Little Known Facts

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This is a collection of little things in the game that appear to not be widely known. Please add your own.

Sending Gold to Anyone

You can actually transfer gold to anyone on your island.(Except your relatives) You have to visit their capital, however. This opens the door for a lot of subversive activity. You can covertly give money to rebel leaders, either before or during the rebellion, for example.

The Duck

We don't talk about the incident with the duck. (and not about the moose neither)

Character classes...

If you doate, have you ever tried getting a first character on EC as a soldier, a second also on EC asa hero, a third on Atamara as an infiltrator and from there another anywhere else (apart from war islands) as a trader?

Check the initials on your character page.

Too Many Cooks...

...spoil the broth, or so the saying goes. After spending 12 hours doing Survey Administration work in a recently acquired region, BM returned the following: "There has been so much bureaucracy here lately, that your efforts have hardly any effect. Morale remains unchanged. Loyality remains unchanged." Apparently, only 2 Bureaucrats can do effective work in the same region at the same time (that is, within the same turn). Any other Bureaucratic work accomplishes virtually nothing.

Battles haunt your nightmares

While wounded you are able to see all the previous battles if you click see all messages. Seeing as you are unconsious you can't possibly read the messages so it must be that you are reliving the moments you spend on the battlefield in your nightmares while wounded.