Onyxien Family/Costume/Part VII

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Malcolm looked at her, eyes wide. He opened his mouth, lifting a finger…Then shook his head.

"No…Only one way to properly comment on that."

He grabbed her by the waist and the back of her hair, heedless of the damage he did to the carefully woven ribbons, and kissed her passionately, trying to show her everything he felt while she had sung…For him. That had been very obvious, even to the often-oblivious Malcolm. And the way his fingers trailed along her waist and lower back made it very clear that when they made it back to their room later, he would be showing her even more…

They broke apart, Malcolm grinning and Kaylan flushing, as the crowd cheered (with the occasional whistle and appreciative comment).

"See…This is what happens when you do as you're told, Kayly…"

Malcolm started running. Fortunately, he'd been able to duck behind the hysterically laughing Alec (who had of course been promptly bowled over, but this had cost Kaylan some time), and at least made it outside before she caught up to him.

Sir Malcolm Bedwyr Knight of Viseu

She caught him, half pulling, half closing the distance between them. She breathed with residual exhilaration having conquered a shyness of hers, and now grinned roguishly having captured him for herself. Her cleavage seemed to pulse with every breath, making the jewels glitter in the night. She raised her mask, sliding it up to let it rest on her head. "Malcolm… Malcolm… Malcolm…" she shook her head and laughed at the look of mixed fear and anticipation on his face. "Doing as I am told…" she grinned and let her hand linger over his costume. "I never figured you would enjoy the company of a weak submissive woman…You enjoy the challenge too much, the thrill of the chase and it's just reward. My heart, you need it, as a fish needs water to survive."

He grinned and touched a long strand of her red hair, now that she was without the concealing mask his gaze lingered over her face. "And to top it off, I figured by now, you would have a better name to call me…" she teased softly.

Kaylan McDowell Dame of Oligarch

He laughed. "Oh…Well…I have a few names…Most of them aren't quite suitable for such a party, however. I mean, if I'd called you your favourite name from last night, when you were doing all that…riding…I don't think you'd be so happy…"

He winked as she flushed, then continued. "But…I think that I could call you my Fox…How does that do for a better name?"

Sir Malcolm Bedwyr Knight of Viseu

She did blush, but then grinned maliciously. "Oh Malcolm, don't fool yourself. Just admit, I simply have to run my fingers down your chest and you become quite incoherent. I'm surprised you can recall your name, let alone mine."

He scoffed and she laughed. Passing her lip through her teeth, she touched his neck lightly. "Just as long as it's not Kayly" she returned seriously. "That one is reserved for a young girl with large innocent eyes and pigtails.

"Your fox…" she mused. "Does that make me foxy?" she grinned and he kissed her. "It makes you mine," he answered with a sexy growl and she laughed as he mockingly attacked her neck with kisses.

Kaylan McDowell Dame of Oligarch