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East Islands
Trade, Manufacturing

Crossroads of Riombara

The townsland of Avengmil is a hustling yet pleasant land, populated by seasoned traders, prosperous merchants, proud fishermen, and all sorts of colorful entertainers. Well-travelled roads from every corner of Riombara wind their way through the region, leading directly towards the neighbouring cities of Athol Margos and Rines, south to the mainland, and north through Cjelegy towards the Isle of Ajitmon. The people of Avengmil make their living by plying the trade of these roads, offering fine (if a tad provincial) wares to the nobility as they travel through, and gathering usurous profits from the taxes, customs, and excises imposed upon the commonfolk who must pass through on their way to the city markets.

The swift, salty winds from the Eastern Ocean mingle with the placid breezes from the Inland Sea to the West, creating a most agreeable climate. The ripe and ubiquitous odour of fish pervades most of the coastland, as the Avengmillian people love their seafood, while the interior of the region abounds in the smells of wild flowers in the spring and summer, and rich pine throughout the colder months.

Entertainment is widely available along the major roads, with such diverse distractions as jugglers, fortune-tellers, thespians, knife-throwers, courtesans, and self-flagellants, but the prudent traveller should keep a hand on his money pouch at all times, for pick-pockets are known to infest the roadways.

Travellers are also advised to observe the local custom of riding on the right side of the road, and to refrain from littering.

Memorial Hall of Martyrs

The townsfolk built a small memorial hall right next to the town center, in the memorial of their deceased former lord, Jorn Ironborn of House Arn. Inside the symmetrical inner sanctum, the portrait of Jorn is placed in the central, while the displays of Jorn's last used axe and plate armor stand are lined along. At the outer sanctum other monuments of famous martyrs in the Lion Rose army are also exhibited.

Battle Stele

Atop the ramparts of the southern wall guarding the bridge towards Ardmore a stone stele rises atop the crenellations. On its tip the silvered skull of a daimon - fanged and horned - has been mounted, greeting all who approach the gate. The stele's inscription reads:

'In June 1012, during the fifth invasion, a Riombaran army did halt and destroy both the army and the mortal form of the daimon Darkest Hour of the South. Here atop these ramparts the daimon was brought to bay and slain.

Count Erheas of Ardmore - to strike the first blow

Knight Nigel - to strike the second blow

Duke Evander of Athol - to strike the third blow

Marshal Thorwald - to strike one mortal blow

Duke Evander of Athol - to strike three mortal blows

For the Storm of the South and its Fallen: Marshal Thorwald Brynjulvson and General Sassan d'Serrai'

Custom in Avengmil

It is reported that a special custom has been spread among the inns in Avengmil. As a gesture to remember their lord, the locals would usually cry out "For Jorn!" before they kiss the cup. Depending on the mood of the bartender, local drinkers will usually be granted a free round of spirit after the magic word. Rumours say the custom was invented by the legendary Jorn's scribe.

Other Locations

Jornsville Keep - the main keep of the region, named after the aforementioned late lord. Often used as the estate of the current lord.

Ardford - someone lacking imagination named the area near the bridge towards Ardmore as Ardford. There is an estate in the eastern part of that, near the coast.

Pablodon - named after the occupant of the nearby estate held by a knight from the family Pablo.

Southern Bridge Watch - some brave soul decided to set up her estate right at the bridge to Ardmore to keep an eye on it.