Sequentis Family/Morahack

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Morahack was quick to take up the family name and was the first to do so on Dwilight and chose the realm "Pian en Luries" due to romours of a high degree of fighting. His way of restoring the family is through war and he believes strongly in his chosen method.


Morahack is bloodthirsty. He has a love of war and battle which is disconcerting to the extreme. In all honesty he is quite one dimensional, war is his joy. He desires little else. Not even women seem to interest him. It is this attachment to fighting that would seem to make him a dangerous person. However he is not a crazed killer. Their needs to be a good reason to kill someone for him to do it and he has gained Balebessio's respect for the peasantry.


Morahack stands at about 6 foot tall with broad shoulders and long limbs, and his skin looks like burnt out wood, a sort of dark, shiny, smoky black. His mountainous, over emphasized muscles look like they were slapped on his pointed sharp bones. His eyes are a pale sandy yellow and he is bald.