Onyxien Family/Costume/Part II

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Early that morning, Aewyn walked around the estate inspecting where they had set up everything. They put the eating area at the western part of the garden, where they set up the roasting pit for the pig. They put the Archers north of the garden, it was an open area and big enough to hold the competition. They set up the dancing and singing to be east of the garden where everyone could gather, and the three legged race in the south close to the tables which held twenty large pumpkins ready for the children to carve.

The trees were covered in colorful strips of material, torches stood ready to be lit across from each other on the pathways, which led to different areas of the garden. Three large tables were joined together very neatly decorated with flowers and vines. Covered bowls filled with cut fruits were spread across the top, it also held many dishes and bowls of mixed candies. Walking to a large pile of stacked tree logs she smiled at the size the bonfire would be. It stood at least 8 feet tall and they had put it in the center of the area over a stoned floor to prevent the fire from spreading. Very pleased with the set up she praised her help “Good work everyone” she smiled

“Now on to your costumes, the guest will start arriving shortly” she walked behind them as they took different direction to go get ready and headed for her bedroom.

After a couple hours she could hear the servants moving about down the halls, screaming out last minute preparations. Aewyn put down her green cloth vine mask and stood up and looked at her self in the mirror, turning around she inspected the back and smiled mischievously. She had darkened her hair with a red and orange tint with one of the mixtures the women had made for her. She attached strings of cloth vines from the top of her head down her back and around her hips. She wore a thin white strapless dress that hung loosely off her shoulders and tightened around her waist revealing the small of her back. She decorate the dress with string of little pink beads giving her an elegant look.

“Milady guests are arriving at the gate” one of the servants informed her.

Turning around Aewyn couldn’t help but cover her mouth and giggle. In front of her stood a lady with an arrow strapped around her chest like she had taken an arrow to her heart. She wore a plain light blue dress with a leather belt and a quiver which hung on her side, her hair was tied in a pony tail at the top of her head and two long straight strand hung on each side of her cheeks, clearly showing pointy ears. Looking shyly at her mistress she blushed. Aewyn walked to her smiling

“What a great job, Kauline” she poked her ears “How did you?” she stopped “Never mind it looks great” she started to laugh again. “How many have arrived” she asked looking at Kauline adjust her bow at her back.

“A few my lady they are taking them to the garden now” she continued to walk and fill her in.

“Very well I’ll will see to my guess in a few minutes” she stopped and peaked out the one of the windows to peak at the costumes, and she continue down the hallway to the garden.

Aewyn Onyxien Countess Of Braga

Arriving at the gates of Lady Aewyn's estate, Alec walked past the entrance to the garden and took in his surroundings. He was impressed with the large tables adorned with food and drink, and barely missed an elf in his path. The servant quickly apologized and he did a double take. Frowning, he looked over his shoulder and laughed when he realized the arrow was cleverly arranged so that it appeared to go in through one side of his head, and out the other. "Well how amusing," he grinned, taking a glass from a nearby table and continued to walk forward. He wore the very finest clothes, a mixture of silken green and black fabric. A long cape hung from his broad shoulders. His head of blond hair was adorned with a golden crown and on his hip was his ever present, sword. Last but not least, his green eyes peeked through a small black mask that partially covered his face

Looking around, he smiled. He didn't know anyone to begin with, so the masks, and the painted colors on their faces meant very little. "Well, let's find some beautiful ladies," he whispered and casually walked around.

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala

"Lady Flame and Lord Frost!"

Those interested turned to see a couple enter, in a delightful contrast. She was clad head to toe in what initially appeared to be nothing but ribbons, in every possible shade from yellow to red. A close observer (of which there were more than a few, hoping to catch a glimpse of what lay beneath those ribbons) quickly noted the flowing flame-colored silks that lay under the waving ribbons. Her red hair was woven through with more tassels and adorned with several stones that sparkled with a fiery light. Every movement rustled, sending light crackles like a smooth campfire. And the way she moved…Many a male who watched had to adjust their leggings in sudden discomfort. Her half-mask was a deep, dark red, accentuating her stunning blue eyes without hiding the warm, sensuous mouth, and was held in place by more of the ever-present ribbons. She sparkled and glittered, flashing like her namesake, and the eye was drawn in spiral patterns that dipped down to draw the eye toward her smooth, garnet-lined breasts. The flashing ribbons made it difficult to see, but for those lucky few who glimpsed it…Those leggings became much tighter.

As for he…His black hair was tipped with blue-white frost, and streaks of white ran through the long strands. His blue-grey eyes were chips of deep frost surrounded by the half-mask that seemed frozen onto the pale skin. His clothing shone in the reflected light, the deep blue of the frost that never thaws. His movements were slow and deliberate, seemingly from the frosted stones that adorned his joints. His gloves crackled as they moved, and each step brought the slow rumble of the oncoming glacier. Those who looked at him may have shuddered…But the vague supernatural dread he inspired had less to do with that than the dangerous allure that made more than a few hearts race and nails dig in…

Malcolm smiled. He just loved a good entrance…And Kaylan was grinning at him, almost laughing.

"You are enjoying this far too much, Malcolm. But you do look cute when you're smug."

She winked at him as he laughed, dispelling the illusion and returning them to mere mortality. Just as well. Entrances were all well and good, but it would have been uncomfortable to play the full part for an entire night. Would not have made a good impression on…hm…

"Milady Flame, when am I going to meet your cousin? You mentioned him earlier, and he sounds like a fun man to have around…"

Sir Malcolm Bedwyr Knight of Viseu

When Alec noticed the next couple enter the gate, he smiled appreciatively at the flowing ribbons on the woman's costume and actually stopped to take a lingering look at the rubies adorning her cleavage, but his smile was quickly replaced with a frown, when he recognized her walk. "No…." he said softly, "it can't be."

He had been drinking her in until he realized it was his own cousin. He turned around quickly and finished the contents of his glass in one quick drink. "I'm going to burn for that…" he said softly and chanced another look but turned away once more, "not unless she kills me first, which is more than likely. Either way I'm going to burn…" he continued miserably.

Recomposing himself, he smiled, and walked towards the couple. On his way he picked up two glasses. He discreetly examined the man accompanying her, relying on his judgment. He was much larger than she was, muscular, yet lean, sleek as a jungle cat. He had a smooth yet powerful walk and his entire appearance gave the impression of nonchalance but Alec had the feeling that if the need arose he would transform into a weapon. What struck Alec the most was the way he held Kaylan, with a guarded delicate touch as if making her believe she was leading the way, when in truth he was letting her. He had eyes only for her, yet continuously watched making sure he knew everything that surrounded her at all times. It was that protective aura that made him smile.

Good, Alec thought now finished with his assessment.

Stopping in front of them, he handed both of them a glass, put a hand over his heart and bowed. "Lady of Fire, long have my dreams been filled with your burning gaze," he glanced over to the man standing beside her and bowed to him in turn. "It seems you have found your match, may he calm your fiery mood and keep your flames in check."

The woman's blue eyes burned beneath her mask and she finally sighed. "Alec," she said simply and looked up at her partner.

"I did not give you my name," he said with awe and she laughed, "Alec, I would recognize you if you had a sack of grain over your head." She reached in to touch his costume and he backed up as if affronted.

"And what are you supposed to be?" she asked curiously and he bowed again. "Why isn't it obvious? I am none other than prince charming himself," he waved his hand from his shoulders to his legs.

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala

At that she laughed, letting out a musical sound and shook her head with a small roll of her eyes. "Right…May the Gods give these women the strength, not to mention the intuition to resist your overwhelming charm," she answered sarcastically and he smiled but frowned unsure if she had given him a compliment. Leaning into Malcolm, she extended her hand in her cousin's direction. "Let me introduce my cousin Alec. He has only recently arrived to Fontan. He is a soldier of the Fontan Strike Regiment, a Knight of Karbala."

Kaylan McDowell Dame of Oligarch

Alec smiled smugly. The other man grinned, appearing unimpressed yet Alec could see the calculating gaze in his glacial blue eyes. The intelligence and command behind them was not lost on him and he smiled now genuinely pleased to extend his hand.

"Alec, this is Sir Malcolm Bedwyr, a Knight of Viseu, Second-in-Command to the Flow Administrators. He is my shield-brother, my friend…mo shearc…" she finished softly.

At her last words Alec's eyes twinkled back in Malcolm's direction and he examined him in a different light. "Ahhh the famous Malcolm," he chuckled wryly as Kaylan's eyes narrowed beneath her mask. "Well I hope you live up to the titles she gives you," he said mysteriously, "for they are not easily given, but earned."

Alec McDowell Knight of Karbala

Malcolm tilted his head slightly, with a soft smile.

"I do enjoy earning my titles...And I think, perhaps, that I can lay more claim to yours than you may...Possibly by relation, and certainly by luck."

His smile widened, and he lifted the hand that held Kaylan's slightly.

"After all...I am here with the best tonight...And, by lucky chance, my main competitor is disqualified. Or so I would assume, in any case."

Malcolm winked as he waited for it to percolate through Alec and Kaylan's heads...

Sir Malcolm Bedwyr Knight of Viseu

"All right you're here Ma'am" Edwin told her as they got closer to Lady Aewyn's home.

"What are those" she looked over at the trees and noticed white sheets hanging from branches when the carriage stopped.

"I assume they are supposed to be ghosts" he turned over to look for himself without smiling.

"That's interesting, I'm afraid to ask what's inside" she kept looking around "Is that an elf over there?" she stood shocked and slipped her dark mask down.

Edwin wasn't a very talkative man and didn't smile much sometimes it made Gwendolyn feel out of place. But she wasn't' very talkative herself so they got along fine, they got the job done together.

She walked outside to the yard and seen the decorations and was impressed by it all. A few people were already here and enjoying themselves with others in having drinks and making small talk. Not knowing anyone she grabbed a drink off a table and walked around to see the costumes.

It wasn't after she found a quiet place that she heard a couple being announced looking up she noticed a couple in amazing costumes, and another man approaching the couple dressed like what appeared seemed to be of royalty..

"A king maybe" she looked at her costume " Let me be your dark Queen" she examined his muscular built and tried to peek at his behind "Damn capes" grinning she slowly started to move around the yard.

"Ugh children everywhere" she held up her cup as she almost got ran over by a heard of young children running passed her.

"There's just as many kid gathering here as there is back home" she waited for them to all pass and continued

"I wonder who Lady Aewyn is" she thought knowing it would be hard to thank the hostess for the invite since she did not even know what she looked like, now to try and find her in a costume would be impossible.

Gwendolyn Da Silva Dame of Ashforth

After a very uncomfortable journey, the recovering Count Armstrong finally made it to the estate of Countess Aewyn. He was amused and excited by all the neatly themed decorations. He stood a bit slouched outside of his carriage wearing a moustache and a glittering cape over exaggerated shiny armour, and he tried to carry himself like a debonair gentlemen, but the pain in his side prevented him from portraying the part properly.

Before he would make his entrance, he sent his driver to announce him and explain his costume while he waited outside.. The driver entered the estate and after getting the rooms attention, began:

"Growing up in Dulbin, our Hero of Democracy heard stories of a gallant noble who travelled the region defending the innocent from harm and injustice. The people knew him as, the Combateer, a mustachios man with fine long hair and gleaming light armor.

The story I was told to tell you is of three vile bandits who kidnapped a young peasant girl from her farm. Her parents, terrified for her life, heard that the Combateer was nearby and sought his help.

"For sure I will saver her!" The Combater said, and off he went to hunt down the bandits.

The three bandits had made a camp far out into the wild plains, a good distance from any human habitation. There, they tormented the girl by tying her to a tree and throwing food at her, and slapping her around. They often referred to her as the "little piggy," deriding her in that way. Their plan was to keep her a captive for a few more days then try to ransom her back to her poor family; if her family could not pay, they would have sold her into slavery to the Perdanese.

The next morning, while everyone in the camp was sleeping, the Combater’s arrived quietly. He slipped passed the sleeping bandits, and woke up the girl to see if she was alright. He told her not to say anything, and that he was going to save her from the fiends.

After he untied her, he told her to run away as fast as she could. She asked why she must run alone, and he said,

"Justice must be done!"

As she started to run, behind her she heard the Combateer shout as loud as he could,

"Awake devils! Your doom has come for you!"

She turned back to watch the action, this is what she saw.

The bandits awoke immediately, noticed what was happening and armed themselves, all the while the brave hero watched. The first bandit attacked as soon as he handled his sword, but the Combateer was too quick and dodged every thrust. Then with a most beautiful finesse, the amazing movements of the Combateer removed the sword from the first bandit and returned it blade first into his chest.

The next two bandits attacked together, from each side. Without flinching, the noble hearted Combateer kicked one and defended his flank from the other. The one bandit fell back and attacked again. The Combateer parried the one bandit's movement, and returned with a punch to the chin. The other bandit tried to slash down at the Combater’s forearm, but too quick, the Combateer danced the other way and stabbed the bandit in the side, ending his miserable life. The one bandit saw both friends dead and turned running. The Combateer watched with amusement.

He said, "Why must cowards attempt such heinous acts? If they would not, we would have a better time of life. Until that dream is real, I will stand for justice, and for the defense of the innocent!"

He stretched out his arm with his sword, and then speared it a good distance right into the back of the running bandit. Amazing throw! The girl cheered and clapped for the valiant hero, who triumphantly retrieved his sword and approached the girl. Holding hands, they sang all the way back to her family home.

This is one of the stories of Count Armstrong's childhood hero whom he now parades as here in Braga!

Behold, Count Armstrong Ironsides, Hero of the Democracy, presenting himself tonight as the Combateer! Famous Dulbanic noble of legend and glory!

Ta Da!"

Armstrong entered with gusto and used his arms to make his entrance more appealing. The impressed crowd clapped and cheered for the short performance. The driver bowed and exited.

Armstrong Ironsides Count of An Najaf

A cloaked figure appeared at the Estate of Countess Aewyn. He had been here mere days before to give this Estate and the surrounding lands to Aewyn and he saw a lot has already changed. The old Scribe that accompanied the figure moved away and went towards the festivities, no longer paying any attention to his Lord.

Richard moved to the garden. He was wearing a dark-brown hooded cloak that completely covered his face. It was hard seeing through them, but he was used to it. He had worn this hooded cloak many times before and it wasn't an actual costume, but his outfit of the time he was a Priest. He had no use for costumes. This had to do. In his right hand he held a long staff, one of his most priced possessions. The three Gods Sartan, Kokini and Tersea decorated the staff with Ramsus on the top as the leader. Richard had personally ordered the creation of the staff a long time ago and now it was revealed to the sun once more as he entered the garden.

Once in the garden he noticed the many children running around. He asked himself why he had came here again, but confirmed once again that he really wanted to see how his Lords were doing and he believed he would do Lady Aewyn a service right away by attending her party, even though this wasn't a thing.

Richard saw he wasn't the first here. Several Nobles had already arrived. He quickly glanced at his Scribe, whom he had ordered to figure out the identities of Aewyn and Malfurion and anyone else he would be interested in. Sadly for him, the Scribe knew Richard to well by now and as soon as his gaze left the Scribe, the Scribe decided to do his first thorough investigation at the tables with the food. The old Scribe would figure out something after he couldn't eat anymore.

Richard had found one of the sides of the garden and continued to look around and survey the surroundings. A cold aura was emitting from him. He hated such parties. He could see some of the Nobles had taken quite some time to make their costumes one of the best or, in one particular case, to make her costume one of the more distasteful ones.

However the atmosphere was good (except around Richard then). The Nobles were enjoying their time and the success of the party seemed already guaranteed. After a while, even Richard got affected by it. He remembered the times in Unotosa. Why was he thinking about her? She was a thing of the past and something that would definably not return. Richard did not even remember her name anymore. But why was he thinking about her? Was it because he was wearing his old clothes again? He noticed that deep inside, he had gained the small hope of finding someone like her here. Somewhere deep inside, he was hoping a woman like her would approach him on this party. He cursed himself for weakening like that, but could not get rid of that hope. Would old times repeat itself for him?

Richard Telrunya Duke of Krimml

Holding back from the crowds and sipping a glass of brandy, Malfurion stood deep in thought. Though he kept an eye on his immediate surroundings his mind was most decidedly elsewhere. Troop numbers and region reports flashed through his mind as he made calculations and consider different possible outcomes. Though this was meant to be a celebration and a distraction from the war, Malfurion had far too much to do to fully take part. Lady Aewyn would never forgive him if he didn't attend however so here he was, attempting to appease the beauty that, for reason he could not fathom, seemed to have taken an interest in him. He was a man of war, not of romance, but it was hard to argue with a woman who looked radiant off or on the battlefield. Surely she was a woman after his own heart.

Not only did Malfurion hold himself apart from the bustling guests, he was also set apart by his wardrobe. Where as the other guest were decked out in bright and beautiful finery, he had gone a decidedly different route. Having caught word that his lady would be wearing a dress resembling vibrant green vines most befitting for a goddess of life and beauty, he had chosen to play along with her theme, though in a darker fashion. Attired entirely in black Malfurion was dressed as Aewyn's polar opposite. While Aewyn seemed to represent Life, Malfurion clearly represented only Death. Other then the ever present sword at his hip, he wore only one other accessory. As it was a masked ball after all, Malfurion had donned a stark white bone mask adorned with a blackened thorn crown. The rather chilling skull would have certainly stood out on its own but when seen in contrast with the rest of his outfit it was even more disturbing. The only thing that might have made the mask more ghastly to its viewers would be if they knew its origins.. it was fashioned from an actual skull after all..

Glancing at the servers dressed as elves Malfurion couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. His costume fit right in with theirs, though no one but him and the craftsmen could know that fact, I mean he could hardly announce to the room that his mask was once the skull of an elf after all. The thought of some of these delicate ladies' reactions to such an announcement was a continued source of amusement for Malfurion as he went back to sipping his brandy and pondering tomorrows orders.

Malfurion Stormrage General of Fontan, Count of Commonyr, Marshal of the Fontan Rangers

At Malcolm's words, Kaylan looked from Alec whose expression was extremely comical, as if trying to figure out what was said, back to Lord Frost. Before she could say anything, there was an announcement and she turned to listen to Lady Aewyn.

She couldn't help smiling at the speech then clapped, joining the rest of the nobles. Alec grinned and made a flourish with his own cape.

"Well, it appears everyone likes making an entrance, and for once I was being reserved. That will teach me." Grumbling to himself, he frowned, now looking around noticing more people amongst them. "If you will excuse me, Prince Charming needs to find his princess," he gave a lopsided grin, then bowed. "Kaylan, Sir Malcolm, perhaps we will continue this conversation some other time."

Kaylan watched him leave and took a drink of her glass, only then realizing it was wine. She carefully lowered the glass and swallowed her mouthful.

Looking up at Malcolm, she grinned. "Wine…" she mumbled softly. "Why is it always wine?"

Kaylan McDowell Dame of Oligarch