Whiteblood Family

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The Whiteblood family history begins in the region of Arempos, in the Far East continent. Through marriage several generations ago, the Whiteblood and Noble families are related. While not much is known about the previous generations of the family, the current generation of Whiteblood have ventured out into the world to bring fame and glory to their name.


D'Rypin and Levera



The eldest of twin brothers, S'noe is considered a Hero by those he befriended in Alowca shortly after his arrival there many years ago. During an attack by vicious monsters, S'noe and his men charged the oncoming horde of monsters and left not one standing before the walls of the city. S'noe rose in prominence among those in the realm and was elected Fiduciary, where he served diligently for a time before deciding that his heart was less in the administration and more in the field of battle. S'noe stepped down and was shortly thereafter elected Paladin Primus. This was a role that he enjoyed until, through a bout of poorly supported attacks on the evil Oritolons, several of his friends were killed. S'noe became despondent and left Alowca to travel north to visit with a friend. S'noe spent several months in Outer Tilog where he plotted and schemed on ways to destroy those that have wronged him. With a growing impatience to exercise his sword arm, S'noe left Outer Tilog and returned to his home in Alowca.


Younger than his twin by a few hours, Ivore has wandered the lands of Atamara since his departure from home. He first set foot in the desert of Talerium where he has made several friendships and built somewhat of a reputation as a sword master. A member of the Atamara Dueling Association for a time, Ivore left the guild due to lack of management control. During a short lived realm's creation, Ivore joined Kybcyell and served as it's only Arch Priest until the realm was crushed by the scum of Abington. Upon the death of the realm, he journeyed north to Darka with hopes of joining the mercenaries there for a campaign against Abington and their foul ilk. When no campaign was forthcoming, Ivore packed his meager possessions and returned once more to Talerium. As peace settled on the lands around Talerium, Ivore grew restless for battle and a way to continue to develop his burgeoning skill with a blade. So he packed his meager possessions and took a ship to the South East Islands, where he joined Taselek with the hope of seeing many battles.


Though several years younger than his brothers, Pure set out to follow Ivore to Atamara but instead of choosing the desert, Pure settled in the Ash Sea Islands. His time there was fairly anonymous and boring so as soon as could afford to, he caught a ship to Beluaterra and settled in Old Grehk. It wasn't long before Pure was appointed Baron in the region of Jedinchel. He served faithfully before stepping down to move and accept the more prosperous region of Verdomite as Marquis. For a short time, Pure joined the priesthood but soon grew weary of the constant strain from preaching to those that do not want to hear they are going to die. Instead, Pure left the priesthood to return to a soldiers life where he might use his sword to show the non-believers the error of their ways.


Though he claims to be tied to the Whiteblood family, his ancestry is somewhat clouded. He is not the child of D'Rypin or Levera that much is known. Rumor has it that perhaps he is the scion of a distant relative from elsewhere than Arempos. He struggles out an existence in the lands in and around Enweil.

Lily (deceased)

The older sister of S'noe and Ivore, Lily left home first but didn't travel far. She wandered Ethiala for a time before being killed on her wedding night by a fall from the carriage they were riding in. Her marriage was secret from her family and no one knows where her husband might be now as he's never visited the family estate...that we know of.

Eh'Lotta (deceased)

Left home for Batesaor at the age of 17 but was brutally killed in a tavern brawl shortly after arriving there.

Runyn (deceased)

A bastard son of D'Rypin, Runyn arrived in Enweil aboard a ship laden with priceless cargo. After liberating some for himself, he ventured out of town to see what the new world held for him. Never one to stay in one place for long, Runyn traveled from one end of the continent to the other before he fell ill in Joppo and died soon thereafter, with not a silver to his name.

Asha (deceased)

The bastard daughter of D'Rypin and his mistress who died during childbirth, Asha is not recognized in the family home in Arempos. She calls Lasanar home now but only because she doesn't want to be far from Arempos. Asha is just beginning a life of adventure and hopes to win recognition in the eyes of her father even if the rest of the nobility does not. Died in a fall from the boat crossing at Ecsetuah. Suspected of having been pushed.