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Revision as of 02:36, 23 January 2007 by Fredrich (talk | contribs) (my opinion, enjoy)
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Please enlighten me - what purpose do the region pages serve? There's nothing on them that can't be seen in-game. On the contrary, much less.

The wiki isn't meant to duplicate all info in the damn! I hate it when game info is duplicated on the Wiki, because sure as there's Amen in church, it'll become outdated because people stop bothering to update it!

--Tom 23:12, 22 January 2007 (CET)

I think that this is an excellent example of what I think a region page should look like. Ultimately, I think most people just use it as a place-holder so that their realm pages don't have any broken links in their list of regions, such as the Perdan page. I think lords and knights of that region just aren't motivated or don't have the creativity to add a bit of roleplay flavor to their region page.

Maybe if lords were encouraged to split their regions into small villages and towns and then grant each one to a knight (a fief, for reference: in a big roleplayed ceremony. The fact that the person has the feeling of truely owning that piece of land, they might fell encouraged to roleplay about it more, and subsequently, fill up the region pages. Daily happenings, monster attacks, businesses that generate taxes, the physical makeup, you name it.

I actually considered making this a feature request back in October-ish, but coding this would be like asking Bush to pull out of Iraq: Yes, it would be awsome, but no one knows an easy way to do it so that it is done in the foreseeable future. Anyway, there's my two cents on the matter. Fredrich 01:36, 23 January 2007 (CET)