Outer Tilog (Realm)/Demons

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The Greater Demons of Outer Tilog

Here, i will tell you about the wonderful beings we call 'demons'. Demons are a huge part of OT culture and we rely on them for, well.... Nothing really. They just boss us around all day. But we must worship them all the less or they will eat us. Not that that is a bad thing because, really, it isnt. So really, demons just make our lifes more difficult and painful and thats why we love them so.

I will now give you a brief discription, and perhaps a picture of the main demons of OT or perhaps just the ones that hurt the most when served with carrots:

Ikloobka The Joking


A picture of Ikky shortly after blowing up a fleet of ships with thunder bombs

This first demon is a bit of a joker as you can tell. "A demon that tells jokes?! PFFT!" your probably thinking, hmm? Well your dead wrong (Emphasise the 'dead' part)). Old Ikky might start the day with a tidal wave or two then work his way to lunch with a few firestorms here and there then maybe settle down with a hurricane for the night all in a days work! Truly a wonderfully horrible demon and prized throughout the land (not as if we have a choice is it?).

Gkoolllko the Container


This is a picture of Gkoo when he went to the future! Unfortunatly (for them) thye didnt know who they were dealing with and were all turned into jugs :)


The mysterious Sea of Pots

Perhaps one of the most queer demons of OT for it is a jug. Yep a big, fat giant jug who sits around all day eating human hearts marinated with long swords. But do not be fooled by its appearance for if you get to close you will turn into a jug as over 1 million Outer-Tilogians? have found out the hard way and has now become what we call 'The Sea of Jugs'. Gkoolllko has really made it into the OT history books and is just as despired ad fhoojired as the rest of the putrid scum we call Spittleyabbers.

Hjkkklyu the Large


Hjkklyu 'rjokiidging'

This has gotta be one of my personal favourites, he's big, black and dosnt take s**t from nobody. For best results, serve with spikey bookmarks.

Jkgoohsssi the Poking


Jkgoo posing for the camera! Say CHEESE!!

Awww isnt he cute? This one is a sneaky little bugger who likes to steal forks and smelt them onto his butt. We dont yet know why he does this, but we got a fantastically bad feeling about it.

Rich'rd Le'Fev're the Voracious


Rich'rd Le'Fev're the Voracious is hungry! You must feed him before he consumes the other demons of the Abyss!

Bhillgh O'Reilly the Flatulent


His profound odors ensure the Abyss will never fill.

Rh'oophert M'urd'och the Insatiable

He consumes all within his grasp. Then he reaches for more!
