Uceek Family/Evangeline/Clarissa

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Roleplay from Evangeline

Stealing herself, Evangeline pushed open the heavy double doors. The High Marshal had told her to extend an invitation to the Queen, but she was wary of how it would be accepted.

As she entered the large, marble room she saw the Queen seated on her thrown. Flowing gowns of silk and the crown regally placed upon carefully groomed hair of golden curls, Clarissa seemed busy talking to her squire.

Evangeline swallowed deeply and moved towards the Queen. The clatter of her armour echoed loudly throughout the thrown room and each step closer made her want to turn around and leave.

The Queen looked up from her work, distracted and not completely focused on Evangeline she enquired,

"Yes Evangeline? Does the High Marshal require something?"

Evangeline searched for the words. Damn ][osferatu! She seems too busy to be interested in socialising.

"My Queen, would you like to join me for a drink?"

Roleplay from Clarissa

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Distracted by her work, Clarissa barely noticed the doors of the Hall opening, but the loud clatter of armor echoing through the hall was much more difficult to ignore. Clarissa had to stifle a smile, how she hated being cooped up indoors, especially when she had all this work to do. But she had to remain focused...it was her job now.

She looked up from a document submitted by a local merchant requesting marketing rights in Lorient, and saw Evangeline, dressed in PMW colors.

"Yes Evangeline? Does the High Marshal require something?" Clarissa asked, not really wanting to deal with another merchant's request right now.

It seemed to Clarissa that Evangeline was searching for the right thing to say.

"My Queen, would you like to join me for a drink?" Evangeline said, as boldly as possible, but with a lilt of nervousness.

Bold. Unexpected. And unlike Evangeline. Something...someone...was behind this question. Always one to be intrigued, Clarissa slowly shook her head.

"Lady Evangeline, I have so much work to do. Look at this ridiculous amount of paperwork. It could take me hours to get through all of this."

Evangeline looked disappointed, and her head tilted downward, eyes looking down to the floor.

"Then again, I've taken care of anything that was important hours ago. These fat merchants can wait a few days for my decision. It'll be good for them. If you would, allow me 20 minutes while I change out of this...royal garb."

"Thank you my Queen, I will happily wait for you!"

"I do hope you have a quieter place picked out, and hope the company won't be too rowdy for my tastes." As Clarisa turned, she could almost see in Evangeline's eyes the look of surprise.

Clarissa enjoyed doing that so much, make people wonder how she knows what she knows.

Roleplay from Evangeline

The throne room in Partora, the Queen had agreed to Evangeline's suggestion for a drink...

"I do hope you have a quieter place picked out, and hope the company won't be too rowdy for my tastes."

Evangeline blushed profusely, wondering what the Queen had heard.

"My Queen, I can assure you I keep away from Bert's chain of inns named after damaged birds. I've only been to the Maimed Seagul to wish Maelg happy birthday and once to try to wake Magnus & Maelg for battle"

Recalling the event in which Magnus had awoken and tried to kiss her, she shuddered and pushed it out of her mind.

The Queen tilted her head slightly with an amused smile on her face, obviously enjoying watching Evangeline trying to explain herself. Nodding slightly at Evangeline's excuses, Clarissa turned and hurried out to change from her 'royal garb'.

Alone in the throne room, Evangeline relaxed somewhat, slumping and allowing the tension to ease out of her. This was more grueling than battle, she thought to herself as she wracked her brain on where to take the Queen.

Sighing to herself she noticed the empty throne. It was high backed, with purple cushions and she couldn't help but wonder to herself. With little thought she stepped up the small steps leading to ornate chair and adjusting her armour she lowered herself slowly into the throne. Guilty glancing at the doors she made sure no one was watching.

"Off with his head!" she demanded to the empty room. As her voice echoed she began to giggle to herself.

Pulling herself more upright and tilting her chin slightly upwards she began to discuss politics with imaginary people,

"But really Lord Nightmare, the proposal should at least be discussed", and then turning to address another imaginary senator,

"Lady Balkeese, you have an excellent point"

Creasing her face into a scowl Evangeline turned to the currently empty High Marshal's chair,

"][osferatu, I know your position is on the battlefield... but please, for the sake of the rest of the senate, have a bath before you arrive"

continuing to the chair beside his,

"Why Evangeline, you look absolutely radiant today"

Evangeline laughed again to herself, thinking to herself that the throne really wasn't as comfortable as it looked. Wiggling her bottom on the cushion she felt something rumple. Reaching beneath the cushion she felt a book hidden there. Another guilty look around and she pulled it out.

The cover read "PLAYKNIGHT" and it displayed a knight showing off his large knees and brandishing a long sword. The caption on the bottom read "Perdan's bigest collection of Knights with extraordinarily large knees, wielding "MASSIVE" Two-handed 'Swords'!" Blushing slightly, but laughing to herself, Evangeline began to turn the pages.

Flicking through the sketches Evangeline noticed one page had a bit of scribble in the margin. A love heart had been drawn with the initials 'F.C.' scribed in beautiful cursive writing. Suddenly feeling very guilty, Evangeline pushed the book back under the cushion and jumped off throne. She quickly moved back to where she had been waiting for the Queen.