Torradoch Family/Shaw

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Shaw Torradoch Irishman21.jpg

Follow me for Glory and Honor and maybe a wench or two. Pass the ale for I'm a bit dry from talking.

Born the son of a Princess and exiled to hide the shame of his mother he finds his justice in his sword. Began his life in struggle on the streets and in the wilderness gaining a name for himself and building a ban of friends that follow him. Now they are his family and Shaw and the avengers of death will hide no more. They are far from home and honour will be theirs.

I lead my men to battle soon but Tonight I look for a good stout of ale. It seams to be hard for thy to find a good pint. I will be off to Perdan in the morning may I find it there in the town Pub.

"A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle".
