Uceek Family/Evangeline/Falcion

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Roleplay from Falcion

Near partora gates a little unit was moving into woods. They were silent cloaked in dark green cloackes and light black leather armors. Suddnly they disbanded in diffrent directions without a word. They all meet in one spot in the woods.

- "You know our destination" -whispered one of them, with a hood covering his face making him hard tobe recodnised

All others answered just with some gestures.

- "Good then split and watch each other back"

All of the men left wquickly leaving the one who spoke alone. He then climbed a nearing tree. He stayed there silently then a low sound was heard near, a few soldiers were passing by. Their leader was a woman Falcion saw sometimes near Magnus and Maelg..."what was her name he thought...commander Maelg called here E...Eve or something like that I think...Hmm so that's how this little fireball is leading her men...hope she won't train them like Magnus" -Falcion laughted to himself.

He loked around and decided to went down, he jumped back making a stumping noise. "I'm getting to cautious even at our territory...bad habbit...gotta get rid of it". - he was thinking while standing under the tree. then he catched himself still looking at Evangeline and her troops.

"What are you thinking now Falcion" - he asked himself...

Roleplay by Evangeline

Heading on the road to Perdan...

Evangeline's attention was caught by a rustling in a tree. Looking up she saw a Knight perched on one of the branches. Knights in trees seemed to becoming more common these days - while it used to be more of an infiltrator pastime.

The nimble knight dropped out of the tree with fluid-like grace, landing a few paces from Evangeline. She recognises him instantly as Falcion, the renowned swordfighter who used his twin blades with deadly accuracy. 'Death by Cuisanart' Magnus had nicknamed his style.

"Sir Falcion, it' an honour to finally meet you", she hailed him - admiring his long flowing hair and strong, handsome features.

"I hear we have a common hobby of enjoying duelling Magnus. Would you care to travel with me to Perdan, I could use the company"

Roleplay from Falcion

Falcion was looking at Evangeline for a moment.

- "It would be an honour to acompanny such a lady as yourself" -he bowed - "However I must keep track of my men, it would be disastrous if I would just leave them". He looked at her once more - "Until we meet again" -he bowe again ad departed into the woods quickly dissapearing from the sight.

"What the hell am I doing...but alas..." -his thoughts were wildly hiting him, with images of Fighting, of Perdan of Evangeline all mixing that he almost could not tell wich were true and wich were fake.