O'Deaghaidh Family/Baro's Kingdom Vol. 2

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A small unit of thirty men marched from Kording to Watto. Two men pulled a cart full of their commander’s belonging, including their commander. Erin sat in the cart with his trunk of books. Looking out of the cart he saw that he had plenty of daylight and time to read. He opens the trunk and pulls out “Baro’s Kingdom Volume 2.” Erin had become obsessed with these books.

“Bellum Baro rode to the capital of the Kingdom of [Smeared beyond recognition.] Luckily for Bellum he had a childhood friend by the name of Bhaididh that worked in the Palace Guard. He could see the city at the end of the road. It would only be another hour before he reached the city. The only thing he could think about was having to end another Celt’s life. The sound of hooves clattering under him and the panting of his horse was all he could hear.

Kicking back at his horse Bellum screamed “Yawh!”

Bellum arrived at the gates around an hour later. The horse walked in and Bellum had a gloomy look upon his face. Guards stopped him before he reached the entrance to the Palace.

“State your business traveler!” A Guard said grabbing Bellum’s horse by the rein.

“I’m here to see Bhaididh.” Bellum replied.

“Captain Bhaididh?” The Guard questioned.


“I’ll get him.” The guard turned to another guard and said “Winters! Find Captain Bhaididh, tell him.” He turned back to Bellum. “What’s your name?”

“Bellum Baro.”

“Aye, tell him Bellum Baro is here to see him!”

Time passed and eventually a man approached. “Bellum! What are you doing here?”

“I must see the Prince.” Bellum said with no emotion.

“I can’t just let you in to see the Prince.” Bhaididh shook his head.

“Trust me, I must see him. The Kingdom’s survival depends on it.”

“I’ll most likely lose my rank for this. Come with me.”

Bellum followed Bhaididh through the Palace halls. The walls shot up 30 or more feet till they met the ceiling. Torches lit the way through the halls. Finally Bhaididh opened a door to the throne room. The Prince sat in his father’s throne. Bhaididh approached and Bellum followed behind him.

Bhaididh bows and says “My Prince, the man behind me is Bellum Baro. He has information that he claims has something to do with the survival of our Kingdom.”

The Prince laughs “Young Bellum, what could you possibly know that could save our Kingdom.”

Bellum removes the Claymore he received from the Robed Man from a cloth. “This is your father’s sword, he has sent me to end your life!” Bellum throws the Claymore on the ground in the direction of the Prince. The Claymore tumbles and rolls then slides towards the Prince’s feet. The Prince picks up the sword and looks closely. The Prince stands up from his throne.

“You killed my father? I am now the King of this land by birthright. I shall deal with you and place your head above my throne!” The prince screams and charges Bellum.

Just like when fighting the Boar, Bellum dodged the attack and slammed the dagger into the back of the Prince. The Prince fell flat on his face and the Claymore tumbled away from the Prince’s body.

Bellum stood in the middle of the throne room, Dagger of Kings in hand. “I am now your King. Our survival depends on me! Obey or die!” Bellum picks up the fallen Claymore turns around and heads towards the throne. The Palace Guards were dumbfounded by what they had just seen. Bhaididh’s jaw was wide open. Bellum sat on the throne.

“Bhaididh, have your men clean this mess up. Spread the word of what I’ve done. Oh and bring to me the Judge and General of this kingdom. I wish to speak to them.”

Bhaididh nodded and muttered something under his breath. He left the room and his guards carried away the dead Prince.”

Erin closed the book, he had arrived in Watto. It was time to get to work.