Beluaterra/Seventh Age

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The Seventh Age of Beluaterra

The period since the end of the Sixth Invasion until the rogue swarms of the Seventh Invasion began.

First Age of Beluaterra | Second Age of Beluaterra | Third Age of Beluaterra | Fourth Age of Beluaterra | Fifth Age of Beluaterra | Sixth Age of Beluaterra


The era of peace starting in October 2017 and lasting until May 2018.

It was primarily a time of rebuilding, and is famous for the rebellion in Fronen that created the splinter nation of Bara'Khur.

Another major occurrence during this Age was the growth of Obia'Syela into a major power that would help to reshape continental politics.

War was heating up between Bara'Khur and everybody else on the continent when the rogue monster and undead swarms began to ravage the lands and bring every nation to the edge of destruction.


Beluaterra October 1, 2017 - After the fall of Dominorum, which many consider the end of the Sixth Invasion and the beginning of the Seventh Age.

Beluaterra November 22, 2017 - After the fall of Spearhold, last of the Daimon-allied nations.

Beluaterra March 23, 2018 - The day Bara'Khur seceded from Fronen and started largest human conflict of the Seventh Age.

Beluaterra May 1, 2018 - In the final days of Beluaterra before the Monster and Undead Invasion began to wash over the lands.

Active Nations










Ar Agyr

Shattered Vales


Primary Wars

As previously noted, the primary war (from Nothoi's point of view) was the rebellion of Bara'Khur from Fronen. The Religion of Daishi was greatly concerned with this as well due to the rise of the cult of Mordok that burned Daishi temples and worshiped Daimons. Though Mordok claimed they did not worship Daimons. Merely their creator.

Another major conflict was the Gotland and Angband conflict. Gotland claimed Angband lands as their own, and Angmar often marched to protect their Angband allies.