Kimura Family/Tassos

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Biological Information

Full Name: Calls himself Tassos Kimura. Validity of this is unconfirmed.

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Gender: Presumably Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Age: 20

Status: Alive.

Social Information

(as of 8/24/2007)

Title: the Quiet.

Class: Knight

Honour: 11

Prestige: 1

Realm: Ash Sea Islands

Rank: Knight of Ser'quea

Liege: Talius Sargeras

Marital Status: Single

Religion: None

Alignment: Unknown.

Biographical Information

The rest of the Kimura family claims to have no knowledge of anyone by the name of Tassos. He apparently appeared out of thin air, having absolutely no past whatsoever until the day he appeared in Ser'quea. He seems to be almost too familiar with the workings of Atamara, specifically its southern realms, and also appears to know select individuals (although he is notably hazy on HOW he knows most of them). He doesn't speak much, but when he does he is extremely well spoken, with a somewhat deep, calm voice.


Hair Color: Brown, short, well-groomed.

Eye Color: Brown, always look sad.

Height: 5'8"

Weight: Aprox. 165.

Build: Looks frail underneath his bandages.

Prized Possesions/Equipment

Navy Blue Cloak - A thick, navy-blue cloak. It's in great condition, but the fabric type is hard to tell. It looks strong and coarse like wool, but is soft and light like silk. Some strange rune-like symbols are near the shoulders of the cloak.

Remnant - An odd, rusty pole-arm that appears to have been made with left-overs from other weapons. Near where the blade begins, a black piece of wood with a red 3-tailed fox can be seen on it.

A ball of straw - Carries it with him everywhere. If anyone questions it, he ignores the question.