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A unit is the basic military group, commanded by a single troop leader. The main function of a unit is fixed as long as any men remain in the unit; if the unit is disbanded then a new type of unit may be recruited. Troops, and thus units, may only be recruited when in your realm's capital.

There are five types of unit:

Strength of a Unit

There are five major things which effect the overall combat strength of a unit: equipment quality, equipment damage, morale, cohesion and training; all shown as percentages. These are displayed on the main status screen in the 'unit' table.

The equipment quality shows just what it says. A higher equipment quality % means that the equipment will be able to sustain more damage before it begins to cause problems such as reduced travel time or injury during travel. This is the sole attribute which cannot be increased or decreased outside of recruiting new troops with different stats into an existing unit. When recruiting more men or a new unit, the equipment quality is listed for each type.

The equipment damage shows how much damage the unit's equipment has. Equipment is damaged through training, battle, travel or sitting in a region apart from a stronghold or city. Digging in when staying for periods of a turn or more in a single region can prevent equipment being damaged. Also, equipment can be repaired as a whole or in increments of 10% when in a city. As the equipment damage increases, the probability of troops injuring themselves as they argue over undamaged equipment increases. If the equipment damage reaches 100%, the equipment is destroyed.

Morale is the happiness of the men; clearly happy men fight better than depressed men. The morale of the group will decrease as the unit gets further away from the capital (dropping more rapidly when outside the home realm). Morale is one of the few attributes in the game that varies on the unit; units can have their morale rise and fall on their own 'personal preferences'. Battle or any other kind of work (Police Work, Civil Work, etc) will often have some sort of benefit or penalty to the morale of a unit. Having to wait for their pay beyond a period of time will also cause morale to drop rapidly (conversely, a quick way of increasing morale is to pay your men). When in a city, you can also take your men out on the town for a few hours, which will cost a few gold but result in a high increase in morale. More information is available at the full article.

Cohesion is the ability of your men to work together as a group. Newly recruited units will have low cohesion as they have only just been grouped together; new troops in an existing unit will likewise lower the cohesion. Cohesion increases through training, battle and time.

The training % shows how experienced the unit is. If recruiting a brand new unit, the details of the new troops being recruited is shown, the more expensive units usually having superior training. The higher the level of training, the more effective troops will be in battle and less losses you will take.

These five change the total combat strength, which is a numerical representation of the strength of your unit. Combat strength, or CS, is often used as a measure of an army's strength.

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