Stormcrow Family

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Stormcrow Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

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  • <a href="#Origin_of_the_Stormcrows">1 Origin of the Stormcrows</a>
    • <a href="#Eplaination_of_the_banner_of_the_Stormcrow_Clan">1.1 Eplaination of the Banner of the Stormcrow Clan</a>
  • <a href="#Family_Members">2 Family Members</a>
    • <a href="#Aleister_Stormcrow_Leader_of_the_Clan.2C_Knight_of_Kazakh">2.1 Aleister Stormcrow, Leader of the Stormcrow Clan, Knight of Kazakh</a>
    • <a href="#Caitlin_Stormcrow">2.2 Caitlin Stormcrow</a>
    • <a href="#Fearghal_Stormcrow.2C_Baron_of_Binoaramet">2.3 Fearghal Stormcrow, Baron of Binoaramet</a>
    • <a href="#Medugnatos_Stormcrow_Adventurer">2.4 Medugnatos Stormcrow Adventurer</a>
  • <a href="#Family_Fame">3 Family Fame</a>
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(still in work)
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[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=1" title="Edit section: Origin of the Greywolfs">edit</a>]
<a name="Origin_of_the_Greywolfs"></a>

Origin of the Greywolfs

On the Eastern Continent in <a href="/index.php/East_Continent/Kazakh" title="East Continent/Kazakh">Caqueta</a> is not only the family manson, it's the home of the head of the family. This has been in the past and it will be in the Future.

In the last hundred years, the deep wild woods of Caqueta have been colonised. What started out with small tracks and trading routes became a road, and where in the beginning only woodcutters and hunters found a living, peasants and craftsmen settled down and established the first small villages.

In those days the Greywolf family consisted mostly of traders. They supported the locals with goods from far away, and delivered one of the most famous delicacies the Caqueta Cookies to people all over the continent and even overseas.

The house of the Greywolf began his rise to one of Caquetas most respected families when Grimm Greywolf became head of the family after his fathers surprising death. He was the first Greywolf who took the family sword Wolffang and set out to aid his country by military means. After that, many of the younger members of the family followed Grimm and left the family merchandise to establish a name on their own.

<a href="/index.php/Image:Familienwappen_Greywolf.png" class="image" title="Image:Familienwappen_Greywolf.png">Image:Familienwappen_Greywolf.png</a>
family battle banner

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=2" title="Edit section: Eplaination of the heraldic family crest">edit</a>]
<a name="Eplaination_of_the_heraldic_family_crest"></a>

Eplaination of the heraldic family crest


blood red, for the bloodline of the family
white, for the truth the family seeks, but haven't found till now
the four spaces as a symbol for the four elements: earth, water, air and fire that are within all and everything


the wheel as symbol of the families business, trading of goods
the castle stands for the history that bounds the family to their lands and that they will fight to protect
the blood red square is the mixed blood of friends and the enemies that lost their lives in the same war. It should remaind the family that there are no winners in war, just people with a bigger and people with a smaller loss.
the sword as the symbol of the knight.

<a href="/index.php/Image:Greywolf_Familienwappen.jpg" class="image" title="Image:Greywolf Familienwappen.jpg">Image:Greywolf Familienwappen.jpg</a>
heraldic family crest

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=3" title="Edit section: Family Members">edit</a>]
<a name="Family_Members"></a>

Family Members

                      Samuel RIP NPC
             |                     |			
         Maximilian RIP NPC      Korner NPC
             |Linotha              |Anabell
      +======+------+       +------+------+
      |             |       |             |chambermaid
    Grimm          Kaan   Anguina         Mort  

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=4" title="Edit section: Grimm Greywolf Head of the Family, Knight of Caqueta">edit</a>]
<a name="Grimm_Greywolf_Head_of_the_Family.2C_Knight_of_Caqueta"></a>

<a href="/index.php/Image:Gondortree-icon.png" class="image" title="Image:Gondortree-icon.png">Image:Gondortree-icon.png</a><a href="/index.php/Greywolf_Family/Grimm" title="Greywolf Family/Grimm">Grimm Greywolf</a> Head of the Family, Knight of Caqueta

Grimm has never really liked the merchandise his family runs. Surly it supports the family and without it he won't be able to do what he's doing, but still he doesn't like it. While the rest of the realm was in a state of war he couldn't hold back any longer, so Grimm took his guards forged them into an army and set out to fight for his believes. Since then he walked a long way and has seen many battles.

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=5" title="Edit section: Kaan Greywolf">edit</a>]
<a name="Kaan_Greywolf"></a>

<a href="/index.php/Image:Gondortree-icon.png" class="image" title="Image:Gondortree-icon.png">Image:Gondortree-icon.png</a><a href="/index.php/Greywolf_Family/Kaan" title="Greywolf Family/Kaan">Kaan Greywolf</a>

As secound son of Maximillian and brother of Grimm, Kaan joined his brother in his fight for their homeland. But even when his older brother had encouraged him to face war, it was also Grimms shadow Kaan couldn't get rid off. This forced Kaan to fight even harder, but no matter his struggles as the head of family Grimm would always stand out as long as he is around.

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=6" title="Edit section: Anguina Greywolf Fiduciary of Sint, Countess of Aesh">edit</a>]
<a name="Anguina_Greywolf_Fiduciary_of_Sint.2C_Countess_of_Aesh"></a>

<a href="/index.php/Image:Sint-icon.png" class="image" title="Image:Sint-icon.png">Image:Sint-icon.png</a><a href="/index.php/Greywolf_Family/Anguina" title="Greywolf Family/Anguina">Anguina Greywolf</a> Fiduciary of Sint, Countess of Aesh

She started out as the black sheep of the family, searching for trouble where ever she went. So she set out to leave the home of her family behind and start a new career.. on the South-East Continent, where war is a stady companion, she joined the side of Toren. At least as long as it made sense, but after her crazy general Zel had sent the great armies of Toren into death again and again for his own amusement, Anguina had enough of this bloodbaths and wished for a more constructive way of fighting.

In this time a call for assistance reached her, from a distance land. So she set out and sailed over the ocean again to Beluaterra.

There Anguina joined Sint, a great realm under the protection of their God Hemaglobe.

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=7" title="Edit section: Mort Greywolf Adventurer">edit</a>]
<a name="Mort_Greywolf_Adventurer"></a>

<a href="/index.php/Image:Sint-icon.png" class="image" title="Image:Sint-icon.png">Image:Sint-icon.png</a><a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family/Mort&action=edit" class="new" title="Greywolf Family/Mort">Mort Greywolf</a> Adventurer

Unwanted, not needed and over all, no true Greywolf... at least not from Anguinas point of view. They had met several times, and each time there was someone to seperate them.

[<a href="/index.php?title=Greywolf_Family&action=edit&section=8" title="Edit section: Family Fame">edit</a>]
<a name="Family_Fame"></a>

Family Fame


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<a href="/index.php/Banker" title="Banker">Banker</a>
<a href="/index.php/Fame_Box#1._For_being_elected_or_appointed.3B_realms_minor_in_size_do_not_grant_these_Fame_points." title="Fame Box">1</a>
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Sum: 2 points

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<a href="/index.php/Prestige" title="Prestige">Prestige</a>: 10
<a href="/index.php/Fame_Box#3._For_high_Prestige_of_an_individual_character_reaching_the_value." title="Fame Box">1</a>
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<a href="/index.php/Prestige" title="Prestige">Prestige</a>: 20
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<a href="/index.php/Family" title="Family">Family</a> <a href="/index.php/Prestige" title="Prestige">Prestige</a>: 20
<a href="/index.php/Fame_Box#4._For_high_sum_of_Prestige_across_all_family_characters_reaching_the_value." title="Fame Box">1</a>
<a href="/index.php/Image:FB_Family_Prestige.png" class="image" title="Image:FB Family Prestige.png">Image:FB Family Prestige.png</a>
<a href="/index.php/Family" title="Family">Family</a> <a href="/index.php/Prestige" title="Prestige">Prestige</a>: 50
<a href="/index.php/Fame_Box#4._For_high_sum_of_Prestige_across_all_family_characters_reaching_the_value." title="Fame Box">1</a>
Sum: 4 points

Total: 6 points

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