Arn Family/Levant Godson

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Levant Godson is on a holy quest.

Born into the House of Arn, Levant was mistreated and despised during his childhood. Greatly abused by his twin brother Maladek, Levant leaned early in life that mercy and wisdom are in small supply in this sinful world. Blessed with visions of Holy Light in his twefth year, Levant took the secret name of "God Son," as surely he could not have been born of such a brutal family but must have been birthed by the Gods themselves. He did not reveal his religious conviction to his family, naturally, as this would have led to nothing but further beatings.

His local temples soon saw a young boy visiting daily, and praying for hours on end. He did not identify himself, so the local Priest took him for a simple trader's son, and began teaching him the ways of the faith. This mentorship ended most tragically, however, as the Priest abused the young Levant's trust in a most unholy way, ending the young man's belief in his church just as Levant was becoming determined to achieve Priesthood himself.

As soon as he reached his majority, Levant left his native land to sail to the shores of Arachon in the Far East. He had heard tales of the wisdom of the way of Adgharhinism, and wished with all his heart to be enlightened by its teachings. From what he had heard it was the true religion, unsullied by the failings of mortal man. Surely this foreign faith would be the one to clear his mind of all doubts and seal his soul in certainty!

Upon reaching the small temple of Adaghar in Unotosa, Levant pledged his life to the teachings of the faith. Truth became clearer to him, as he gazed upon the eyes of God. But still, in the back of his mind was a small, uncertain thing... doubt. Is this truly The Way to Truth? Or another falsehood birthed by that most failable of creatures; man?

His future is uncertain, but his own faith is strong.