McBlathery Family

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Revision as of 15:13, 3 September 2007 by Lorebass (talk | contribs)
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Ah yes, the McBlathery Family. Though they are little more than newcomers to their new found home of Frundi in the Realm of Wetham when compared to many of the other noble Families, their personal family history is quite something. It all started out on an Island...

The Island of Doodteyg`Tsunk

A Relativly Large island once based North/North-West of the Region Now known as "The Colonies". It is thought that a few hundred years ago a Exploration Vessel from on of the Main Continents Wrecked itself in the shores of this Island. From there the survivors were forced to scratch out a living from the Moderate Vegetation and few native animals what lived on the Island. It is thought that eventually the survivors formed into Multiple Tribes spread along the flat land that they had to now call their home. Tribes that were not always in agreement with the ways of another. Eventially only 5 tribes were left; the names of 2 are still unknown as it is thought that the majority of their peoples even after the Union of the Tribes were those that took the brunt of the Great Wave`s Assault. The known Tribes were those of WebeL A`ngre, PautieONit and Og_D`Nooo.

More information on the Different Tribes will be added to the History once enough of the descendant`s stories are found, sorted and confirmed to be as close to the truth as possible.

Known Leaders of the Og_D`Nooo Tribe