Cursed Book of Good and Evil/Tale

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Everyone was standing away from the undead champion as Lucifer charged with his long sword at his hand. From the trees they could see everything though... The champion was strong and had stood against many Warriors who tried to confront him so far. Lucifer knew that he had no choice if he was to fight him one to one and for that he needed a good plan.

He knew that the champion was too strong to fall from the first blow, but that would not stop someone of his skill and intelligence. Thus, he attacked from the front and tried to give to the champion a stab at his heart... But what heart?! The undead creatures have no heart.

The Champion laughed and rose his hand. By reading on a Book that he had on his left hand and by speaking a few strange words, he raised his right hand and with a move he made a strong wind appear from nowhere and threw Lucifer on a nearby trunk.

"You fool! I am an undead creature... You shall find no heart in this body!"

Lucifer knew that if he wanted to survive he had to fight with maximum risk of his life. Even though, he did not pull back. Now he had made his enemy underestimate his intelligence and that was good. The first phase of his fight was successful and it was the turn to proceed to the second phase. From the trunk he did not stood up again. Instead, Lucifer remained there pretending to be dead, but the champion was not that easily tricked...

"Stand up, little man... You can not fool me!"

Lucifer did not react and the undead champion was heard again.

"Stand up mortal! Fight and fall like a Warrior!"

The deep voice of the Champion made everyone shudder, but Lucifer once again remained calm pretending that he had fallen by the undead champion's might.

The champion then used his magic and by reading the Book he was holding, with unbelievable power he called a wind that rose Lucifer to the air and threw him away to another trunk. The pain was huge, but Lucifer knew that he had to continue pretending... and fell to the ground as a true corpse.

The undead Archmage appeared confused and it was then when he made the mistake... He approached Lucifer and kicked him to the ribs. He found it strange, but he observed no reacion at all. The creature rose his eyebrow.

Lucifer could hardly resist the pain and avoid exposure and if the champion did make another trick, it was certain that Lucifer would react. However, the Champion had underestimated him again... The Archmage turned his back and made to leave.

"That is my chance!!" Lucifer thought and cautiously stood up holding his sword tighly from the grip.


The fatal blow was delivered and Lucifer's sword had pierced the undead Lord's body causing a powerful glow of Light come out of the wound. The undead spoke his last words, before he was totally gone...

"The Book, human... Don't touch the Book!"

The champion was no more, but the Book was still there standing on the air. Lucifer approached it and examined it closer. The covers were made of leather and it had a seal on it. Lucifer picked it up, put it at his bag, wiped his sweat and left for the unknown...