Dwilight University/History/Astromancy at War!/The Raid of Huanghai

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The following article is based off of events in which I perpetrated.

The Raid of Huanghai

In the early Summer of 10 YD, Holy Minister of War Bowie Ironsides conducted a raid of Huanghai in retaliation for the Archbishop’s assassination. While the results were small, the gesture, in his opinion, was significant.

Immediately upon arriving in Huanghai he sent his Holy Black Army, an infantry unit of 15 remaining men (reduced by a small battle with monsters in Turbul) to work rampaging the region. By means of looting, pillaging, sabotage, and massacre he was able to reduce the region’s production by ten percent and kill a total of ten peasants, causing the formation of an angry peasant mob.

The raid ended after Lord Polemarch Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico arrived, the citizen militia mobilized, and another Xinhai unit came to challenge the sole Viper Legionnaire. The incoming Xinhaittite force was led by the "Ice King", Marquis Kiyth Ilyrians of Donghai.

For the Holy Minister, this event is a demonstration of Aquilegia's boldness in the war and a message of strength against Xinhai's infiltrator tactics, particularly the work of Low Owen ConDoin.

The event is accounted by this document, here.

Lord Bowie Ironsides,

Summer of 10 YD (or the 15th of March, 2010)