Faries' Brooch of Pain

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Shortly after disembarking from the trading vessel that carried him as a passenger to this newest of discovered lands, the eastern continent of Dwilight, the newly declared adventurer Zinn Lightstar explored the region of Linhai and mingled with the peasantry. He found out from speaking with these villagers that for many weeks past, a rogue band of thieving, tusked monstrosities had been regularly raiding secluded towns in the area, tying up many helpless farmers and stealing their hard-earned cabbage for their food supply. Furious at hearing about the creatures' wanton disregard for the villagers' livelihood, Zinn took it upon himself as his first task in the realm of Morek to teach these monsters a lesson.

And so it was that he camped outside of one unsuspecting cabbage farm, pretending to be a scarecrow, standing in wait for the next attack. He must have fallen asleep, for at one moment, the sun was only beginning to set, and the next, when he opened his eyes, night had fallen. Zinn darted his glance around him, careful not to move his body to betray his disguise. This farmer's house was lit from within, and the ambient noises sounded normal. The adventurer started to relax, but a shrill scream suddenly sounded from inside the hut.

"Aaaah!! Nooooooo!! HEEEEELLLLP--oof!"

Then silence. Zinn frowned, concluding that the tusked beasts must have sneaked inside while he was dozing off. He began to wiggle free from the loosely-tied ropes holding his body upright against a wooden pole and was just about to free his last remaining limb when the door burst open, spilling orange torchlight onto the surrounding farm. He immediately froze in place and, bent forward as he was to untie his left foot, did not see the monsters pointing at him and whispering amongst themselves. Very slowly, Zinn finished freeing himself and rose back up--only to find himself staring straight into the eyes of the leader of the incoming group of six monsters, thirty feet away and closing.

The beasts began chanting as they rushed to surround the fake scarecrow.


They split up to form a circle around him, waving their rusty pitchforks in one stubby hand and their stolen cabbages in the other. The leader, fully a head taller than the rest of the band at an imposing height of seven feet, shook his cabbage at Zinn while brandishing his pitchfork menacingly. However, the adventurer paid no heed to either the vegetable or the weapon, for he found himself unfortunately transfixed by the two gigantic tusks protruding downwards from the alpha monster, tusks that measured over three feet in length.

Finally snapping out of his trance, Zinn moved to draw his blade, but the leader barked twice, and the two nearest walrus-like creatures threw a net over him. He was trapped now, and fully at their mercy. Zinn cursed, awaiting his fate at the hands of these cabbage thieves. But instead of making a shish-kebab out of him to eat with their veggies, the big guy lowered his pitchfork and wailed, seemingly in pain. He dropped the items in his fists and dropped forward to the ground, clutching at his forehead. As the leader rocked back and forth, moaning, the rest of the band moaned with him and began swaying on their feet.

Then, the alpha beast tried to tear something off of his head, yet it was to no avail. Zinn looked closer and noticed a golden brooch stuck to the monster's forehead, almost in the shape of a cabbage. It was glowing a bright orange now, but he could not tell whether it was due to the flickering light from a torch held by one beast, or whether the item was actually magical in nature. However, to all appearances, it was a brooch, and therefore must be imbedded in the thing's head with its locking pin.

Since his situation did not look very favorable at all, and since there simply seemed to be nothing else he could do to escape, Zinn did the only thing left. Slowly, he reached out his hand towards the leader, who eyed him suspiciously. Then, his fingers touched the glowing brooch, and, with a deft flick of his wrist, the clasp was undone, and the item fell from the tusked beast's head.


The leader seemed puzzled at this event, and everyone stopped swaying, instead staring hard and intently at the fallen brooch. After a few chirps of a nearby cricket, all of them barked almost joyously and began jumping up and down. The big guy cried out in triumph.


And with that, they all ran off with their cabbages, leaving one truly confused adventurer and one discarded brooch in their wake.