Uceek Family/Evangeline/TroyesHealer

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Roleplay from Magnus

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Yesterday evening in the Healers tent on the fields of Troyes......

Magnus had been floating in a large pool of mead! He was happy, naked as his naming day and well and truely drunk. So drunk he couldnt swim, but he didnt drown, didnt even have to struggle because his body was supported by the firm "glistening" limbs of the four"Mead Maidens" in the pool with him! This had to be Valhalla he thought, I've truely passed into Asgard!

The Maidens laughed and twittered with glee as if they had read his mind and looking at one another with mischief, began to walk with Magnus toward the side of the pool. Reaching the side of the pool, the nubile Maids, heaved Magnus upright and leaned him over the edge. Magnus smiled back over his shoulder at them and then looked forward and down over the edge of the pool. He started in horror! They were high above the earth! He started to ask the Maids what was going on, when without any warning but a peal of giggles the nubile nymphs heaved Magnus up and over the pool edge and into the sky!

A scream like he had never uttered in life was ripped away by the rushing wind as Magnus hurtled towards the earth. Down, down, and down the Hero plumeted to what he believed certain death. Close now to Mother Earth he could make out a battle field littered with slain and hale men alike. A large tent rush toward him and as he was about to impact he closed his eyes!

There was no THUMP or the blinding pain Magnus had expected, only darkness and a familiar, lingering pain in his head behind his eyes like the one he always felt after a good game of "Lions" with Maelg. It was dark, till he remembered to open his eyes, but when he did he found himself in a healers tent lying on his back and gazing at a beautiful, if bruised face on the palet next to him. She was gorgeous, her silken hair unbound and in artful disarray upon her pillow. She seemed to be in a happy dream as a small smile turned up the corners of her delicate bow mouth. Her skin "glistened" like the "Mead Maiden" from his dream and at first he thought he was once again in the happy confines of that dream. But then he recognized why the Lady looked so familar, it was Lady Evangeline herself! She too had been wounded and was now sleeping peacefully next to him.

"Well, at least I didnt wake up next to Maelg or that "Silent Rhino" guy after a dream like that!" Magnus said to himself with a shudder. Then Magnus rolled away from Evangeline, in search of another dream

Roleplay from Evangeline

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Evangeline lay on her cot of the healers tent peering up at the roof wondering if the Fontans would ever learn, when she heard a moan from Magnus laying next to her.

Rolling to face him, she saw his arms outstretched and his face beaming in glee, although his eyes were still shut. She thought she heard him mutter something about glistening Mead madidens before he dropped his arms with a groan. Within a few seconds his eyes began to flutter open.

Smiling to herself she quickly shut her eyes pretending to be asleep. She would let him awake completely from his obviously enjoyable dream before she greeted her Shield Brother.

Roleplay from Magnus

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In the tent of the Healers on the fields of Troyes........

Magnus awoke this time from a deep dreamless sleep finding the man inside his head was now just swatting around with a flyswatter instead of pounding with a maul as he had earlier. He stretched, yawned loudly, then suddenly remembering he shared this section of the tent with Lady Evangeline he quieted quickly.

Watching her while rising from his palet, he was again entranced by her beauty even in the quiescent state of repose she was now in. So intent he was on her that till a draft from the door hit him, he didnt realize he was unclothed! Hastily grabing up his coverlet he wrapped it round his waist and draped it over his shoulder. Blen entered about this time and seeing his Lord up and around, smiled and approached whispering, "It is so good to see you recovered M'lord!"

"Blen, are we in a shady spot, seems rather dark in here?" Magnus askes his scribe.

"Why yes Sire, tis a lovely shaded grove in which the Healer tent is pitched." Blen replied.

"Is this a new tent Blen or an old one?" Magnus asked peering around looking for holes in the tent walls.

"I believe it is brand new M'lord, why do you ask?" Blen said looking comfused.

"Blen get my axe! Tell the remaining four mothers son I command to take a side and clear all the trees back a hundred paces at least, I'll help em! Then I want one man to a side stationed to watch for "hole-cutters"!" Magnus said with a grave nod of his head.

"At once M'lord!" A very confused Blen replied as he exited the tent.

"You there!" Magnus said motioning at the healer to approach, "Do you have any beeswax?"

"Why of course M'lord, but why?" The leech asked.

"Take some and put it in yon Ladies ears so that the sound of axes doesnt disturb her slumber! You'd better have a gentle touch and not wake her yourself if you want hands to carry on your trade with too!" Magnus said with an evil grin while fingering his axe. Then turning, he left the tent.

The healer, now a shade of white slightly paler than the starched linen he wore, hurried to comply.