Chocxal News

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Chocxal News
Price: None... why do we want your money? News from the desert!** Please shake any sand out AWAY from people's faces. Issue Number: ???

Chief Editor:Torsaan the Great
Resident Overzealous Lunatic:Xanio the Great
Want to contribute? Add your name, and a spiffy title!

Troubles in Abington and the Pounding of RedSpan
There's been a secession in Abington. Why? Because "King" Gauihu wanted Duke Spiritmonger to step down. Gauihu has given 10 reasons... but the real reason is because Spiritmonger is a Pantheist and was using some of his wealth to fund his faith. On a side note, we're still stomping the RedSpanards. Hard.
24 Ta Tor
20 August 2007
- Xanio the very Great

To RedSpan we will go...
Back in RedSpan... a bit more looting. Very fun. But smelly. Thankfully the Tarans have been washing those goat people. In other news, a large sand dune got bigger... is this the start of something?
20 Ta Kar
19 July 2007
- Xanio the really really incredibly Great

Invasion Foiled
Hmmm. An invasion of Abington. Seemed easy enough, eh? We had a nice army of ca. 2000 troops. They had an army of nearly 3000 troops. See the problem? Yes, we lost. That is fine, they had the bigger army. But, how did they know we're coming? Either they have infils operating throughout the continent (pah!), they were somehow tipped off, or they have SPIES. I wonder.
14 Xan-i
15 May 2007
- Xanio the Great

It just got loud
Wow. Phenomenal. Words don't describe what's happening. Abington has declared they are going to attack Minas Ithil for revenge; and so it begins. Their army is marching. CE is marching. ASI is fighting RedSpan (I think) and the war in the north still rages. I'm not going to say what Talerium is doing for obvious reasons. But we must look beyond the yelling and clang, to Tara. They are in strife. Duke Thor of Foda has commited suicide as a rebellion against the leader, Johnathon. I myself was once of Tara. Their General Lister is a great military mind, but he and Johnathon are being accused of ruling the realm to their desires, and not giving equal opportunity. Thor called for an uprising. What of this? This is a Tyranical Aristocracy. It is expected. But, I feel for Thor. It was the stresses of not being recognized for anything that drove me away from Tara. Tara may turn into something very different very soon. We should keep watch.
4 Ya-Kar
5 April 2007
- Torsaan the Great

It's quiet... too quiet
What is going on? The Falasan-Eston war is in full swing, while the MI-BoM-Norland war is scarily quiet. Which is where I'm going. What's happening? Are the Viking hoards... scared? For all that if good and nice in this world, I'd hope not. Next thing, we'll invent something by the name of Oatmass Blue. The badgers have also been quiet. I'm watching though.
- Xanio the Great

A new realm has seceeded from Falasan. Tucha declared independance under the name of Capashinia (or so sources say). Picnu and Cori has followed Tucha. Interesting happenings... why did Torin seceed? Many questions are left unanswered, and may stay that way.

-- Torsaan the Great

Peace! On one front
Yes, we probably will negotiate a peace treaty with the goats. So it seems there is peace. But! There is still the undead problem. There have been no incursions into Talerium for a few weeks, but all around there are monsters and undead, 6.5K CS of them in Lakota alone.
Is it an invasion? We have no idea. All one can do is pray to whoever one believes in, and hide in a corner.

-- Torsaan the Great

Goat Curry anyone?
Those goats have been pulverized, but I will give them something. They are resilient. Unfortunately, everyone knows they are planing a colony. Where? Who knows. But, all I know is their sacred animal does taste good after a nice game of soccer.
- Xanio the Great

Talerium Newspaper surfaces!
There was much applause today as the Chocxal News rolled of the presses. It is heard that the illiterate peasants were particularly pleased.
-- Torsaan the Great

**These are all the opinions of a priest who hasn't seen war in months, a lunatic who loves his realm too much, and (insert title here!)