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I had a few ideas about a different type of realm on Dwilight, special thanks to Chenier who gave me the idea.

Experimental name- Meiyo (Name means distinguished honor in Japanese.)

Realm Type- Absolute Monarchy(Emperor)

Modeled after medieval Japan... Strict code, the way of the warrior, a member of the realm must be a member of the Order of the Samurai, only realm mates are allowed in, unless somone is specially invited. Buddhist/Zen religion, modeled specially for the realm.

Special Name for Ruler- Emperor

Special Name for General- Shogun

Special Name for Judge- Kyoto shoshidai

Special Name for Banker- Kanjo bugyo

Special name for Count/Duke- Overlord and Daimyo.

There will be a strict code of conduct, breach of which will result in heavy fines.

Code of Conduct/Honor

Disgraced samurai to regain his honor by passing into death in war or suicide. Warriors were men who lived by Bushido; it was their way of life. The samurai's loyalty to the emperor and his overlord or daimyo were unsurpassed. They were trustworthy and honest. They lived frugal lives with no interest in riches and material things, but rather in honor and pride. They were men of true valor. Samurai had no fear of death. They would enter any battle no matter the odds. To die in battle would only bring honor to one's family and one's lord.

Virtues that MUST be followed

1)The right decision, fair and equal.

2)Valour & Courage.

3)Benevolence, Compassion & Generosity

4)The Proper Behaviour, Courtesy & Respect

5)Honesty, Honourable & Moral

6)Success, Honour and Glory.

7)Devotion and Loyalty, Dedicated

Honor over Duty / Duty over Glory / Glory before Death / Death before Dishonor

If the samurai dishonored his lord and empereor, he must take his own life to regain his honor.(due to practical reasons the crime must be pretty bad)

Just a few of my ideas help and suggestions welcome. if you want to join post your user id here and i will contact you or email me at

11 people have joined so far!

The Plan

We start of in Madina, organise ourselves, and when prepared, do a CTO of Port Raviel setting of the realm from there. Once we are a little more powerful, we do a TO of Port Nebel, and the realm will truly begin.

Our realm will be a coastal island realm....(remind you of the realms theme?)