Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 5

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Roleplay from Eilonwy
"Not while I'm here!" came the shout from across the room. "Philippe, or whatever your name is, I place you under arrest. Come with me quietly, and my men won't have to use their weapons." Eilonwy guestured towards the elite guards she had brought, several of whom held crossbows aimed at Philippe. The rest held halbard at the ready. Eilonwy, however, was unarmed save for a bastard sword strapped to her side.

"This has gone far enough. Avamar has enough troubles without its best defender turning into a monster. And the Knights deserve some answers about this. All three of you are to come with me to my dungeons."

Roleplay from Philip
Philippe takes one look at the guardsmen and starts to laugh, "You bring this, to stop me? How droll. Look I'd rather not have to kill you so just leave now before you do something you'll regret; and I'll enjoy."

Roleplay from Glargh
Message sent to: Everyone in the realm Glargh pulls is sergeant aside and gives him instructions to stay away from Philips estate, and to not ask questions. Furthermore, he tells him, "if any rumors are started they must be squashed."

Roleplay from One
"I can't stand this outrage, I can't believe what I am seeing!!!"

One quikly stands up and draws his sword.

"There is a fly in my soup, gaurds bring me the man responsible for this madness!!! NOW!!!!"

Roleplay from One
Looking around One notices all the guards are either slumped over chairs or laying on the ground moaning.

"Well it looks likes the guards have been drinking, guess I'll have to find this chief myself"

One helds toward the kichten...


One slipping on the blood falls on the ground next to the corpes of Kira.

"Oh Kira you've been drinking too!"

Getting up One trys to continue to the kitchen only to get this foot cuaght in Kira's intentines

"Kira let go of me, let go right now, what has gotten into all of you today"

Out-of-Character from Kira Yamato
josh you idiot. I am not dead. and i am holding in my inards. maybe you should re read the posts befor you post.
David R. Paul

Out-of-Character from One
Are you sure you intestines aren't like all over the place?
Josh Rogala

Out-of-Character from Kira Yamato
yes i am sure.
David R. Paul

Roleplay from Kultan
As the party fell into shambles around them, Kultan and his bandmates stood frozen at the stage watching everything unfold. However, the death blow of this Philippe against Kira finally roused Kultan to action. Motioning to the drummer to come up to the stage, Kultan took off his cloak.

"Quick, put this on, face away from the action and get the band to play as loud as possible! No matter what happens, keep playing!"

Thankfully the drummer didn't argue, but immediately got the band playing "Ain't that a Kick in the Head". Meanwhile, Kultan unsheathed his dagger and made his way through the shadows along the wall towards the front. Along the way, he went by the table with the east side water, and something clicked in Kultan's head ... normally he wouldn't be the type to try and be the hero, but the water the drummer had grabbed must have been from this table!

Another idea popped into his head. He drained half a glass of the water, dipped his blade in the remainder, and grabbed a full flask and continued towards the front.

Staying in the curtains near the head table, Kultan watched as the monster he formerly knew as Philip effortlessly took on a whole platoon of guardsmen. In the past, Kultan would have shrank away from such bloodshed, but now it merely steadied his mind and prepared him for what he had to do. He realized that it might lead to his death, but for once he was not afraid.

The three surviving guardsmen fell back and regrouped, charging Philippe on mass. Philippe turned slightly to meet them, leaving his back exposed to Kultan. Seeing his change, Kultan strode forward from his concealment and hurled the flask of water at the monster. Even as it shattered against the armour, coating Philippe with its contents, Kultan was already flying forward, dagger glinting in the weak light.

Time slowed for Kultan. He saw Philippe effortlessly turn away the three attackers even as the liquid bounded up from the point where the flask had broken. He had hoped that Philip's fear of the east-side water meant that it was somehow dangerous to him; in any case, the next few seconds would decide whether his theory was correct.

Roleplay from Philip
Hearing the glass bottle shatter on his back Philippe turned to find the source of the impromptu projectile and glared at Kultan.

"So the bard wishes to be a hero does he? And what's this? Water? Did you think I'd melt or something? -snort- You're not even worth my time."

Roleplay from One
"That's it am outta here, this party sucks!"

Leaving the grounds One is stop by a group of gaurdsmen.

"Am sorry Lord One but no one is allowed to leave this party, orders of Lalakis."

"Oh really, according to article 1/b78 of the Avamar freedom act no citizen can be repreminded without a marshal warrent preceeded by the Prime Minister."

"Ummmmmm, what... ummm... you are free to go."

"Thank you."

Walking away One smiles to laugh to how easy it was to fool the guards but there were bigger matter to take care of. Where was Lalakis, where was Naira, and who was responsible for the fly in the soup?

Roleplay from Kultan
Hearing Philippe's mocking tones, Kultan stopped his charge short, plucked his emergency backup smokebomb out of his sleave (a useful item for a bard, especially when getting away from angry crowds and angrier landlords) and threw it halfway between him and the monster. A billowing cloud of smoke issued forth, quickly obscuring the two combatants from each other.

In the past, Kultan would have taken this opportunity to run, but while the water seemed to have had no effect on Philippe, it had given Kultan new courage. Hoping that Philippe would at least be somewhat surprised, he brought his dagger up and silently slid into the cloud.

Roleplay from Philip
Shaking his head Philippe casually tossed one of the defeated guardsmen into the cloud to check if it was corrosive. See that it was a harmless smoke screen he turned his back to the fleeing bard and checked to see if there were any more unnecessary heroics under way.

Message from Kultan
Still moving forward cautiously through the smoke cloud, Kultan suddenly dove to his left just in time to avoid a body flying into the cloud. Given how it landed hard and didn't move after, he assumed it was another victim. Picking himself up, he headed towards the edge of the cloud to see Philippe's back towards him again as he continued to toy with attacking guardsmen.

Now's my chance Kultan though as he padded forward with dagger high. However, he failed to notice a pool of blood and went tumbling forward, losing his grip on the dagger which flew straight towards the back of Philippe's knee ...

Roleplay from Philip
There was a clank as the knife ricochets off the inner knee plate and skidded into the corner; Philippe didn't even look around.

Roleplay from Kultan
Kultan cursed as the blade flew out of his hands, yet was thankful that Philippe didn't seem to notice. Dammit Tzoutzoukos, couldn't you have got that infiltrator academy going sooner?

He retreated to the semi-dissipating smoke cloud and grabbed the sword from the tossed guardsmen, while desperately trying to think up a plan.

Roleplay from Tzoutzoukos
Tzoutzoukos was enjoying this party.Not like the other parties,where he was laughing and yelling and teasing young Avamarian maidens...No,he was "really" enjoying it.

His face was calm and peacefull and he was eating silently his soup,drinking once in a while some "water",...you know...the east side water...the "good" water!

He didn't give much attention to all the noise and the happenings of that,indeed,cheerful night.Only he changed a few words with his good friend Lalakis,but other than that...it was only him and his soup.

He was satisfied...and happy!
After 6 months of continuously maintaining the city,keeping up and reinforcing the militia,supervising many building constructions,participating to various military campaigns,"hunting" Avamarian and Elven maidens,while keeping simultanuously a "watch" to those complicated Avamarian politics,it has finally came the time for him to rest... Well,there were some things to finish before he officially step down,like building the long awaited Academy,or fixing the walls,so that he would hand out the city to the new Duke in top shape,but now that he gathered the gold for that,all it's needed to be done was a couple last orders to the city officials and administrators,...and then some rest!
Oh,he was really enjoying this night!

The only thing that managed to "spoil" those peacefull moments of Tzoutzoukos,was that damned fly that insisted on flying and buzzing around Tzoutzoukos' cup of soup.
But not for long!With a quick slap of his hand,Tzoutzoukos hit the impudent fly which ended lifeless straight into One's soup,who was sitting two seats next to Tzoutzoukos.One didn't noticed the fly,because he was speaking at that moment with his friend Kira.

Althought Tzoutzoukos was quite silent all night,he broke his silence,whistling indifferently for a few seconds,while thinking that maybe a few proteins won't be bad for the diet of One!Then he laughed by himself and continued eating his soup...and then hell broke up!

All he remembers was that for the next ten minutes he was just sitting on his seat and just stared at the incidents that occured just a few meters away of him,emotionless,his body not reacting at all,cause all his energy has been used by his mind that was continuously receiving and processing the information and images that flooded with great speed and endlessly during those ten,damned,minutes!

Now,he has just passed the guards who "tried" to stop him,not that he found it difficult to do it,he just pointed upwards his forefinger and glared angrily at the guard who opened his mouth to say something,but he closed it just after Tzoutzoukos passed by him.

He was now out to the streets of Avamar,walking in a hurry for the city barracks."Philippe"..."Black Knight"..."Academy"..."Thomaas"..."Unholy Virtues"..."fly"..."medicine"...his mind was ready to blow up,when a militia guard came towards him:

-"My lord,the fortification dam..."
-"Stop!I don't care about the damned walls,i don't care about anything!"

The astonished guard looked at him with the mouth staying opened up(a lot's people the mouth has been stayed opened up tonight...when all this ends,i should call that night,"The Night of the Open Mouth",Tzoutzoukos thought sarcastically.

-"Now,i want you to run like hell and notify the "Yimelos' BH Shooters" unit to run over to Philip's warehouse on the south end of the docks,named "Continental Exporters".I want them to surround it and let noone in and out of it.That's a strict order from me and tell them that i'll go meet them there as soon as possible...Oh,and message the captain of the city barracks to reinforce the "Pink amazons of honour" unit and to attach them to the night guard asap!I don't want even a single fly...NOT FLY...NOT THAT DAMNED FLY...A MOSQUITO!...that's what i was trying to say,not a single mosquito to be able to pass in or out the city this night.Now go!"

As the city guard was running to transfer the orders of his Duke to the proper individuals,Tzoutzoukos started to meditate...

-"There must be a reasonable explanation for all this!How did Philip ended up like this,it can't be...it's not logical...not that logic was ever highly respected in this city...and what's that "medicine" that Thomaas said...I hope Philip's warehouse will provide me with some answers. And i send there Yimelos' unit,cause they are well trained and above all i trust them,they were my brother's...",suddently Tzoutzoukos froze up...

-"No,it can't be,it isn't possible..."!Tzoutzoukos started to think about his lost brother and how he ended up dead...,it was back then,at Montijo,in a battle aga of his wounds,and the last one they got was a mortal one!...Oh,i'm going to find out,i swear!",and Tzoutzoukos started running towards Philip's warehouse...

Roleplay from Lalakis
Damn it!

Lalakis said

Philippe is right! He didn't signed with his real name! The article is of no use on him! Only one thing is left...as Lady Julia is obiopusly still locked in her mansion, I'll join my friend Tzoutzoukos! Sparingly he has some very good ideas!

Lalakis leaves the book near Philippe, turns and leave the hall running

Roleplay from One
ÓIÕve finally made it to the hall, this place never seem this large befÉÓ

The doors to the hall swing open knocking One to the ground, Lalakis runs by not even noticing.

ÓOh for the love of Doccy whips Lalakis whatÕs going on?Ó

ÒOne, come with me quickly!Ó

The fly and now this, could it get any worse?

Roleplay from Lina
Lina lowered the knives reluctantly and gave Kultan a hard stare, before remembering that time was of the essance. "I don't know, not even he should have been able to survive a sword through the throat......." trailing off as she finally got a good look at Philippe she seemed very angry.

"Where did he get that armour?" she demanded.

Roleplay from Kultan
Kultan shrugged. "I was hoping you could tell me, his normal armour just popped off and this armour ... it seemed like it grew on him, or came from within to completely cover him."

Looking around, he saw that the hall was becoming increasingly abandoned; Eilonwy's elite guardsmen lay dead or dying, and even the musicians had decided to retreat. Kultan grabbed the still-unconscious Tomaas and started dragging him towards cover, assuming that Lina would follow.

Roleplay from Lina
Rather then follow Lina jumped to her feet and stormed forward furious, "You coward, you arrogant, scheming, bastard! You knew you couldn't win in a fair fight, so you broke the Oath. I didn't even think you would go that far!"

Turning his head completely around Philippe laughed, "Sleeping beauty finally awakes.... You think I'd follow your rules? How foolish."

Staring dumbfounded at the impossible feat Lina backed up in shock, "Y-you..you're not even here. You've done all this and you don't even have the nerve to be here yourself! You coward!"