Mekorig Family/Baldur

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Portrait of Baldur right after the First Battle for Taselak City, South East Island


Baldur is the oldest of the Mekorig brothers. the mostresponsible and level headed of the three. At young age he left the family estates in Creigmore to serve the realm of Tara, defending his homeland against the forces of Carelia. Sadly, the war was lost for Tara, and Creigmore pass to belong to Carelia after the conflict. He continued serving Tara, honing his fighting and noble skills, all while recopiling information about a legend in his family, the legend of Randis the Warrior, legendary antecesor of the Mekorig family. His need to emulate his idol took Baldur to Ikalak in the South East Island, the war island.

Of War and Peace

His stay in the Republic of Ikalak was bountiful. He came to it in the moment of mayor expansion of the Republic, and pledge to serve Lord Maximus, the Chancellor of the Republic. The siege of Taselak city and much more campgains teach Baldur the fine art of war, and by paying attention to Lord Maximus`s words, he took a good picture of the finner art of diplomacy. He was also given the Lordship of a newly taken region, Dakan, and came to love the province, but sadly the region was taken back by Tore forces while he was far from it, fighting Taselak. Baldur almost fell at home, even when Duke MoonglumII treachery almost bring Ikalak to its enemies`s feets he stood firm, defending Ikalak city, the city of the White Spires. Some told that a men grows more in dire times, and this were the direst. Them, the judgement of the Gods came, the island will sank in the oceans. Great sorrow came to Baldur`s heart when he took the last ship. The only hope was to see the White Spires of Ikalak out of the water line, a proud monument to Ikalak.


The ship took Baldur to Fontan coasts, where he meet again with Dame Liselle of House Damar, a petite young women that served him in dakan. Now she was a member of Fontan, a even when she retained the soft and sweet manners of a Lady, she have a new fire in her eyes. The two of them meet to remember old glories. But even war came to fontan, and Baldur came in its direst moment. Four enemies were attacking the realm. Quickly after fiding a new Lord to serve, Baron Requiem of Sordidus, Baldur rebuild the Knights of Randis, and serve fontan in the best way he know, fighting in the frontlines. But even in this dire times the Destiny have another nasty surprise to Baldur. News from his siste Dedmerath death came to him, weeks later because of the sinking of the ship carrying the original messenger. She have died in her own law, fighting for what she belive in the frontline against creatures from the Netherworld. Darkness came to Baldur heart, and the darkest depression was at his feets when a ray of light came. A golden tablet containing words from Randis, the first direct evidence of the existance of his ideal. Quickly arraging a joint research with his brother Nicodemus, a sage in the Cagilian Empire, the both began to collect more clues to unlockthe real legacy of Randis. After months of searching, Baldur came to the key in an almost burned library in the sacked city of Ashfort. He didnt found the book, the book called him. A big and ancient book, covered in the hide of a scaly beats, containing the key to unlock the Legacy of Randis, his ideals. And now Baldurs mission is to carry them to the world.

Record of the Travels of Baldur of Creigmore in the wilds of West Dwilight