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This article is about Athra, a sort of meta-religion that has been a source of several story lines, plot devices, and even one other religion in BattleMaster. The loose collection of notes and tidbits that "are" Athra have been scattered across hard drives, email accounts, and notebooks going back seven years. Athra was (and is) an attempt to construct a religion that is intellectually consistent with the elements that make up BattleMaster like classes, continental expansions, and invasions. This article will expand considerably as I find time to organize and record everything, and it is my intent to make Athra my singular contribution to the BattleMaster community. Athra is a prospective religion at this point. Please, be gentle.

The placeholder text below is not a constructed language or an attempt to obscure anything from casual readers. It's refered to as Lorem Ipsum generically, and is used in typesetting and design to make the structuring of a document easier. See for an example

The Chess Analogy

Successful mythologies and traditions associate their more esoteric concepts--like gods and goddess--with something people interact with every day. Landforms, seasons, animals, even objects. Because BattleMaster is a medieval period "low fantasy" setting, the game of Chess was considered to be especially apt as a teaching device. The cosmology, elements of the afterlife, and especially the pantheon are all analogous to Chess.

If the pieces on the board represent the relationships between gods, goddesses, and humanity (pawns, if you will), then it follows that the gods of Athra are not omnipotent. They should be considered "weak" gods because their influence and power is limited by rules that they themselves may be unaware of. Kings are leaders and the most important pieces on a chess board, but they are not necessarily the most powerful. Queens are the "powers behind the throne", and this is reflected in their ability to exercise a great deal of control and influence over the entire board. Rooks are the trusted and stalwart confidants of Kings, shielding them in times of crisis. Again, the analogy to the game is evident.

The Chess analogy is a powerful explanatory device for a religion in which gods can "play games" with mortals, but with restrictions. This potent but limited power over humanity means that mortals can (and do) influence the outcome of the game. In risking their lives to cross the board, pawns are rewarded through elevation to immortality. But the Chess analogy cannot explain everything. At the start of a game of Chess, there are two diametrically opposed forces: black and white. The board is orderly, and goals and objectives seem clear. But what happens when the game has been played for a length of time? The board becomes a chaotic mess, with multiple angles of attack. It takes an increasing amount of concentration to understand the chaos. Now, picture a chess board with pieces in shades of grey. At the start of the game, the only thing that allows you to clearly identify your enemy is the distance between each of you. As the game progresses, how confident are you that this cosmic duality can be maintained? What if your knights, bishops, and rooks began to think for themselves? What if your pawns, believing that the path to eternity lies at the other end of the board, were proven disastrously wrong on occasion?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ligula elit, feugiat id ultrices sit amet, sollicitudin sit amet magna. Curabitur placerat iaculis adipiscing. Etiam consectetur fringilla fringilla. Vivamus ut ligula quam, quis iaculis urna. Sed posuere, ligula non suscipit sodales, neque elit adipiscing ipsum, in fermentum tortor odio et elit. Etiam auctor blandit arcu, id posuere justo laoreet eu. Curabitur sem tortor, fringilla quis feugiat non, lobortis eget tellus. Suspendisse congue eleifend ullamcorper. Mauris auctor porttitor ipsum ac aliquam.


Unc molestie urna vitae magna gravida consequat lacinia diam dapibus. Donec accumsan, erat sit amet porta fermentum, tortor lectus varius velit, lacinia accumsan magna purus a nibh. Ut ac mauris vitae enim egestas fringilla varius ultrices mi. Cras libero ipsum, tristique vitae tempus vitae, blandit non arcu.


Suspendisse laoreet vestibulum quam, ac sagittis urna interdum quis. Nullam est diam, posuere id rutrum non, consequat at orci. Nulla placerat condimentum nulla, scelerisque condimentum purus mattis non. Morbi molestie nibh quis elit pulvinar placerat. Proin at ipsum in quam tempus iaculis. Nullam non tortor quis purus aliquam tincidunt molestie eu tortor. Sed tincidunt tortor quis enim aliquam aliquam. Nunc nec ligula quam. Nulla metus diam, laoreet a porttitor non, congue ut turpis.


Aliquam commodo hendrerit tellus ut molestie. Sed euismod auctor tincidunt. Aenean sollicitudin molestie mi, ac vestibulum risus adipiscing in. In erat magna, condimentum nec suscipit in, luctus eu purus. Fusce ultricies nibh pharetra ante semper varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur ipsum quam, venenatis at ornare quis, porta ac leo.


Proin imperdiet laoreet mollis. Nunc a euismod eros. Sed pellentesque ligula quis mi laoreet eu commodo metus faucibus. In accumsan mi eget enim mattis sagittis. Ut sed sodales magna. Pellentesque eget dui ac leo mattis varius dapibus ut libero. Aenean feugiat eleifend egestas. Sed placerat consectetur lacus, a accumsan est facilisis at. Cras rutrum ipsum mollis neque pulvinar eleifend. Aenean libero leo, faucibus ac mollis tempor, sollicitudin ut risus. Morbi aliquet commodo ligula, eget feugiat leo tempus ac. Duis porta nunc sit amet nibh tempor tincidunt.

Afterlife and Eschaton

Vestibulum tellus urna, auctor sit amet sollicitudin a, suscipit eget magna. Vivamus diam sapien, luctus ac iaculis ut, adipiscing ac est. Pellentesque elementum molestie placerat. Etiam hendrerit nunc sed mauris auctor a viverra nisi semper. Aliquam elit lectus, egestas vel semper in, tincidunt ac metus. Curabitur posuere lobortis libero suscipit tempus. Donec vel risus ligula. Sed fringilla tempor ante, ut sodales ligula malesuada vitae. In placerat euismod volutpat. Nunc ullamcorper volutpat pulvinar. Vestibulum ut tortor vel risus pretium pharetra. Sed ut pellentesque libero.



Lawgiver, Lord of Kings

Scrupulous and proud, Adaghar is a god of firm justice and austere morals. The god of kings, generals, and enterprising dukes with a taste for power, he is a god of rulers--not the ruled. Adaghar is militant in the defense of law and order; his knights, Omaron and Rigal, are legendary for their ascetic discipline and for possessing an air of supremacy bordering on contempt. His priests are often drawn from the courtly ranks, as their extensive knowledge and understanding of law makes them formidable clerics.

  • Colors: Gold, white
  • Domains: Justice, Valor
  • Symbols: A crown set with a jewel resembling an all-seeing eye
  • Analogy: King


Betrayer, Walker in Shadows

Veren is the patron of the unscrupulous, the vengeful, intriguers and assassins. His patience is legendary, with schemes hatched at the dawn of time that are still unfolding today. As such, Veren has a considerable following among even the most devoted of Adaghar's disciples. Assassins in particular are drawn to Veren, and he to them. Intelligence, cunning, and ruthless precision are virtues prized above all else. This affinity for intrigue has made him the unofficial patron of more than a few conspirators.

  • Colors: Gold, black
  • Domains: Wickedness, Deception
  • Symbols: None. None whatsoever. Move along.
  • Analogy: King


Lady of Light, Blade of Dawn

Rhia is at once a strict and merciful deity. There are two sects devoted to Rhia, reflecting the dual nature of the sun as the provider of life and a scourging flame. As the warm light of learning, she dispels the fog of ignorance. This aspect of Rhia draws many scholars, healers, and others working to enrich the lives of others into her service. Warriors are equally drawn to the goddess as a symbol of righteous and purifying light which strikes out at the evil of darkness. Warriors devoted to Rhia are noted for their ferocity in fighting monsters and the undead, which hide in the shadows of darkness. This specific enmity for such creatures suggests a holy duty for Rhia's followers to pursue and destroy such creatures.

  • Colors: Yellow, white, and gold
  • Domains: Purity, Valor, and Knowledge
  • Symbols: A golden disc, or a radiant sun
  • Analogy: Queen


Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut vitae lorem leo, sed porttitor odio. Mauris ullamcorper felis a lorem porta vitae consequat nunc consequat. Sed dui sem, placerat id accumsan ac, condimentum in lacus. Duis in lectus mauris, quis posuere ante.


Donec id suscipit massa. Mauris mollis varius nulla, at rutrum dolor eleifend ac. Etiam sit amet felis purus. Nulla sagittis aliquam porta. Praesent adipiscing ante vitae urna placerat a ultrices tortor pulvinar. Sed non justo at turpis vestibulum condimentum. Nulla facilisi. Aenean pulvinar ligula vel mi fringilla vitae tempor lorem ornare.


Curabitur hendrerit, ligula in cursus viverra, dolor leo dignissim libero, et laoreet nulla lectus sed mi. Nunc consectetur blandit justo vitae sodales. Vestibulum quis felis sed sapien pharetra mattis. Fusce eu tortor id justo volutpat sollicitudin.


Vestibulum ut urna ac eros adipiscing ultricies. Pellentesque mollis, urna ullamcorper lacinia lobortis, nibh felis ornare diam, quis pellentesque lorem tellus vitae turpis. Vivamus quis dui nunc. Duis libero massa, molestie ut hendrerit eget, auctor eu dui. Donec varius, ipsum pulvinar luctus molestie, augue dui laoreet massa, ut venenatis neque libero ac mauris.


Duis magna nulla, lacinia ut bibendum id, rhoncus sit amet sapien. Praesent elementum turpis sit amet nisi porttitor ornare. Praesent convallis consequat mauris eget cursus.


Ut sit amet est sit amet diam porta tempor. Praesent consectetur sem sed est sodales sit amet elementum arcu elementum. Cras ultricies aliquam risus, at cursus odio vestibulum in. Integer mollis nunc ut purus elementum in consectetur dolor tincidunt. Nulla quis quam quis massa hendrerit sodales. Curabitur elementum enim magna.


Phasellus mattis, risus at interdum cursus, urna metus egestas mi, nec ornare metus turpis non nibh. Phasellus posuere leo eu leo sollicitudin quis pulvinar lectus laoreet. In non ligula vel arcu placerat sollicitudin in vel purus. Nulla venenatis urna in erat tempus aliquet. Mauris est nulla, accumsan vitae semper malesuada, accumsan vitae nibh. Cras ut nisi ut magna vulputate fermentum in at lorem.


Curabitur mattis eros at purus vehicula pulvinar. Cras mattis mi at ipsum scelerisque eu ornare ante aliquet. Etiam fermentum ultricies est, sed lacinia erat venenatis eu. Phasellus pulvinar gravida lorem, at porttitor enim auctor ac. Donec imperdiet lorem id lectus scelerisque dictum. Vestibulum est est, suscipit a mattis eu, dapibus at nisi.


Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin magna felis, convallis non sollicitudin sit amet, aliquet ut metus. Integer ut tristique est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam nec enim lectus. Etiam tempus purus interdum nisi pulvinar consectetur. Nunc scelerisque rhoncus nunc.


Vestibulum vehicula lacinia nunc, a pellentesque mauris cursus eu. Etiam diam sapien, commodo non aliquam posuere, tempor vel nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent quis quam turpis, vel mattis metus. Morbi urna felis, laoreet sit amet malesuada vel, dignissim a odio. Cras commodo lacus sed nisi suscipit et ultricies tortor pretium. Morbi rhoncus imperdiet mi non ornare.


Ut tortor lectus, porta sed posuere nec, viverra eget velit. Donec sed urna ut felis vestibulum dapibus eu et turpis. Suspendisse lectus justo, viverra ut congue vel, tristique in odio. Etiam in leo vitae orci pellentesque facilisis. Pellentesque porta pharetra rhoncus. Mauris mollis, tortor in tincidunt aliquet, tellus nisi varius risus, quis accumsan ipsum sem vitae justo.


Curabitur cursus purus non ipsum facilisis ac gravida tellus viverra. Nullam quis gravida mauris. Sed hendrerit rutrum lorem. Fusce libero tellus, accumsan et lacinia vitae, facilisis eu lectus. Aenean congue congue enim. Cras in accumsan risus. Maecenas sollicitudin massa quis dui porttitor vestibulum. Cras faucibus tempor tortor ut porttitor.


Nunc ut ante ac velit euismod feugiat vel in lacus. Phasellus semper molestie mollis. Praesent in tortor sit amet urna semper imperdiet. Mauris adipiscing, quam at molestie pellentesque, nunc sem porta orci, quis egestas felis dui quis dolor.


Etiam aliquet massa vel lorem scelerisque ac pulvinar metus pretium. Quisque tempor tellus at dui lacinia convallis. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam sagittis, sapien nec imperdiet ultricies, lectus nisl ultrices dui, tempor gravida sapien turpis et massa. Nam elit sapien, consequat a commodo eu, scelerisque et diam. Maecenas id augue augue, venenatis scelerisque sapien.

