Pinetree Family/Long/The Adventure of Atamara/Interrogation at Belegrond

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Back to: The Adventure of Atamara

Freshly arriving in Belegrond, Long makes himself cozy to their local alcohol.

Not as good as the ones up north...

"Hey, barkeep, get me your best wine here!"

-"Oh ho ho, here we have the finest wine in the north!"

"Are you sure? It looks just like the crap I just drunk... I thinks I drunk a lil toooo much..."

-"Hehe, I'm sure it's the finest. If you're satisfied, I'll give it to you for free. If not, you pay for it!"

"Heey... I feel like I'm being swindled here..."

-"Just try a glass, trust me."

Long takes a glass of the wine and swallows every drip down.

"I'm.. not.. satis... ugh."

He falls unconscious on the floor, having his fill of alcohol. The bartender motions to a man in the back of the bar to take Long up to a room.

Long wakes up groggy in an empty room. Their was only one wall, a circular room. Long tried to get up, but his limbs were held down by a rope tied to a chair.

He was having a hard time remembering where he was, why he would be there, or any idea of what would be going on.

-"Hey guys, look who wanted to wake up!"

"Huh... why umm I'm tied up.. yeah?"

-"Seems like he's still drugged a bit. We'll come back a little later, okay boy? Haha!"

The men leave, and Long falls unconscious.

10 Hours Later----

Long wakes up again. This time, the men aren't in the room. He's feeling slightly better and is able to reason out some things. The bartender must have drugged him, and someone with a grudge against him might have imprisoned him. Of course, the bandit he was looking for in Belegrond.

Damn, they've disarmed me.. Wait.. Did they get the one in my gloves..?

BAM! A door behind Long opened with 9 men emerging from it. One was obviously a leader, and that one walked up to Long. With his finger, the leader made Long look at his face by pushing his chin up.

-"Hello, boy. I've heard you were going after the Emerald? Who are you? How do you know of it?"

"I don't have to tell you anything. You tell me how you knew I was coming."

-"Haha! What a brave little child! For that, you deserved to be rewarded!"

The man struck Long in the chest, making him cough up blood.

-"Don't talk to your elders like that. But, since I'm so nice, I'll tell you how. A friend from up north warned me of you. You don't have to worry about that though."

"Ugh... I think you should be worried..."

Long cuts the rope holding his hands with a small blade hidden on the side of his finger. Before the bandit could react, Long punches him in the stomach and uses the short break to cut loose his legs.

The other 8 men rushed towards Long, but Long took the leader's sword and put it up the leader's neck.

"Stay back, or off with his head."

-(Other Bandit)"Heh... like we gave a damn... Get him!"

"Ah, crap.."

Long pushes the leader into the mob of bandits and rushes towards the exit behind them. He manages to escape and closes the door behind him and blocks it with a chair near-by. Looking in the new room, he sees the rest of his weapons scattered on a table. He runs over to get them, throwing the useless sword to the ground.

The 9 bandits break open the door, but enter the room with a surprise. Several daggers go flying into their group, killing 3 of them. Long jumps into the group with his dagger killing 2 more. The other 3 bandits fled leaving their leader alone.

"So, you have two choices: die painfully, or die slowly. Which one?"

-"Please, don't kill me! I'll tell you all I know about the Emerald! Just don't kill me, please!"

"Oh fine, you're no fun when you beg for your life anyways.. Where is it?"

-"The other 8 members of my bandit group were part of a raiding party that took the Emerald. There were 16 of us that came here to Atamara with the Emerald. You've already seen 10 of us.. The other 6 went off to uhh.. Barad Falas. They tried to sell the Emerald there.."

"Damn, why won't you guys stay in one place!! ..Get out of here."

Long kicks the bandit to the ground.

"Umm.. but first, could you show me the way out?"

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