Uceek Family/Evangeline/MagQueen

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Roleplay from Magnus

Message sent to everyone in your realm (133 recipients)

Outside the NOW Royal Tent of Queen Evangelline somewhere in Brive...

The regular evening commotion of an army camp was slowly lulling Queen Evangeline into a familiar sense of relaxation. If since the announcement of the voting results electing her as Queen it could be said she was ever able to truely relax at all. Her relaxed mood may have been the reason that she didnt her the commotion outside her tent until a loud shout of, "SER IM ASKING YOU FOR THE LAST TIME TO HALT, YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SUMMONED AND YOU DONT HAVE AN APPOINTMENT!!!" shook her out of her musings. The voice belonged to Robert the new Captain of her new Royal Guard. Close after his order another familiar voice reached her ears, this one making her smile.


The voice may have made her smile, but the words wiped it quickly from her face as she recognized the tone of Magnus's voice! She began to turn and stide quickly to the door, sounds from outside telling her she would be too late!


Queen Evangeline reached out for the tent flap to open it when it was suddenly pulled back. She stood starring up at the grinning visage of none other than Sir Magnus Solarin! She looked past him and saw Robert and another of her Royal Guard lying on the ground with the other 2 limping off at the best speed they could make. She tried to look stern but she keep fighting the urge not to grin back at the big Viking infront of her. Composing herself she glared at Magnus and in her best Regal tone she asked, "What is the meaning of this Sir Magnus?"

Magnus's grin disappeared and he hiked a thumb over his shoulder at the prostrate guards and said, "Sunny Jim said I needed an appointment, I said I didnt, I'd say my argument was stronger!"

Before the Queen could answer or scold him for his behavior, Magnus quickly removed his helm and dropped to his knees before Evangeline and looked up into her eyes solemly and said, "My Shield Sister, My Lady, My Queen, from this day forth, I pledge my honor as your honor, my AXE as your AXE, my life in your service! Your enemies shall be mine, your whim, my will from this day forth until I breath no more! SO MOTE IT BE!" As he finished his vow, he bowed his head and waited for her response.

Roleplay from Evangeline

Message sent to everyone in your realm (133 recipients)

"My Shield Sister, My Lady, My Queen, from this day forth, I pledge my honor as your honor, my AXE as your AXE, my life in your service! Your enemies shall be mine, your whim, my will from this day forth until I breath no more! SO MOTE IT BE!"

Evangeline looked down at the bowed head of Magnus. Her friend who had initially offended her sensibilities with his brutish behaviour, but whom she had grown to love.

Tugging on his arm she pulled him up, grinning

"Stand up you oaf, now I need 4 new guards. And once they hear that they'll have to deal with your visits they'll be hard to come by"

Magnus looked sheepishly as the guards groans could be heard as they tried to pull themselves up.

"Thankyou for your pledge though," she added.

Softly but with quiet determination she continued,

"Magnus, I pledge to you that my honour, sword and life will be for Perdan. My servitude in this position will know no limit.

My enemies, my whims and my will will be Perdans and no other. Your pledge isn't to me, your pledge is to Perdan and I accept it on Perdan's behalf."

The intensity was broken as Evangeline gestured to Magnus,

"Now come and tell me what you've been doing these past day. You've been strangely quiet and I'm sure you've got plenty of stories to tell"