Danlawer Family

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Family History

Jannes Danelawer
Gaius JuliusDanelawer
Sir WixalotDanelawer

(Told by Jannes, The oldest of the brothers)

Long time ago, somewhere in the south-east, there was a large Island, populated with al kind people, brave knights, honest leaders and so one. There was one clan, one tribe, which united several lords. They called themselves "The Danelaw". The Danelaw was a clan like many other clans, except at one point: the lords were more than united under one banner, they formed a solid group, strengthened by reciprocal respect and loyalty! They were brothers for each other, and everyone would die for the name and honour of Danelaw. All of them were among the finest warriors! But like it goes in all sad stories, the mind of some men are easily corrupted by the power they have. War broke out amongst clans, and a dark shadow spread all over the world. In their search for power, the great lords of the mightiest clans and their followers speared few. My grandfather fought next to the brave lords of The Danelaw against the evil of the north, the homeland of those overly proud lords. It was a desperate fight, and at least, The Danelaw were forced to leave their homes, and to move on. The power that once ruled the Southeast, was broken, and the name Danelaw became a ledgend, just a reflection of the mighty power that once was. Legend became myth, but the strength and the name survived trough the Lords. They kept calling themselves Danelawers, and so the name and honour lived one. One by one, all noble families of the Danelaw disappeared, except three off them. They left the island, and moved one. My grandfather left with his wife and their son. Years passed on, and they never stopped travelling. One day, my grandfather died a couple of years after his wife. That was the moment my father decided to settle at the place where they were. It was in the region Apasur, in the far East that our journey began. He began his new life, founded a family, and started to work on the future! At the age of 17, my father was about to die. He called his sons next to his bed, and told us to forge our own destiny. He told us about the Danelaw, about the might of the clan, and about the other three families. He gave us some gold, told us to take care of ourselves and said us goodbye. "Rumours have reached my ear that some three heirs of the other two families are living at this island. Two others recently chose the path of war! Search them my sons, search for the other Danelaw. Try to unite them, so that one day, Danelaw can rule again!" saying these words, he left this world. The three of us decided to split up. I joined Sartania, and my brother Wixalot joined me after a long travel. Gaius Julius, my youngest brother made the choice to follow the path of war!

This my friends, is the history of my family!

Maximiliaans* History

(Told by Maximiliaan himself, after he reached the shores of Beluaterra and went to Jyl)

Some time ago, some bandits attacked the estate of my parents in Apasur, the Far East. They captured me, and took me back to their homeland. In the middle of the night, I escaped when their ship was sailing on the sea. I used the little boat, flaoting at the back of the ship, to escape. I lived some weeks at sea, from fish and rainwater. Some days ago, I stranded in Marpii. There, In a tavern, I met an old adventurer. His stories were great, and they inspired me, to become an adventurer myself. Young and foolish as I am, I traveled to Jyl. And here I am, young and inexperienced. I gathered some stuff, and I hunted some undead, but it was not organised.

*Maximiliaan is a cousin of Jannes