Torenism/Seeklander Creed

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What is known to the faithful as The Seeklander Creed is an ecumenical Torenist statement of faith used by the laity of the church to declare their belief system to themselves, and to others It is recited during each Toren Mass Celebration, as well as all formal rites of passage for the religion.

The Creed

We believe in Tor, the father of glory and war,
creator and destroyer of our existence,
and righteous source of strength for all mankind.
Through Tor, the world was forged in blood and fire,
for mankind and the salvation of our souls.
We believe in the honor of conflict,
the piety and of vengeance and justice,
and the inherent cowardice of diplomacy and peace.
Power flows through strength,
and only those who are strong deserve to rule.
We believe the sacred afterlife,
of the communion between man and Tor.
He sits in judgment of us all at the hour of our death,
allowing only the honorable and strong to know his peace.
We believe in the Holy Torenist Church,
the glory of Tor's avatar on earth,
and the divine application of church doctrine.
We are Tor's children on earth,
and no one can stand against us,
in this life, or the next. The Torenism Religion
The Faith

The God Tor | Torenism | Holy Text | Theology

Ritual and Ceremonies

Torenism Mass | The Creed | Birth Ceremony | Baptism by Blood | Union of Marriage | Death March | Pilgrimage