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Taop stand proud in the shadow of the great mountain of Haul.

Akin to a stone fang protruding into the sky, it serves as a bastion of defence against those who would oppose Cathay. The last stand before the Capital, Anacan. Taop serves as the gatekeeper of Cathay, the protector of the core.

For many years the commoners of this region have known an easy life. One filled with less expectation upon them than in other realms. This changed with the arrival of Duke Reinhart. The Duke, along with his trusted Order of The Black Knights, have implemented a regimented cycle of life in the city. Intent on gaining maximum efficiency from the populace without tipping the balance.

This is now a dark city. Dull grey stone frames almost every building. The commoners are mostly content, but know that they must work hard to maintain their standing with the Duke. Life will not be easy, but it was never intended on being so in this stone enclave. Only the strong willed survive.

Notable Locales in Taop:

The Gray-Stone Keep. This is the central point of the City. Here resides the Duke, shrouded amongst the dark bastion that provides tight freedom to the people of Taop. This is an intimidating place, intent on cowing all those who approach in opposition.

The Outpost Inn. A strange place is this. It caters almost exclusively for the tastes of nobles who seek fine living with a rougher tinge. A hive of gossip and pledges.

The Farsight Wall. A name given to the long walk around the walls surrounding Taop. To the south the mighty crags of Haul can be seen in all her dangerous splendour. To the East lies the lush green forests of Ansopen and beyond. The Wall is known for its cries of deep despair and exuberant joy, depending on what the scout spies across the land.

Traders Square. Outside the Capital this is the biggest market place known to Cathay. It provides for nobles, houses, and armies alike. Nobody is off-limits who enters the Traders Square. Due to the proximity of the City to the mountains, Taop can be a hub of black market goods. For the discerning trader, who tries to avoid the authorities, they can either be a beneficiary or a criminal.

Order of The Black Knights Monestary. Currenly under construction by the original builders from Leod. Once complete this black-clad building will house the main arm of the Black Knights.