De Blanc Family/Dieter

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General Description

Physical Description
Dieter is a medium built man strong enough to fight with a sword, though he relies more to his technic, agility and intelligence than to his physical strength. He has pale caucasian skin, dark hair and dark eyes. No scars or deep wounds.

His untemely promotion to the rank of Duke has stressed him a lot. There are times that he does not have much faith on his capabilities, but his ambitions motivate him to learn a lot and fast. He can not accept that advancement will never come and owning a vast area of profiting land makes him feel somewhat secured. Thus, although he seeks further advancement in the hierarchy, time is not very important for him which makes him loyal and devoted to the Crown. Quite an unstable personality with a tendency to diplomacy.

He wishes one day to be King and lead his people to glory.


Served in: Ethiala
Brotherhoods/Guilds: None
Religion: None
Titles of Authority: Duke of Lasop (Ethiala)
Rank: His Grace Duke Lasop of Ethiala
Knowledge/Education: Average
Specialization: None

Notice: The entire description is current which means that in the future it will change according to the character's development and personal experience.
