm and rational thought from all sides in this regard?

Had I deemed the evidence more creditable, my forces would already be dragging you back to Poryatown to face trial. As this is not the case I wonder in what way have I subverted justice in the accusations against you?

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Fulco D`Este (7 hours, 43 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Jeffrey,

What evidence against Solaria? Not a single piece I have seen, yet I have seen the evidence against Lord Brom. Furthermore, I have see your threats and you will answer for that.


Fulco D`Este Founder of Halls of Luria and High Treasurer of Luria Nova, Duke of Giask

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (7 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Commander Juan,

You have taken no action against me, my letter was an appeal that you convince your fellow Solari leaders to think and trust in the wisdom you had offered.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (7 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) My apologies Councilor Torpius. That is indeed a crime within both our religions. Perhaps Lord Jeffrey has allowed his anger to cloud his better judgement, though a follower of the path should strive to maintain rational thought and civility at all times.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (7 hours, 37 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Duke Fulco,

There IS evidence against Solaria in the attack upon the King. However, Pian en Luries seeking to make sure that everything is made sure of before making accusations has withheld any statements on the matter until a full investigation can be carried out and things fully confirmed before making public accusations on the matter. Magistrate Katerina will make such a statement when she has completed her investigation I'm sure.

And What evidence against me have you seen that I have not already responded to? Speak clearly instead of broad statements not backed up. Rhetoric only causes conflict, but clear discussions can cause us to cease this inner conflict and reach a safe place to serioiusly figure out the cause of these things.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (7 hours, 31 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Brom,

Which is it? Either you rescind your accusations that Solaria is behind the poisoning of the King, because you have presented even less evidence for it than you say we have for your role in the attempt on the Arbiter; or you accept that the evidence against you is far stronger than the 'evidence' you supposedly have but will not share, and thus the case against you has more substance than the case against the Arbiter. You cannot have both.

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Brom Silverfire (7 hours, 28 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Luis,

As I said before, I am done speaking with you about my case.

I seek a trial by justices or a trial by arms against my accuser. Either will do, but I will not let people continue to publicly denounce me and my King anymore.

Also, for all of the Halls of Luria, let me say this:

There is no need to invade Pian en Luries over rumors about what it has been said I have done about the Arbiter's recent attack. I will not let my realm be harmed or the peace my king has sought so long be harmed on my behalf just because I refuse to stand trial. Stay your armies and let justice be found.

Brom Silverfire Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Royal Overseer of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (7 hours, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) If Pian En Luries is not ready to present their evidence against the Arbiter to greater Luria, then there is no official charge to answer to at this time. Given that the argument has become heated on all sides, I will not request that punitive action be taken against the Pianese nobles whom find themselves unable to restrain their passion and head their hierarchy.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Skyndarbau Melphrydd (7 hours, 24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Halls of Luria,

I will not attempt to wade through the stream of letters I have received today. However, I believe I might be of assistance. Fissoa, being a neutral party in this conflict with nothing to gain - more than that even: above all we want a stable Greater Luria- offers to mediate.

You have all tried the open discussion, but that approach has clearly failed. I suggest I convene with King Tybalt, Arbiter Malus and a representative of Pian en Luries in private. And someone from Shinnen, if that is considered an item in this case. We will go over the matters past, and find a way to resolve this. That is, on one condition. The only reason I would be prepared to stick my head into that bee's nest you call Lurian civilisation, is when those I am to cooperate with have the commitment and will to look past personal differences and petty wars, and work together on a future making things better for us all. If one of the monarchs of the Lurian realms fails to do this, I refuse to get tangled in your politics.

If I am to convene with the heads of your realms, I will do exactly that; please leave your personal differences home.

Friendly regards,

Skyndarbau Melphrydd Observer of Halls of Luria and Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (7 hours, 15 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Jeffrey,

One, by your logic we should just hang half the nobles in Luria. Once a master of assassins, always a master of assassins, so once a traitor, always a traitor, yes? And we have a LOT of people who have participated in a rebellion, including Lord Brom and just about any noble present since the secession of Luria Nova. Two, who is leashing you? Your barking has been going on far longer than any from our realm. Three, I have four dozen Pianese coins in my pocket. There is such a thing as trade between our realms, you know. That coin - which we will just have to take you on your word for - could have come from Askileon just as easily as it could come from Poryatown. Four, by now you are just taking wild potshots hoping to get lucky. Where is this steward? Dead, I suppose? How convenient. Five, nuance is important. The Arbiter did not make enemies out of any Pianese, they made an enemy out of him with their wild slandering. Six, with subjects such as you, how could the Arbiter still trust the King? Seven, insults beget insults, you of all people should have figured that out by now. Eight, last time I checked I was not covered in wool, nor did the Arbiter have a set of sharp fangs. If you were trying to make an analogy, then I must warn you that some wolves dress in sheep's clothing to fool their prey. Nine, given by the manner you conduct your 'negotiations' in public, I fail to see how the Arbiter's refusal to talk to the likes of you can be held against him.

Did you have anything else? Perhaps a wild conspiracy theory involving Alanna, Loathin and Amaury?

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Jeffrey Norrel (7 hours, 36 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Luis,

I was not speaking of Malus' being the former master of assassins, though if that is true it is only more damning. I was speaking of his propensity for the use of assassins, especially in the recent case of Countess Lupa Lapu. When a man is assassinated, why not first turn to the man who makes the most use of assassins? Mere hours after Duke Poryatown called my King scum, an assassin poisons him. Am I wrong to draw conclusions from that?

I do not know if the steward is dead or alive. I believe he has vanished, as assassins are wont to do.

Do not make jokes. Malus declared me an enemy before I responded in turn, just as his Duke declared an enemy of my King before any aggression on his part.

Last, do I seem to be negotiating? All of this is just idle talk before we sound the horns of war.

Jeffrey Norrel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Count of Santoo

Letter from Hendrick Madigan (7 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I second Observer Skyndarbau's notion, it being the most clear headed I have heard.

A series of accusations on the floor of the Halls of Luria is no way to solve this matter and does nothing but harm all of our realms. Is it possible that the assassin is telling the truth? Is it possible that a member of these Halls is responsible for the various attempts? Perhaps, but regardless, they are not matters to be shouted about in open court, where our voices meld together into a cacophony of vitriol and rage.

Let the rulers - or in this case a representative from Pian en Luries - and perhaps the Judges, gather together and solve this issue without this mob mentality of justice. Then, this tribunal will bring their findings and conclusions to the Halls at large and present them. As far as I am concerned, and I see no current evidence to the contrary, the Grand Duke is a neutral party and can mediate the discussion.

Hendrick Madigan Aspirant of Halls of Luria, Earl of Thar Gortauth

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (6 hours, 48 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Jeffrey,

Do you think the Arbiter is the first and only Lurian ruler to employ assassins against their enemies? He has done so once, furthermore, against a renegade Lord whom your King agreed was wrong in taking her region from Solaria. And for what it's worth, that bounty was for anyone to collect. You would think that a man of the Arbiter's caliber would be a little less conspicuous than that if trying to be a master of subterfuge. And lastly, anyone in a position to poison a King would need ready access to his target... for instance, a man trusted by the King... such as a retainer of one of his 'trusted' subjects perhaps? As it has been pointed out before, Solaria has nothing to gain from assassinating King Koli. It would harm our cause far more than it would help it. The Arbiter's enemies, on the other hand, have every reason to implicate him. Now you tell me, am I wrong in concluding that it is far more likely that the conspirators should be sought in Pian en Luries rather than Solaria?

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Roleplay from Saul Tarvitz (6 hours, 22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) It was chaos, the King had been wounded during an attempted assassination, there was fighting all over the estate where he was housed. However none of that mattered to Godfree, the King was his under his care, and that of many other healers, and he must get there. Leaving his quarters, Godfree saw a guard, evidentially trying his best ot evade the fighting, "You!" he shouted, "Follow me now!".

The guard just looked at him, "and go to the fighting?! Are you stupid? I'll die! I didn't sign on for this, I thought it would be a quiet job!"

"You coward!", yelled Godfree back at him, "Your King has been wounded and all you can think of is your own life?! You're pathetic!", and with that Godfree turned and ran, in the direction of the King's quarters. Fighting was everywhere, but luckily most of the assailants were either dead or otherwise engaged with the current guard stationed there. Making his way into the King quarters he found himself facing a shield wall of the Marquis' troops, he stopped, not wishing to die just yet. "I am a healer of the King, let me through! I must see to his wounds immediately!"

With this, the Kings master healer speaks up, "This man tells the truth, he is both an acomplished healer and my apprentice, let him pass".

((OOC: This is background provided for why he is there, I thought it would be more fun to write it out))

He had only been an apprentice for a short time now, but he was fast in learning the ways of healing, and this had earned him tutilage under the healers of the King. It had all been possible due to the generosity of Count Saul. It was widely known that Count Saul would never stand to see Lurian's die if he could help it, and this is what had led to Godfree's position as an apprentice healer. During last winter, he had been caught out in the cold; being an orphan left him with no where to go, and no one to turn to. Whilst wandering the roads, he was forced off by the guards of a noble, such was their way to commoners. As he looked up, he pleaded for food from them, but was kicked aside by another guard. The blow had winded him, and he had passed out, the lack of food and the cold had finally gotten to him.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in a bed, the room was made of stone, and as he looked to the left, and the right, he found himself looking at other people. He was in the healers training center, it was a bustling sight, the centre was full, although there was no lack of food, the attacks of the winter, and the cold, had left a lot injured. When a healer came over to him, he question why he was there, how he had got there; the last he knew he was dying. The healer replied that Count Tarvitz had had him brought in by his guards, apparently he had been most displeased to see their display of hostility towards another Lurian - even if only a commoner. He had paid for the healing himself before leaving, ensure that there was enough to cover the cost for a month.

It was here that Godfree discovered his ability for healing, watching the healers work he understood some of their practices, and chose to follow them. Enlisting as an apprentice, Godfree quickly displayed his ability, and this lead to him take up an apprenticeship under a healer of Count Saul himself. Whilst attending to the wounds of the Count one night, he was recognised.

Saul was interested in how he had chosen the path, and more impressed that in such little time he had learnt so much. Speaking to his master healer, Saul learnt that Godfree had learnt quickly, and was promising; yet he needed more experienced healers in order to progress his skill, soon he would be matching the skill of even the master healer of Saul himself. Organising a transfer was difficult, yet it was managed and soon Godfree was transferred to the master healer of the King; however it had not been simple. The healer had insisted that he see a display of the talents of the young healer, after all he was only an apprentice, to be at such a level so quickly was almost unheard of.

Having proved his worth as a healer, he was taken as an apprentice and this had lead to his current situation within the King's healers. He had been there the day the King had been poisoned, he had sent a letter to Saul, explaining the situation. He believed he owed the Count a lot, for without his original compassion and generosity, he would have been dead long ago.

((OOC: apologies for the double, or even triple some will get))

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Letter from Malus Solari (5 hours, 14 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Words, words, words. You're going to die. Accept it—it makes the process easier. How long did you think you could go on plotting with impunity: against me, against Duke Franz, against the Pyrists... really, is there anyone that Lords Craven, Largemouth, and Lapdog (by which we mean Brom, Ramiel, and Jeffrey) did not plot against?I must be missing the part where I employed an assassin. Dame Tela answered a bounty call that does not actually exist. You'll note that there is isn't actually a bounty on her head. But me... that's another story. Duke Fulco has also generously offered to recognize the blood debt. So, surrender your lives to Solaria, and all will be forgiven. That includes you, Dame Etna.


Malus Solari Lurian King of Halls of Luria and Arbiter of Solaria

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Letter from Ramiel Avis (5 hours, 11 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) All these lies.. I can't keep up myself now.

So with no evidence against me at all, you just sit there in your castle calling your own lapdogs and attacking and insulting anyone who did not agree to you. Maybe the King should die, so that he doesnt have to see the betrayal of him by someone he trusted and respected. But then, you were never really loyal to him were you...

Ramiel Avis Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Marquis of Askileon Purlieus, Marshal of the Aegis of Luria

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Roleplay from Saul Tarvitz (5 hours, 5 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Saul began rallying the Guardian's, the last monster had just been slaughtered and the battle won. Turning from the field of battle, Saul began to make for the clearing that had been decided upon for the nights camp. It was late and the men were tired; they would travel to the estate where the King was tomorrow, when they were fit and ready for what may be another confrontation.

His Captain rode up beside him, and Saul questioned him on the morale of the men, especially with the recent events. Whilst in conversation with, Saul heard the gallop of hooves and the shout of his name from behind, "Marshal Saul", he yelled, "My Lord Brom has sent me to find you! He fell on the field, of what I could not say but in the last words I could only make out few, make safe the king", and with this he pointed in the direction of the smoke.

Saul's face changed from weariness to ferocity and without a word to the messenger he began riding off in the direction of the estate. His Captain, having been next to him, had overheard the exchange, "Thank you, send work to Knight Aarnout that he is to make for the estate immediately and is to ready his men for battle, my lord shall meet him there", and with that he turned to face the cavalry unit.

"The King is in danger, smoke rises from his estate! We ride for his protection, and for that of our Lord!", he turned and began following Saul, the rest of the guardians quickly spurred on their horses, galloping off towards the estate.

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (4 hours, 45 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Noble Lurians,

First, all Pianese nobles are to cease, once again, all communications on this forum unless to report something urgent and important. What is urgent and important? An update on King Koli would be one.

Grand Duke Skyndarbau, Pian en Luries is ready and willing to name a representative, resolving this dispute with civility and not with arms.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Bremen the Druid (4 hours, 17 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I will say this once, and only once. Any who seek the head of Arbiter Malus Solari will do so over the dead and rotting corpses of me and my men. If any of you have the stones to actually carry through with your threats to his life, I suggest you start now as you will find the path to be most difficult. Otherwise, cease your bleating.

You, the magistrates and officers of Pian en Luries, have unlawfully withheld sovereign territory of Solaria from us despite the stated intention of your king to return said land. You have sided with those who have conspired against the people of this land and others, and those who insult Luria with their ongoing incompetence. Added to that is the personal insult in the fact that vital information regarding the diplomatic status of Flowrestown was withheld from me despite King Koli being fully aware of both said status and of my intention to colonise the Flow peninsula. One might even go so far as to speculate he sought for us to fail before we had even departed. No longer will the blight that infests these lands and their politics be tolerated.

In the name of Arbiter Malus Solari I swear, you will either answer for your crimes willingly, or you will be brought to answer for them for the good of the people of Greater Luria

Bremen the Druid Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (3 hours, 52 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Bremen,

You may bring your concerns to your Arbiter, and urge him to convene with his peers and our representative. Pian en Luries wishes only to solve this dispute with civility.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (3 hours, 38 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Admirable sentiments, Lady Katerina, though I believe some of your Pianese friends might disagree. Although, perhaps they will learn to quiet down as soon as they realize Solaria is not the weak little brother they thought they could push around with impunity.

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Bremen the Druid (3 hours, 27 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lady Katerina

Regrettably, the situation has already gone beyond simple mediation as a resolution. An attempt was made on the life of our sovereign lord, an attempt that has been revealed to have been initiated as the result of a conspiracy comprising of at least some of the officers of Pian en Luries. As I'm sure I do not need to remind you, an attempt on the ruler of a foreign realm is an Act of War. We are willing to place aside our right to retaliate this heinous act, however, in exchange for the heads of those responsible for plotting against not only our lord, but against the vast majority of the Lurian people. We will settle for no less than this, and if their heads are not presented to us within the deadline given, we will actively seek them out ourselves as is our right.

We are offering you a peaceful resolution in exchange for the lives of those who would intend to disrupt that peace and civility that you profess to be seeking to achieve. If you choose not to take the offer, that is entirely up to you.

Bremen the Druid Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (2 hours, 56 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Bremen,

You need not remind me. Unfortunately, the deal you have in mind is impossible, as our ruler was not as fortunate as yours; poisoned and clinging on to dear life.... Currently, all evidence points to Solaria, but the investigation is ongoing. With that information, I will cease speaking any further. I urge everyone to bring their issues to their respective rulers, or council in Pian en Luries, and push for a civil resolution to this debacle.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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Letter from Etienne Silver (2 hours, 16 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Are you all so foolish to jump so quickly to wanting bloodshed? Almost all of you have professed to wanting to handle the manner in a civil, diplomatic way. Yet, I saw little civility from the start. It degraded quickly. Insults were thrown around and public accusations made without even giving any evidence behind the claims whatsoever.

You all professed to be brothers at one point, wanting to be part of something greater. But it seems that in your eyes, something greater is personal power, and nothing more. Are we so petty a people that personal greed takes precedence over everything else? I will never support the shedding of Lurian blood. And quite honestly, I have a problem with those who do. Specifically, I see a problem with those in power having publicly acknowledged their desire for blood to sate their interests and gain in political power. Perhaps it is to put puppets into place to garner support, or perhaps it is just to weaken the opposition. I can understand the latter, but there should be little reason to make life-threats and demand the blood of your brothers and sisters.

Do you care so little for each other? Do you not view yourselves as brothers and sisters? You have each made your desires for power clear. But is a weak attempt to gain power really worth weakening our bonds, or weakening Greater Luria as a whole? If the outside world knew what was going on, they would see that they could split us so easily. And now, it seems that the assassin may have glimpsed enough. They may sell the information to the highest bidder who wants to see us ended. And yet, you would trust them? They already stated that their motivation is gold, and what easier way is there to gain gold than an entire nation putting a bounty on itself?

Calm down. Relinquish the insults. I do not desire apologies, but let it be handled in a civil manner if you truly wish it so. And may those who say they are not our brothers be damned. Do not accuse others of this thought, for it will only bring it in a greater magnitude upon yourselves. I respectfully suggest that the Solarian representatives choose their words with caution.

Etienne Silver Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Earl of Maf

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Letter from Bremen the Druid (1 hour, 59 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lady Katerina, I for one would be interested to hear this "evidence" you have against us. We at least had the decency to present our evidence: the willing and signed confession of the very assassin who attempted to take the life of our Lord. It evidently speaks volumes about the discipline of our Royal Guard that we were able to keep them from murdering him in retribution for his attempt on Arbiter Solari's life. Sadly, however, I doubt your own "guards" were so disciplined. Or were they in fact under orders not to allow any of the assassins to survive?

Frankly, however, if the best evidence you can present is a Solarian coin in the pocket of one of the assassins, to me it sounds like either stretching or a setup attempting to frame the Solarian people and to slander our good name. I will reiterate our demands:

We are willing to give up our right to retaliate this act of war against us on the condition that the heads of those responsible for conspiring to perform the act are presented to us within the day. If you fail to do so, we will actively seek out those heads ourselves by whatever means necessary. The perpetrators of this act will NOT go unpunished for their blatant and proven act of aggression against the Solarian people and their leaders, and if the Pianese government will not cooperate, with or without King Koli's presence, we will hold them to be willing and cooperative partners in this act.

Bremen the Druid Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Etienne Silver (1 hour, 43 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Bremen, on what authority do you make such ultimatums; to speak for the entirety of Solaria? Only a ruler and perhaps a duke or even a lord might have the authority to do so.

Did you not come here strictly with intentions to colonize Flowrestown?

Etienne Silver Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Earl of Maf

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (1 hour, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Sir Bremen merely restates the position our Arbiter has already taken. With regards to Sir Bremen's position with Solaria, with the failure of the colony effort, due to existing claims to Flowrestown by Morek, he has elected to settle in Solaria.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Bremen the Druid (1 hour, 37 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Thank you Lord Juan. As he has said, I have issued no ultimatums, I have simply reiterated the ultimatum issued by Arbiter Solari adding my own outrage at this matter.

As for my original plans for entering Dwilight, whatever they were, I now stand by Arbiter Solari and will protect him with my life if need be.

Bremen the Druid Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Etienne Silver (1 hour, 36 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Thank you for clarifying, Commander De-Legro.

I still, however, do not agree with a blood payment, nor threat of war, or anything of the like. Unless it is done on the field of honor in the form of a duel, preferably in a way which would keep lives intact.

Etienne Silver Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Earl of Maf

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (1 hour, 34 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Then look to your own realm first Lord Ettienne, for they also have issued such proclamations.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Bremen the Druid (1 hour, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Like it or not, Lord Silver, an Act of War has been committed and an attempt made on the life of Arbiter Solari. Such an act can not and will not go unpunished, and as it is not a matter of honor but rather of justice, a duel will not suffice. Those responsible for conspiring to commit this act will pay for it with their lives. We are offering a path of peace. If they will not accept it, then we will consider the other paths available to us in order to best achieve our goals

Bremen the Druid Aspirant of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Luis Ortiz (1 hour, 32 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Etienne,

Seeing as how Lord Brom was out for the Arbiter's blood through assassination, supported by his two trusty pets, is it not only fair that they pay for it with their own? Duels are for honorable nobles, not snakes in the grass who plot from the shadows and do not even have the spines or the decency to own up to their actions when they are exposed. Arbiter Malus would degrade himself by stepping into a duel arena with any of them.

Luis Ortiz Lurian Knight of Halls of Luria

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Letter from Etienne Silver (1 hour, 26 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) I do not recall him hiring an assassin, but perhaps I may have missed it in the half-tonne satchel of missives left at my camp.

I do, however, recall Arbiter Malus siding with the assassin who made the attempt on his life. Clearly we can't take the word of either the assassin or those you believe may have placed the bounty on the head, except that the assassin had mentioned a desire for gold.

And please, Sir Luis. It seems almost as if I am the only one who isn't attempting to plot against others in the dark.

I am but one noble. I can protest against this... fratricide all I want, but it does not mean it will end. I can also choose to not participate in the shedding of Lurian blood.

Etienne Silver Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Earl of Maf

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Letter from Juan De-Legro (1 hour, 9 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Lord Etienne. I leave it to your own realm to decide what is and isn't acceptable behaviour for a noble. I may not desire war in the case but I will be clear, when the Arbiter of Solaria declares war for whatever reason, I shall seek banishment against any noble that "chooses" to stand aside and allow their fellow nobility to bear the burden of the conflict. Oaths have been made, it is not within our purview to pick and choose when we will honour them. Perhaps matters are different in Luria Nova.

Juan De-Legro Lurian Councilor of Halls of Luria and Commander of Solaria, Marshal of the Sunguard

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Letter from Tybalt Crusader (1 hour, 6 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Halls Of Luria,

A lot of insults and threats have been passed back and forth between these very walls. There are those in both relams who desire blood. That is evident. The Lord of Santoo has already said he will see Solaria burnt to the ground, as well as many other things. At least Solaria are content with only a few deaths.

However, I cannot stand idly by and watch two realms tear themselves up in war. We shall end up with a situation like Madina and Avrundil. Stalemate. With neither side being able to beat the other. I shall echo the words of Grand Duke Skyndarbau and allow sensible talk between the rulers of the southern realms.

If, however, talks fail, then a decission has to be made that will not be easy.

Yours aye,

Tybalt Crusader Lurian King of Halls of Luria and King of Luria Nova

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Letter from Jeffrey Norrel Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) King Tybalt,

A few deaths? Arbiter Malus has called for the heads of a third of Pian En Luries' high nobility. And he did that before I swore to burn his false nation to the ground. I think it is more than clear who the aggressor is in this matter. This war will be on their heads, not ours. Malus and his lackeys have been offered a road to peace time and time again, and have returned it with insatiable bloodlust. They have demanded my head on a platter, and have not even deigned to say for what. The time for rational discourse as these southerners would have is long gone. Malus has demanded blood, and blood is what he will receive.

Signed, Lord Lapdog,

Jeffrey Norrel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria, Count of Santoo

Letter from Tybalt Crusader (25 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Count Jeffry,

Yes Arbiter Malus has demanded the heads of a few people, a third of the high nobility of PeL ammounts to 4 people, plus countess Etna. Does that warrant the death of thousands of peasents?

Arbiter Malus may have been the aggessor at the start in your eyes, yet, you have surpassed him in mine. By vowing to burn his realm to the gournd you have become the foremost aggressor in my eyes. Especially as Lord Ramiel has puiblically delcared Solaria a rebel state, you have taken his call and advanced on it, therefore promoting yourself above the others in terms of aggressiveness.

Yours aye,

Tybalt Crusader Lurian King of Halls of Luria and King of Luria Nova

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Letter from Katerina Arundel (22 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in "Halls of Luria" (33 recipients) Noble Lurians,

Count Jeffrey has been fined 150 gold for the breach of our laws. Should he repeat his actions, he will be banned.

That is all.


Katerina Arundel Lurian Lord of Halls of Luria and Magistrate of Pian en Luries

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tl;dr it hits the fan, people are probably going to start dropping like flies