RedSpan/Told By Benny/APR 2007

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As Told By Benny
Price: Totally free
Told by Benny Kimura

Disclaimer: The opinions here are those of Benny Kimura, and are often misguided, jaded, or just plain wrong, but amusing nevertheless. Also, the opinions and ideals expressed in the interviews are those solely of the individual, and neither Benny, the Kimura Family, or the Realm of RedSpan takes any responsibility for what is, or isn't, said.

-Also Note!- The Editorials change without warning.

April 2007

Current Opinions/News

Kimura Family in Darka's Papers... Again!

April 17, 2007

It's great being famous. Or, rather, being from a famous family. No no, we're not known for our prestiege. Or honor. Or even heroic acts in war. We're known for just plain pissing the realm of Darka off. And when you have a realm that cries as loudly as Darka, that's a lot of publicity, kids.

So this time, instead of baby brother Fade Kimura getting thrown involuntarily INTO the lava bucket, it's elder brother Mossimo voluntarily sneaking all the way up there to PREACH against the Darkan religion! The funny thing is, he got up there with no problems, and actually had a small preaching tour in several regions before actually heading to Mnt. Sinclair itself.

Now I should clarify this: The Kimura family estate is in Azzal, Darka. And yes, 95% of the Kimura Family is LOYAL to Darka...Most of them are simply military instructors or fat-ass merchants. You never hear about them though, because they're utterly not as spectacular as those of us who hate Darka.

Here is where it gets good: Darka wants an outrageous sum of money, or Mossimo's banishment, for this "insult." The only thing insulting, I think, is how utterly unimpressive that volcano is in person (at least, by the letters I got from Mossimo's account). And they worship that thing... Something that can't even move around. Pfft. What fools.

And that's my rant for today!

Editorials/Editors Notes

None so far.