Alowca (Realm)

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Alowca is a militant Theocracy, following the religion of the Trinity. Rather than taking on the role of a peace-seeking religious realm, our religion lends itself to the ways of the warrior, demanding that the truly devout seek out and destroy evil wherever it may be found. Think of us more as an Army with a nation, rather than a nation with an Army.

The Lands and Lords of Alowca

The Duchies, their Lords and their Vassal Regions

Fenrisulf - Duke of Alowca

Gravitas - Count of Warmanoras

Komek - Baron of Irdalni


The realm of Alowca, like all realms in the Colonies, got off to a slow start. We are located on the southeastern corner of the continent and currently have control of three regions in total. However, this is no hinderance; at times Alowca has boasted one of the largest militaries in the Colonies!

In the early days we sought peace with our neighbors to the north, Alebad, so that we might spread the Trinity, develope our lands, and eventually assist our neighbors in their war efforts. However, our first pontifex, Rhysten, along with the the Pontifex of Alebad ordered their troops to break a treaty of peace with a realm to the west, Oritolon.

The theocratic armies were supposed to march far west to the city of Portion to help the allied Monarchy defend itself from Lukon. The armies of Alowca and Alebad got greedy for the lands of Oritolon. They took a detour from their travel to Portion, and instead invader Oritolon's northern mountain pass of Windaria. Unknown to the invaders, and the defenders as well, an Oritolon infiltrator happened to be in the region and delayed the travel of the invaders. The invading armies were badly spaced out, and their attack failed with heavy casualties inflicted by the defending ambushers.

The war between them had become a stalemate over the years, with very few successful attacks on all sides. As time progressed, Alebad signed a treaty of peace with Oritolon. Then Lukon, Oritolon, and Alebad all decided to attack Alowca. Alebad was our former friend and ally, but had been tainted by greed yet again.

With Irdalni taken, our armies destroyed, and our food burned, the situation did not look good. Many great Alowcan nobles lost hope, and so they left to attempt to start up a New Alowca in the Far East in case Alowca fell. In this period of abandonment, less than 10 people stayed to defend the people of Alowca; and that's an exaggerated number, as sadly, it could have been no more than 6 or 7 that stayed.

After nearly 2 months of seige, the enemy forces vacated Alowca and Warmanoras. Making the most of this uncertain period of rest, the Pontifex and Fiduciary, Anomalous Psych, structured a new economic system. There were heavy doubts among some of the nobility, but in the end this test triumphed. Not only did this new Alowcan economy work, but its new network of trade spurted an unimaginable economic growth. Within a week, the coffers had filled up with gold that compared in excess to the past month's treasury. Many new buildings were constructed, the fortifications were rebuilt, the theocratic palace and temples were restored to their former glory, gold was kept in a new banking system, and Alowca had secured their borders. They had not just rebuilt their army, but had built the strongest army in all of the Colonies at that time.

During this time of economic prosperity, the Alowcans realized that their financial gains would soon expire if they did not secure their former lands to support their armies. With such few nobles to lead their armies, Alowcan forces with a strength of barely 3,500CS made the bold decision to move into Irdalni. There was a force to match them belonging to Oritolon in Grentzen, and another 5,000CS in Abaka. Despite their advantage in numbers, the leaders of Oritolon were so dumbfounded from the sudden and miraculous regrowth of Alowca that they did not even dare contest the Alowcan re-annexation of Irdalni. Soon afterwards, Abaka too rejoined the Alowcan theocracy.

In most recent affairs, Alebad has once betrayed their alliance to Alowca. After having suffered defeat key battles against Oritolon, Alebad threatened their assistance to Oritolon should we not hand over the region of Abaka. The region had much contest for it in the past, but it was never forcefully taken by Alowca. Because of mistreatment by Oritolon and Alebad, the people of Abaka have always had a natural fondness for Alowca, and tend to switch their loyalties to Alowca. The combined armies of Oritolon and Alebad beat us back to our capital, and even stormed the palace. However, with brilliant minds, and some very dedicated leaders, namely Pontifex Absolute and his Paladin Primus's Xerxes and Gravitas, the invaders were pushed back and ambushed during their retreats. In the end, Alebad and Alowca signed a treaty of peace, with which Alebad recieved Abaka, and Alowca was compensated financially.

Since the negotiated defeat of Alowca, and the loss of Abaka to Alebad in accordance with the Treaty, Alowca's economy was severely curtailed. However, having lost a large amount of population, a few important infrastructural buildings and a major food producer, the Alowcan resolve and morale remained high and the strength of the army only continued to grow for the next few months. Soon, Alebad's situation became gradually more precarious and they sought an alliance to aid them in the defence of their lands against Oritolon once more, having dissolved the alliance which led to their acquisition of Abaka. After many weeks of negotiation, Alowca agreed to aid Alebad in the expectation that their assistance be repaid....


In the battle to expand our lands and liberate the peoples of the South from their Oritolon Oppressors, more than one Heroic Noble has fallen in the name of the Trinity. May their names be remembered forever more!

  • Homer
    • Homer was the first Alowcan Noble to fall in battle.
  • Larani
    • Larani quickly arose to popularity in politics, and in the hearts of Alowcan nobles. A devout worshipper of the Trinity, a heroine in dark times, and a natural politician, she quickly was promoted to Haruspex Maximus. She fell in battle against the armies of Oritolon in the Great Seige.
  • Barbar Osha, Baron of Irdalni
    • After being bested in a Duel with Oritolon's Prime Minister, Loki, Barbar was slaughtered by infidel scum as soon as it was over
  • Irion Hallios, Knight of Warmanoras
    • Although surrounded in battle by Infidels, Irion fought until his last breath!

Awards of the Nation of Alowca

Recently the Alowcan Inner Sanctum has adopted several forms of awards to recgonize their nobles roles and to distinguish between those who have provided service longer and nore notably than others to the Trinity and Alowca. A current list of Citations of those awarded can be found here.

Alowca.jpg| Alowca.jpg
Location of Alowca
Continent / Island Colonies
Capital Alowca
Largest City Alowca
Government System Theocracy


Region Numbers 3
Population 33828
Food Production 546 bushels