Golhok's Longsword of Suffering

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Revision as of 07:42, 24 May 2009 by Breezephyr (talk | contribs)
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Type Weapon
Discovered By Brooklyn Luna Eras
Discovery Date (unknown)
Discovery Location Far East
Abilities Prestige +1
Current Owner (unknown)

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It's a mystery exactly how Golhok's Longsword of Suffering received its name. Brooklyn looked thoughtfully at the sword as he walked along the path from the Wise Old Sage's. It was the first time he'd made something as frightening as the weapon that Brooklyn now held in his hands. The straight double-edged blade glimmered as red as blood. The pommel was stubbed with a rock-solid diamond and the rain guard was well rounded. The sheath was practically non-existent, so the befuddled young adventurer pulled his long red scarf off and wrapped it around the sword.

"Might as well keep you warm, Golhok's Sword..." Brooklyn said to himself.

As he wrapped the sword carefully, so as to not allow it to slip through the scarf and shred it, Brooklyn ran his hands over the cruciform hilt. It was long enough to fit two hands. Very much tempted, Brooklyn dropped his bags and adventuring gear and unwrapped the sword once more.

"Nah..." he sighed as he abstained from playing with the longsword.

The last time he'd done that, he'd lost his hair. He was not going to repeat that mistake. Not again. Never again. That left him with another option. Selling the trinket. But to whom? The last beautiful Lady he'd offered it to had no use for it (she already possessed a weapon-type item). What then?

As Brooklyn stumbled down the path, something caught his eye. There, in the shade of a sturdy willow, was a young dame, clad in Arcaean armor. In her hands, she held the parts of a broken sword.

"Goodbye, Elaniel," she said, as she laid the pieces under the willow tree.

The mercantile adventurer observed the dame in silence. He was usually all about business, but now was not the time for that. In a moment of weakness, Brooklyn approached the dame and laid the longsword before her.

"Brooklyn. In service, for a dame of service."