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Introduction & Overall Beliefs

Destinæity, or the religion of the Destinarians, is a belief system for thinkers and philosophers who seek order in the world. Rather than worshiping a pantheon of gods or a singular deity, Destinarians recognize that worshiping gods is pointless, since all gods are subject to the same impassive forces in the universe to which all humans are also subject: the Fates -- or as they are called in the religion, the Weavers of Destiny.

Destinarians also recognize that worshiping the Weavers is not an answer, as the Weavers are by their very nature impervious to the pleadings of humans who are at their mercy. The Weavers have an overall plan for the universe, and their purpose is to manipulate and fit humanity into that plan, not to change their plan based on the wishes of a few humans. Each human life is a thread in the Great Tapestry of Being that is continually being woven, and death occurs when the Weavers cut a thread. Their vision is long and broad, and most of humanity cannot hope to understand that vision, trapped as they are in a physical body with only a few short years of life to understand what is going on.

Therefore, the purpose of Destinæity is to attain enough vision to recognize the patterns the Weavers create and to manipulate those patterns to their advantage. Destinarians do not idly sit by and blindly accept whatever the Fates have in store for them. Instead, through many years of medtiation and training, they learn to recognize the overall design of the universe, grasp the Great Tapestry of Being, and insert their individual patterns into the Tapestry so that they may regain control of their own destiny.

Because of this, the sign of the religion is the Knot, for it is the Knot which alters the Tapestry, forces the threads of human lives in new directions, and even makes immortality possible by attaching one thread to the end of another that was meant to be a life cut short.
