Uceek Family/Evangeline/nakedNos

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Position Removal

][osferatu has been removed from all positions and is hereby severely reprimanded in public for misbehaviour.

Letter from Modi

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Lord ][osferatu,

Did you loose a bet ? Apperantly I saw you but-naked without insigne running trough Brive... Is that correct ? Or did Magnus get me drunk again...I always lose against him....


Modi (Knight of Dimwood)

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline picks up the High Marshal banner, boots, pants and shirt and begins to chase the 'but-naked' ][osferatu through Brive.

"Get back here! You're still the High Marshal", she yells after him.

Roleplay from Foreign

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Foreign sees a naked High Marshall running through the camp into the fields, followed by a cloth-wearing Queen yelling his name.

"I'm just going to pretend I never saw that..."

Roleplay from Maelg

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Maelg is sitting at a table out the front of the Suffering Sloth, in the middle of winning a game of Lions against Magnus and Modi.. finally.

Just as he was about to bounce his coin, Modi bursts into laughter. Maelg looks up to see the Ex-High Marshal running through Brive as naked as the day he was born. Trying to catch up to him, and holding his clothes and banner is the Queen. All that can be heard is:

"Get back here!, You're still the High Marshal!"

Finally... something to break the tedium...

Roleplay from Artemir

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Artemir sat up, his head still hurting from the ale he drank with Magnus the previous night. He heard yelling from the hill across the way and looked up to see the High Marshall himself, naked as the day he was born, streaking across the horizon. The Queen herself was in chase trying to remind him of his duties.

Blinking rapidly several times he laid back down muttering "Blast, I am still drunk. Damn that Maelg's potent brew."

He passed out again, the sounds of a Queen in pursuit of her High Marshall disappearing into the distance as he slept it off.

Roleplay from Foreign

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Foreign couldn't resist to take another look at the running general, and noticed Maelg sitting near a tent with some of his friends. Foreign frowned and dropped the sowrd he had been polishing, "Ow dear."

Foreign started to run after Evangeline and seeing he can't catch up with her before they reached Maelg's tent, he turned in left towards the tent. At the exact moment he saw Modi starting to laugh and pointing to ][osferatu, he was only 30 feet away from then. Too late he saw Maelg looking at the running Queen with the cloths as he started his leap. As a full-learned athlet he flew through the air aiming for Maelg.

Pitifully he moved a step to Modi's side and Foreign made hard impact with the ground, instead of Maelgs legs. "Drat..."

Roleplay from Maelg

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"Drat" is heard from behind Maelg. He turns looks down at the crumpled form of Foreign. Wondering why he was on the floor drunk, Maelg reaches down and drags Foreign up by the collar.

"What are you doing, you drunk? and how come you didn't invite us to your little party?"

Roleplay from Maelg

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"Drat" is heard from behind Maelg. He turns looks down at the crumpled form of Foreign. Wondering why he was on the floor drunk, Maelg reaches down and drags Foreign up by the collar.

"What are you doing, you drunk? and how come you didn't invite us to your little party?"

Roleplay from Foreign

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"What are you doing, you drunk? and how come you didn't invite us to your little party?"

Foreign brushed off his clothes and looked around to see if Evangeline had left sight already. "I euhm...", Foreign positioned himself in such a way that Maelg's back was pointing at the running Queen, "I thought it would be nice to show you a new move I learned for on the battfield."

Maelg frowned but sat down enthausiastically, "Well all right then, show us" Foreign stopped brushing his cloths and looked up, "What?" Maelg took a cup of beer, "Well your new move, show us." Foreign swallowed, "Hehe, I just did already." Modi grinned, "Well it would help if we had seen it." Foreign grumbled looking over Maelgs shoulder, "Double drat."

He took a few steps back ward, and jolted himself into the air crushing down on the ground, "Motherf...". Maelg and the others started to laugh and Foreign stood up again. "i>Again! Again, my best man!" Grumbeling Foreignh took a few steps backward and looked over Maelgs shoulder again, seeing that the Queen had almost completely vanished from sight. He took a run forward, and right at the point he was to jump he turned right and made a run for it towards his tent, "Shows me right for being loyal to the crown..." he gasped.

Roleplay from Maelg

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Maelg watches Foreign run away to his tent. Laughing, he turns to Modi and Magnus.

"You know, that was almost as funny as watching my wife chase after the naked High Marshal..."

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Puffed and hoarse from yelling Evangeline finally catches ][osferatu. As he spins to face her she quickly turns her head, shuts her eyes and holds the clothing and banner out in front of her.

"It was a misunderstanding - you don't get away from your duties that easily", she said.

Still not feeling him taking the clothing she pushes them blindly further in front and says as officially as she could muster,

"By Royal Command I reinstate you to the position of High Marshal - now take your damn clothes!"

As she felt him take the clothes and insigna from her she sighed in relief. Not just because ][osferatu was no longer running around Brive naked, but because the Perdan had it's High Marshal back.