Luminous Family

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The Ones Called Luminous

The "family" Luminous descends from a group of tall, lanky, troll-looking people who lived in trees. As things would have it, the only surviving Luminous family member DOES live in a tree.

Luminous Characteristics

All of the Luminous family has birthed only men(women could only marry into the family), and they have all had the same defining traits. Every one, at maturity, stood 7' tall, with visible bone structure. Their faces were always obscured by masks, as a sign of diminishing the ego to become more a part of Xao(see below for information on Xao) than a separate entity of their own. The masks were typically wooden, and marked with a third eye in the center of the forehead. Each mask was carved from the tree in which they lived, as it as seen as a holy place. Each one had his hair and beards(never cut) dreadlocked, with the hair tied up towards the top of the back of their heads. Their skin is generally dark, with a reddish tint.


Xao is the religion/philosophy of the Luminous clan, as well as the name of their one and only deity. They see Xao, not as a personified entity, but a universal truth behind all living things, and that all these things are a cog inside of Xao; merely acting out its will. Xao is generally symbolized by an eight-pointed star.

Elias Luminous

Elias was one of the two "brothers" still surviving in the clan. He died, while travelling from Bisquez to Alani, under completely mysterious circumstances. Nothing was left of him, aside his mask and a pool of blood. Next to these objects was an eight-pointed star of Xao.

Luxius Luminous
