The Rampant Lion/RobertApril14

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Letter from Robert

Message sent to all nobles at the tournament (98 recipients)

Allies in Ibladesh,
I have fought beside you and helped you defend your lands against agression. I have been a strong supporter of your realm and been friends with both Sorcha and Quake. I call upon you now as a friend and an ally. When the forces of Avamar in the Islands were defeated, I rejoiced. Where could they go and be accepted now? Avamar was destroyed. Oligarch was destroyed. Kalmar Islands was defeated. The snakes and vipers that caused chaos and rebellion throughout East Continent were defeated and no one would give them shelter. The leaders of Kalmar will be forced to flee these lands and find santuary elsewhere.
This is not what has happened, though. I have been told that certain people have found safe refuge in a kingdom close to my home and in my very Federation. Leaders of the forces of chaos and distruption live in Ibladesh? I have been told that this is true.
Lalakis Donna Ragna Loquan Kocur
Do these villians live within your fair country? I hope not. If so, then I shall weep for Ibladesh. They cause chaos and disruption for those I consider friends, nay brothers and sisters. I call upon your wisdom to expell these people from your lands. These are people responsible for great death and destruction. They surely seek the same in your lands. I fear that if you do not expell or execute them, that Itorunt and Ibladesh will one day go to war. Please do not take that as a threat, it is more what I believe will happen if these four are allowed to fester in your lands. I believe they will cause the destruction of our Federation.
Please listen to me as a friend and heed my words of warning.

– Robert, Duke of Semall