Klingenberg Family/Mordar

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Mordar was the youngest of four siblings. His hair is darker than that of his brothers and he is thinner. He appears as if he could barely lift a large sword in his hands.


Closer in age to his sister than to his elder brothers as a child he spent most his time at her side. He never cared much for fighting, unless it was to defend his elder sister. Even if she was more than able to stand up for herself, once he was old enough to understand the roles of the two genders he couldn't feel other than protective of his sister.

So it was that not long after she left Dsinasas that we went looking for her. When he finally found out her location in Itorunt, he went as well.


Mordar arrived in the East Continent in a time of peace, and that was for the best in his opinion. Not believing in war he soon became a follower of the Triumvirate and an aspiring priest not long after.

Clergical Calling

Through hard work and some luck, Mordar rose to become an Elder Priest of his faith. It was during this period that war was rising in the south. With the aid of other priests he has been trying to sway the commoners to their side at least, for he believes that even if nobles fight the war - without peasants there is nothing to fight for.