Heen/Ruler Bulletin

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The ruler bulletin was distinctively written to remind the people about the times in which royalty was the strong basis upon wich the entire system of Heen supported. Its use is now only limited to the more general use of being a bulletin consulted solemnly for studies or general information.


From the oldest scriptures I quote:

"I am Scion the Skilled Twinblade,

The Holy Kingdom of
Heen is the western desert of what was once a Democracy called Varyamo Nolvp. But due to a 'Chancellor' that ruled like a Dictator, a rebellion was plotted and initiated by the irritated Minister of Defence. Seeing that the 'rebels' were to win, the first 'King' of Heen, Gauis Marius Angmar, sceded the city of Heen from Varyamo Nolvo following suit of the first Pontifix of Vice, Skadhi Storm, who sceded the city of Latlan, splitting what was once Varyamo Nolvo into 3 parts.

Suprisingly enough, the rebellion failed for the 'gods' spake against it (OOC: A Bug) and the current government remained. From there the 'rebels' of Varyamo Nolvo fled here, to Heen, where they reside today. Thier first action was ousting the first and incapable ruler of Heen, Gauis Marius. In his place, the leader of the 'rebels', the former MoD of VN, was annoited king. The king immediatly devoted himself and the kingdom to seeing the destuction of a sinful religon called
Hedonism, which is a 'faith' that believes pleasure and sin is the highest achivement, and this 'faith' plauges our people this day. So first, the kingdom set out to destroy Hedonism's defenders, Varyamo Nolvo and Vice, thus resulting in the bloodiest civil war the desert had ever seen. But the dertermined king and the nobles of Heen prevailed. Scarred by the civil war, we now enter Heen's current state of recontstuction. To heal the land and rebuild what was lost. These are our goals as a now peaceful kingom, until the time comes for us to once again march to war.

I was the former irritated MoD, I was the leader of the 'rebels', and I was the King of Heen during the civil war, and now I remain the king of Heen during its' reconstruction."

Such are the words of Scion The Skilled Twinblade, the first true King of Heen. I am Martana Curs, the first true Queen of Heen, his successor. I share his thoughts and repeat his words.


We are the founding member of the Ceded City Alliance along with Khthon, Irombrozia, Vlaanderen and Republic of Fwuvoghor; a group of independent thinking and acting realms. Recently, a strong and healthy federation was signed between Heen, Sint and Vlaanderen, making a triangle fortress against the Inferi and undead invasion. We are at global peace with all nations, with a few exceptions.

Message Groups:

Queen's Council

The Queen's personal advisors. The most important issues of the kingdom are discussed here.

Lords of Heen

The message groups for current regions lords that they may discuss the building of infastracture and things of the such manner.

Heenite Nobility

This is where the nobles of lesser ranks discus thier opinions about the government, the Kingdom.