Uceek Family/Evangeline/Falcion2

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Evangeline hadn't seen Falcion for awhile, but had been told by his lieutenant that he had not been well. He had not been himself. Evangeline was glad to be able to see him on the way back from Troyes.

Roleplay by Evangeline

Looking around at all the freshly errected healers tents in Troyes, Evangeline hated leaving so many wounded friends behind. But she knew there was no other choice. Walking tall, head straight she led her last two men from the field of battle.

As she crested the hill she noticed the renowed swordfighter, Lord Falcion who was famously known for his exceptional skill with two swords. She had asked him once before to walk with her Perdan, although today he seemed to walk with less vigour. His head hung low and he used his swords to randomly slash out at dead bodies.

Allowing herself to break into an easy run she hailed the broody Knight,

"Sir Falcion!! My Lord, please walk with me back to Troyes"

Falcion glanced towards and she thought she saw a glimmer of his old self pass across his face.

"Falcion, your lieutenant told me you have not been yourself lately. Please tell me why your Sword-Dancers have begun to fear their leaders wrath and you rarely speak to anyone anymore."

Falcion continued walking and she fell into step beside him. She wasn't sure if he'd answer her, but she enjoyed being with her old friend anyway.

Roleplay from Falcion

Falcion walked for a few moments then stoped. He was looking in the direction of Perdan. then suddenly he lifted on of his swords and stabed it into a dead body. With anger he turned - "This makes no sen.." -he looked straight at Evangeline as if just noticed her. He looked at her for a moment not really sure what to do - " L..Lady Evangeline, are you..I mean were you watching me all this time?" - he was all red on his face and was ahrdly able to tlak propetly. A silent moment seem to go on forever. Then a sudden painfoul grin showed on his face and he fell on his left knee trying to hold balance with his secon sword. His breath got heavier and he couldn't lift himself...