Itorunt Informer/September '06

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Alex, come back to us!
The Itorunt Informer
Free, although we like it when you throw money.
Written by Thray Walsh and Ichigo Kurosaki. Alex Exiled will be remembered.
Bringing you the best of the press from Itorunt! September Edition


Region Exchange

Talks are currently going on between Itorunt and Ibladesh concerning the exchange of regions such as Itor Boss and Moyale. Some of these regions once belonged to Ibladesh but were taken by Itorunt and others were promised to Itorunt earlier but were never actually given over. The result of these talks may seriously affect the future of the realms in the south. Nothing has been decided yet.


Dekion's Speech on Peace Talks

In an attempt to keep things in this paper fair, neutral, and balanced, the Itorunt Informer has received a copy of the speech issued to the rulers of the world, sent by King Dekion of Old Rancagua, concerning the current wars on the continent. Though this was some time ago, the full text of the letter follows.

Greetings, I wish to understand what is happening with the peace talks with Perdan. I understand there have been several offers and counter offers for peace, but thus far, nothing has been determined.

I also understand that even as peace talks are happening, Light of Fountain is comtemplating war against Perdan. The only reason I can think of for this is so Fontan can gain back the region of Fontan City, by TO one of Perdan's cities and giving it to LoF.

I also hear rumors of Coimbra, some people say LoF will be the new Coimbra, and yet others say that Coimbra will indeed be a seperate realm unto herself.

Unless Perdan is totally dismantled and all her regions given to LoF and this Coimbra, I cannot see how this will happen.

I applaud Itorunt for her peace with Perdan, and I am really at a loss as to how Ibladesh and Fontan are still at war with Perdan after over one month of "peace" talks. I wonder if everyone involved is just using the cover of "peace" talks to further their own agenda and gain strentgh to make a final assault on Perdan to take the entire realm.

I have questioned the people of my own realm about Coimbra and the vast majority were against this realm being formed again. They feel that it was destroyed once, and once dead, it should stay dead. Of course there are a few that are still interested in the status of such a realm being ressurected.

I have also heard rumors of the nation Old rancagua is at war with, Kalmar Islands, being split into two parts with half the TL's joining one realm, and the former Avamar TL's joining the other part. Lots of things being talked about and planned.

And finally we have the nation of Caligus that is being wiped out by Yssaria and Itorunt at the present moment. King Eleran, what are your plans for Caligus? Total annihilation of the realm? Or will you let them survive with a few regions?

I would like you all to consider what happens when a realm is totally destroyed. When this happens, there are a number of TL's that leave the island, but others that wish to stay. If Caligus and Perdan are destroyed, will the other realms on this island let the former TL's into their realms? Will Fontan let Caligus TL's join their ranks? Will Sirion let Perdan nobles join their realm? Will Ibladesh and Itorunt let TL's join them? For certainly it cannot be expected to have every TL from destroyed realms leave the island totally.

Take a look at the map everyone. There is a limited amount of land out there. Everyone wants a piece of the pie so to speak. Old Rancagua is no different as we have expanded down as far as Poitiers. We have profited by the destruction of Rancagua, we have helped in the destruction of Avamar and Oligarch, and even now we are at war with Kalmar.

However, I would like our war with Kalmar to stay just that, our war. I am not asking for help, I do not want other nations to get involved. I respect Lalakis, for he and I have had many good conversations, unfortunately it seems sometimes we must follow the wills of our peoples, rather then our own. But I promised that if we did go to war, it would be honorable. No infils attacking council members and we would enter through Stora only. Despite what many of you may have heard, I plan on keeping my word in that respect.

SO that brings me back to my original point. Gregor, do you indeed intend to have LoF join your war against Perdan simply to gain back Fontan City? I find it hard to believe that with Sirion helping you, as well as Ibladesh fighting against Perdan in the south, that you need another realm to take on Perdan.

I have tried my best to remain impartial to what is happening on the island. I have tried to remain neutral to what is happening in the south, but I find myself questioning the honor of certain nations towards others, even in time of war.

What is this island coming to?

Sir Dekion King of Old Rancagua

--Guest article by Valdid


We apologize for the delay in articles. With Alex's death, the paper has suffered a great loss, but we will continue to bring you quality articles. Thray and I will do our best to keep the public satisfied. We will be on the lookout for another editor (to any in Itorunt that are willing).

Comments for this month

Ichigo's comments

Let's get our regions back!

Thray's comments

None Yet